Conservative Groups at the University of Denver Consider Disbanding Due to Persistent Harassment from Other Students
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Conservative Groups at the University of Denver Consider Disbanding Due to Persistent Harassment from Other Students

Conservative Groups at the University of Denver Consider Disbanding Due to Persistent Harassment from Other Students

“Conversations with group members indicate that the liberal environment there has taken a steep toll.”

If these reports are accurate, conservatives are being bullied out of their student groups at the University of Denver.

From the College Fix:

Members of two conservative groups at the University of Denver say their organizations are likely disbanding after investigations by the university and pervasive harassment by fellow students have made the campus a “toxic environment” for their groups.

The school’s chapter of Young Americans for Freedom debated closing at the end of last year, with its members fearful that they would be unable to land jobs after being investigated for “hate speech” and labeled racists and white supremacists in, among other places, the school newspaper. The group remains on campus, but with severely reduced numbers.

The Federalist Society there, meanwhile, has dwindled to a single student, and is set to shut down at the end of the year when the last remaining member graduates. Pervasive bullying and concerns about being called racist induced many of its members to depart this year.

The university’s PR department told The College Fix that “both groups are still active on campus and have events coming up.” But conversations with group members indicate that the liberal environment there has taken a steep toll.

More details here.


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healthguyfsu | May 10, 2018 at 4:14 pm

Sadly, it appears the battle of Denver has been lost but the war is not over.

If it’s true that this can reduce their employment opportunities … can’t say that I blame them for wanting to disband.

OTOH … I want them to fight tooth and nail against the liberals …

Have we reached the point where Conservatives have to meet in secret? What’s next? Will they make Conservative students wear a yellow star?

As our president would say, Sad!

My former sister-in-law is a professor at the University of Denver. She is such an out of touch raging liberal (and in a STEM department) that communicating with her is more difficult than communicating with the dead. Everything is a Leftist caricature with her and her every thought is so uncompromisingly socialist that there is no conversing with her. In fact she is married to one man, but has had a child and is living with another man. Of course, it goes without saying that she views herself as the moral authority and that I am worse than a heathen for being a (gasp!) Christian.

Robert Arvanitis | May 11, 2018 at 7:39 am

Never. Never let the dirigistes and statists win. Take the advice of the otherwise failed community organizer — Punch back twice as hard!

harleycowboy | May 11, 2018 at 11:40 am

Use their own rules against them. Fight back. NEVER GIVE UP.

This is more than sad. The liberal students are dangerously close to being a mob. They are learning how to bully minority opinions. They are getting away with this because the administration & faculty have abdicated any true leadership, and some may actually be whipping up the mob mentality. I am convinced modern universities are all about the money. They cater to their students in order to get their hands on those government guaranteed tuitions, which they spend on admin & faculty salaries. In my view, they are in the main totally corrupt.

Why am I so reminded of Germany in the ’20s and the ’30s.

I don’t know. I always complain to my wife about taking direct action on things like this and she tells me to just give them more rope. More often than not she’s correct.

In this instance, they are driving conservative groups Underground, invisible to the Left and more attractive to moderates as Forbidden Fruit. Rebels meeting in 202 tonight, knock twice beep once for entry.

freeconservativeamerican | May 12, 2018 at 2:24 am

Folks, remember EVERGREEN COLLEGE in Olympia Washington? Well, they just announced enrollment is down and they had to cut $6 million off their budget. So don’t worry, the liberal Universities only hurt themselves. Colleges will continue to lose enrollment. And remember, with Obama’s “everyone is approved for student loans,” and colleges pop’d up everywhere to meet this demand? well, these colleges -expanding across the country over the past decade-are all gonna start to collapse. Especially when people realize they now owe $60,000 to get their “interdisciplinary”, no biological sciences degrees, now make $35,000 per year and Apartment rent is $1200 per month and healthcare is $500 a month, trust me, it’s gonna all fall apart

freeconservativeamerican | May 12, 2018 at 2:24 am

Folks, remember EVERGREEN COLLEGE in Olympia Washington? Well, they just announced enrollment is down and they had to cut $6 million off their budget. So don’t worry, the liberal Universities only hurt themselves. Colleges will continue to lose enrollment. And remember, with Obama’s “everyone is approved for student loans,” and colleges pop’d up everywhere to meet this demand? well, these colleges -expanding across the country over the past decade-are all gonna start to collapse. Especially when people realize they now owe $60,000 to get their “interdisciplinary”, no biological sciences degrees, now make $35,000 per year and Apartment rent is $1200 per month and healthcare is $500 a month, trust me, it’s gonna all fall apart

As an alum of the law school, I want nothing to do with it. I’m not sure why they think they’re doing students a favor by preparing them for SJW jobs on the coasts, where they can’t even afford rent. Legal aid in flyover country pays zip.