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Obama 4.0

Obama 4.0

I don’t normally run bumper stickers not actually seen on a car, but a reader created this one and I like it so much, I’ll make an exception to the rule.

From reader Andy:


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Good, Andy!

BannedbytheGuardian | June 1, 2012 at 7:42 am

There is no certainty that gas prices won’t be $4.00 if Romney wins. 2013 will be no walk in the park .

Therefore I think this will come back to bite. . Why open yourselves up to future mocking?

Putin -who took Russia from beggar to lender on the back of energy trading states that a reasonable price for oil is $90 . Give or take the dollar’s high or low value $4.00 is not out of range for a low dollar.

VetHusbandFather | June 1, 2012 at 10:05 am

The funny part is I’d be happy with $4.00 gas out here in Washington State right now. That would be a savings of .40 a gallon! Meanwhile crude is at a 7 month low…

LukeHandCool | June 1, 2012 at 11:26 am

Nice, Andy!!

I agree with VetHusbandFather … $4.00 a gallon would be a steal right now in L.A.

It the start of Recovery Summer 2.0?

Choom Banger Barack to Secretary of Propaganda Axelrod: Tell our Media friends to hype these employment numbers as a Koch Bros Racist Conspiracy with US Employers.

Except it’ll be 50 cent gas, probably, before the year is out. This is mirroring 2008. I’ve been stunned by the 10-year-bond’s action in the last week. It’s bad. At first I thought we might be in a yawning “Sell in May and go away,” but now I think it’s more like “Sell in May and run away!”

I made a bumper sticker today: “The Economy: Gone to Pot.” (With the “O” in the word Pot, which is itself a double entendre for Mr. Choom Gang.