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North Korea’s Supreme Leader Makes Surprise Visit to China

North Korea’s Supreme Leader Makes Surprise Visit to China

The era of Chinese strategic patience with North Korea is over.

Given the copious amounts of Stormy Daniels news published by American media, it is not surprising that a potentially intriguing development has almost flown completely under its radar.

It appears that the Supreme Leader of North Korea has made an unexpected visit to China, arriving in Beijing by train Monday.

Kim Jong Un made a surprise visit to Beijing on his first known trip outside North Korea since taking power in 2011, three people with knowledge of the visit said.

Further details of his trip, including how long Kim would stay and who he would meet, were not immediately available. The people asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the information.

…The unannounced visit is the latest in series of diplomatic power plays in Asia as U.S. President Donald Trump’s battle to lower the U.S. trade deficit becomes entangled with his effort to get Kim to give up his nuclear weapons. Chinese President Xi Jinping has found himself preparing for a trade war with Trump even after supporting progressive rounds of United Nations sanctions against the Kim regime.

The Japanese press noted the special transportation arrangements associated with this high-level visit.

On Sunday, a special train that may have carried the official passed through the Chinese border city of Dandong, the sources said.

…In Beijing, a car with a diplomatic license plate of the North Korean Embassy was spotted Monday at the Great Hall of the People, a state building used for activities by the government and the Communist Party of China.

Severe traffic regulations were enforced in Beijing on Monday.

Hotels around the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge linking Dandong with the North Korean town of Sinuiju have suspended reservations for rooms facing the North Korean side since Sunday, in an apparent move to prevent the train from being watched.

There is much speculation about the reason for this meeting.

…[S]ources close to the matter said the visit of the official was intended to improve ties between Beijing and Pyongyang that have been frayed by North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and China’s backing of tough sanctions against North Korea at the United Nations Security Council.

Speaking of that “trade war”…it appears to be off at the moment, with stocks rebounding accordingly.

I assert that Kim Jong Un is going to be treated to the Chinese version of the “New World Oder”, which does not include North Korea’s lobbying ICBM’s toward valued Chinese trade partners.

I also believe that China now senses it can no longer use North Korean crazy against the United States effectively, so a united and economically healthy Korea might now be in its strategic interest.

In other words, the era of Chinese strategic patience with North Korea is over.


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Or, maybe Kim just decided to go out for Chinese!

4th armored div | March 27, 2018 at 9:13 am

Looks like the weather is not so ‘stormy’ after all.

4th armored div | March 27, 2018 at 9:17 am

do you think that the Real Politic of POTUS DJT will affect the Muller Inquisition ?

are there ANY patriots left on the Left ?

From a Chinese viewpoint, the likelihood that North and South Korea might reach some sort of accommodation on trade and military issues threatens to complicate their own strategic problems. Xi needs to assure himself that Kim doesn’t get a peace treaty with Moon and Trump that infringes Chinese interests.

“are there ANY patriots left on the Left?”

The term “patriot” is now problematic. Something something hegemonic something oppressive colonial something. Please report yourself to the nearest Indoc Center.

(does that answer your question?)

I assert that Kim Jong Un is going to be treated to the Chinese version of the “New World Oder”, which does not include North Korea’s lobbying ICBM’s toward valued Chinese trade partners.

TY Leslie… this..

On an admittedly superficial level, I am amazed that Kim Jun Un seems to be swelling on a monthly basis. I have heard there is a food shortage in his country. I must be mistaken.

The Pudge took a train to meet with Xi? Was the kingdom’s finest donkey cart unavailable?

There must be a woodshed in Bejing . . .

This theater act has everything to do with the trade war.

Trump has destroyed their playbook, now they are regrouping.

To early to tell exactly what this means. But, it would not serve the Chinese to have Kim suddenly go rogue again, after returning from China.

Humphrey's Executor | March 27, 2018 at 12:23 pm

On its face it appears Kim is secure enough in his position to leave home without fear of any Shenanigans. Too bad if that’s the case.

Funny the last Korean Leader to ride that train to China was almost killed on his return from China.

Of course, it was not an assassination attempt.

Close The Fed | March 27, 2018 at 2:21 pm

I must say, Trump is outdoing all the presidents since Bush I, at least, and certainly better than Carter, Ford and Nixon.

Very poor competition. He’s showing us what a “C” president should look like.

Now, if we could just get an “A.”

Henry Hawkins | March 27, 2018 at 7:51 pm

Might well be a Potemkin train, full of doubles, but no Kim.