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Melania Trump’s Approval Ratings Rise With a Boost From Democrats

Melania Trump’s Approval Ratings Rise With a Boost From Democrats

The poll comes out on the day Melania announced her “Be Best” platform.

I don’t know how anyone could not love First Lady Melania Trump. Stylish. Smart. Graceful. Hands-on mother.

A CNN/SSRS poll has Melania’s approval rating at 57% overall. Her support among Democrats went up by 15% since January. It may go up even more since Melania announced her official platform today, “Be Best.”

Female support for Melania also rose by 13 points, which puts that rating at 54%. From Time:

Some 57% of Americans now think positively of the First Lady, according to the new numbers, marking a 10-point jump from January, while 27% hold an unfavorable opinion of her. Even Democrats, less than a quarter of whom had good things to say about the President’s other half in January, are thinking well of her. According to the new poll, 38% of Democrats and 41% of self-identified liberals, hold favorable views.

A December Gallup poll found that over 54% of Americans viewed the First Lady favorably, including 35% of Democrats. Trump’s favorability is about 15-points ahead of her husband’s approval rating during the week of April 30-May 6, according to Gallup. That distance is in line with the gap that existed between previous first ladies and their spouses, including the ever-popular Laura Bush and Michelle Obama.

A quick analysis of Gallup figures shows that at this point during the Bush and Obama presidential administrations, both Laura Bush and Michelle Obama enjoyed favorability ratings in the high-60s, low-70s.

Both Politico and Time mentioned Melania’s independence, which is what I assumed caused her approval ratings to climb.

First and foremost, Melania is a mother. She has always shown us that her son Barron is her top priority. She chose to stay home through much of the campaign so she could be with Barron, later choosing not to move into the White House until he finished his school year.

Melania doesn’t always accompany President Donald Trump to official events. She’s more of a hands-on first lady, “taking on a broader slate of responsibilities with the help of her East Wing staff.”

With experience in fashion and design, Melania took full responsibility for planning the first state dinner of Trump’s administration when they hosted French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte. Usually, the first ladies had an outside event planning group help out, but Melania did all of it and dang it looked splendid!

Melania announced her platform “Be Best” at a Rose Garden ceremony. Her spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham confirmed to CNN that it won’t be just one issue:

“As has been evidenced by the many events Mrs. Trump has participated in during her time as first lady, her focus will be the overall well-being of children. Something unique though: She has not narrowed her platform down to just one topic as has been done in the past,” Grisham said. “Mrs. Trump wishes to help the next generation by creating change through awareness on a variety of issues that affect children.”

From CNN:

In the video, she said children need kindness, compassion and respect.

“With those values as a solid foundation, our kids will be better equipped to deal with many of the egos in our world today.”

Trump said she received many letters from children who were bullied or attacked on social media.

“I’m here with one goal, helping children and our next generation,” she said. “And I believe that if we all come together, we can start to effect positive change for our children.”

From The Hill:

“I am very excited to announce Be Best, an awareness campaign dedicated to the most valuable and fragile among us — our children,” Trump said. “There is one goal to Be Best — and that is to educate children about the many issues they are facing today.”

Trump said Be Best would have three main areas of focus: well-being, social media use and opioid abuse.

“Let us teach our children the difference between right and wrong, and encourage them to Be Best in their individual paths in life,” Trump said.

“Together, I believe we should strive to provide kids with the tools they need to cultivate their social and emotional health. We can and should teach children the importance of social- and self-awareness, positive relationship skills and responsible decisionmaking,” Trump said Monday.


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Compare to this low-life:

Michelle Obama Calls Herself the ‘Forever First Lady:

Those tolerant and inclusive liberals are on twitter making fun of Melania’s English.
Of course most of those liberals probably never left their hometown as the world is big scary place.

I love Melania’s English. She sounds like a Bond girl. Well, she pretty much is. I can imagine her saying “goodbye, little rocket boy” at precisely the same time as Kim meets a mysterious and unpleasant end.

Unfortunately for that scenario, Trump has been winning so much that such an operation may not be necessary. Trump may be a warmonger so demonically dasrardly, that he kills off the Korean war.
Wars have rights too you know! They’ve been culturally opressed for 400 years!! That’s conceptual racism!

I love Melania’s English. She sounds like a Bond girl. Well, she pretty much is. I can imagine her saying “goodbye, little rocket boy” at precisely the same time as Kim meets a mysterious and unpleasant end.

Unfortunately for that scenario, Trump has been winning so much that such an operation may not be necessary. Trump may be a warmonger so demonically dastarldly that he kills off the Korean war.
Wars have rights too you know! They’ve been culturally opressed for 400 years!! That’s conceptual racism!

She is a breath of fresh air compared to the star wars method actor she replaced last year! Stunningly beautiful and intelligent to boot (not to mention she can speak several different languages).

Unlike Han Solo’s side kick, this women comes across as sincere and honest.

Melania Trump is a delight as First Lady! My sense is that she is VERY serious about the “Be Best” program and that she likes her interactions with children far more than her political interactions as First Lady. She is not working to burnish her own credentials (she already has wealth, a successful business, etc.) nor is she money grubbing. She really wants to help children and find ways to overcome what has been lost over the decades. I admire her.