Two Universities in Florida Have Recently Embraced Campus Carry Policies
“comprehensive firearm safety and proficiency training”

Hopefully, this is the beginning of a trend. Potential shooters might think twice if they don’t know who around them might also be armed.
Campus Reform reports:
Growing FL initiative lets college staffers carry on campus
Two Florida universities have now joined a voluntary program that would make it possible for trained staff to carry firearms on campus.
According to FOX 13, Webber International University announced its partnership with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office last week, a move that would expand the experimental Sentinel Program that was first implemented in the summer of 2017.
The latest move makes Webber only the second school in Florida to implement the program after Southeastern University announced its participation in the police initiative last year.
According to the project’s description, those who wish to participate in the Sentinel Program “will be given 100 hours of comprehensive firearm safety and proficiency training for the purpose of providing security on campus during an active assailant incident.”
Since Florida does not allow anyone to carry firearms on campus with the exception of law enforcement officials, the participants will be given a rank of volunteer “Special Deputies,” and will have “no authority to act in any law enforcement capacity outside of an active assailant incident on campus.”
“We’re gonna send the message to those people that you’re not coming onto a campus being the only person on the campus with a firearm,” said Sheriff Grady Judd, as reported by FOX 13. “Gun control is clearly in place on school campuses in the state of Florida. How did that work last week in Broward County?”

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If they were really embracing campus carry they wouldn’t keep trying to block efforts to make campus carry legal for licensees.
These universities are not embracing “campus carry”. Instead they are refusing to ban the carrying of weapons on campus by some individuals. The base case is that in most of the nation the default is concealed carry and it is the university that denies everyone that right who is the outlier. Please stop with the verbiage suggesting that by allowing concealed carry on campus that these universities are allowing students to have a right not available anywhere else. This is akin to arguing how great universities are for having designated free speech zone established on campus. Bleech!