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College Republicans at Rutgers Call Out Double Standard on Hillary Visit

College Republicans at Rutgers Call Out Double Standard on Hillary Visit

“exempting Hillary Clinton from the protests that greeted Condoleezza Rice”

When Condoleezza Rice visited the campus, there were protests. Hillary? Well, that’s completely different.

Campus Reform reports:

Rutgers Republicans: Clinton invite reveals double standard

The Rutgers University College Republicans are accusing liberal students and professors of hypocrisy for exempting Hillary Clinton from the protests that greeted Condoleezza Rice.

When Rice, the first black female Secretary of State, spoke at Rutgers’ 2014 commencement and received an honorary degree, students and faculty offered strong resistance, citing her support for the Iraq War and involvement in a presidential administration that “utilized torture,” according to a CR press release that was provided to Campus Reform.

The College Republicans attached several faculty emails from 2014 encouraging students to protest Rice and attend a “teach-in,” as well as a poster juxtaposing Rice with images of torture and the coffins of American servicemen. Although many student organizations expressed support for Rice, she eventually backed out of the invitation.

Yet the CRs point out that Clinton—who held the same post in the Obama Administration as Rice did under George W. Bush—is susceptible to the same criticisms that the Rutgers community cited as objections to Rice.

As a Senator from New York, Clinton voted for the resolution authorizing use of military force against Iraq, and as Secretary of State, she participated in an administration that also received criticism for its use of torture techniques.

According to a Rutgers press release, Clinton will speak on “American democracy and its institutions, her political career, and her role in the women’s political movement.”


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Don’t the College Republicans at Rutgers know the answer? If the campus leftists didn’t have double standards they’d have none at all.