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Students at College in NYC Demand ‘Persons of Color Only’ Space on Campus

Students at College in NYC Demand ‘Persons of Color Only’ Space on Campus

“not just a space that exists once a week”

Segregation is alive and well in left wing academia. Don’t the students see how this looks?

Campus Reform reported:

Students demand ‘POC-only space’ at NYC university

Students at The New School in New York City are demanding that administrators set aside a space for people of color to “exist without the pressures of white supremacy.”

“Please support students of color @TheNewSchool @EugeneLang for a poc-only space on campus,” one student tweeted on March 27, along with pictures of posters reading, “Claiming Our Space,” and “Support Students of Color Demanding a POC-Only Space.”

“Students of color at The New School deserve a space. And not just a space that exists once a week or whenever our overtly white administration decides they want more diversity favors. We deserve a permanent space,” another student, going by “trashgawdd,” tweeted, urging readers to sign an attached petition.

Titled, “Open Letter for Student of Color-Only Space at The New School,” the petition is sponsored by student leaders from SOC Weekly, Autonomous South Asian Collective, La XENTE, Queer Collective, and the Black Student Union.

According to the petition, administrators at The New School’s Eugene Lang College held a forum Friday “to discuss the coming renovations to Eugene Lang College buildings,” which was attended by a contingent of student activists demanding that the administration “designate space for people of color in the new Lang remodel, as well as make good on their past promises to improve the functionality of the Social Justice Hub for organizing purposes.”


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What about Rachel Dolezal or Sean King….will they be allowed in?

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to herm2416. | April 6, 2018 at 12:47 pm

    The ones making the demand should “keep it real”. Give potential separate space users the paper bag test.

Fine … then students not defined as “Persons of color” are entitled to their own unique “Space” under the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

Frankly … if people want to identify themselves based on color … ask for special treatment based on it when it has no clear link to direct discrimination toward them … then screw ’em. I choose to associate with people who don’t feel entitled based on their self perceptions … and are willing to be out in the world interacting with the rest of us as people … not as classes.

So, once more the lefties want segregation and an approximation of apartheid. If these idiots hate it here so much, I hear that most of central and southern Africa has plenty of room for them.

“Segregation” would be a lounge exclusively for the engineering students, preferably with nasty metal chairs so nobody gets too comfortable and wastes valuable study time.

This is racism.

If this and other similar examples fails to show how racism lives in the minds of black people and pretty much no where else in America, then I don’t know what does. Perhaps if so many in the black community would stop fighting against racism that largely doesn’t exist, then we could all get along a bit better.

Everything old is new again.

What is the opposite of diversity? University.

    lc in reply to geoih. | April 6, 2018 at 8:47 am

    Love that! University!
    Yes, and what happened to E Pluribus Unum?

      pilgrim1949 in reply to lc. | April 6, 2018 at 9:16 am

      You mean what that great Constitutional scholar Al Gore said it means?

      From the one, many.

      Yeah, that must be it….

      Used to be that universities place where one could explore and evaluate a multitude of topics and viewpoints and develop critical thinking skills by which to evaluate them. Now they’re just strident Liberal indoctrination centers.

      Lock step, goose step and out of step..

The Friendly Grizzly | April 6, 2018 at 8:49 am

It’s not segregation when colored people persons of color demand it. It’s “our own space”.

    Since color is a continuous variable (matter of degree) unlike male/female (oh, wait…wrong example), who decides when a person is “colored” enough? Perhaps the classification is based on political utility?

People of color want their own separate space. Do they want it to be equal to the space for people of white?

You know, separate but equal?

pilgrim1949 | April 6, 2018 at 9:18 am

Just the kind of thing MLK, Jr., and plenty of others fought, bled and died to achieve.


His spinning in his grave must be breaking world record RPMs by now.

    Walker Evans in reply to pilgrim1949. | April 7, 2018 at 5:38 pm

    And these are the sons and daughters of the people that I went to jail for in ’65? Was all of the effort to eliminate discrimination based on percentage of melanin successful, only to have those we thought we were helping turn into nothing more than a black KKK?

    That may not be the case, but it surely feels that way when those we fought for are now demanding the right to be segregated!

I think George Corley Wallace has been reincarnated, and in his new incarnation, he is more wise, sly, and sneaky than before. He is acting like a left-wing member of the PC Police, and going around to colleges to re-introduce segregation. Except this time, he has co-opted the minorities into thinking that segregation is good for them, and gotten them to request it.

We should remember that Democrats are the ones who always supported segregation in the South, so it makes sense that Democrats and the left-wing are the ones who still support it.

    TX-rifraph in reply to OldProf2. | April 6, 2018 at 4:43 pm

    I was just thinking that. I am old enough to remember George and the KKK and other Dems in the South. This sounds just like the old Dems except “whites only” is now “colored only” or whatever. Racism is an inherent evil but it is only a tool to a Democrat where it is good or bad depending on who is the racist.

harleycowboy | April 7, 2018 at 8:55 am

“We deserve a permanent space,”
So you support segregation?