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CNN cameraman hides in bushes to film Trump golfing

CNN cameraman hides in bushes to film Trump golfing


CNN is becoming self-parody.


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Self respect is a foreign concept for CNN hacks

Where was the Secret Service?

buckeyeminuteman | December 28, 2017 at 8:15 am

The President is golfing while on his Christmas vacation on property that he owns! OMG, doesn’t he have more important things to do like run the country instead of golfing??!! Wait, I thought we didn’t want him to run the country…

    pilgrim1949 in reply to buckeyeminuteman. | December 28, 2017 at 12:28 pm

    Good thing the previous 8 years of Ozymandias-on-the-Potomac showed us the proper gravitas that befits the POTUS by not frivolously spending time golfing…


    ….never mind.

So … how many scoops of ice cream were involved?

Inquiring Minds want to know.

New candidate for the “CNN Bravery On The Frontlines Journalistic Hero” award.

Wow. Rambo with a camera indeed….

Eat your heart out, Dan Rather.