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Scarborough: “Chilling” that “so many Americans” voted for Trump

Scarborough: “Chilling” that “so many Americans” voted for Trump

Warned you: “watch out, America, watch out Republicans, you better not do this”

Looks like Joe Scarborough might be getting bored with attacking Donald Trump. So now he’s turning on the people who put Trump into office.

On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough cited comments made by James Clapper after Trump’s remarks in Phoenix last night, and by Michael Hayden in 2016, questioning Trump’s fitness for office, specifically with regard to the potential use of nuclear weapons. Joe then referenced a statement made by Mika Brzezinksi prior to the election in which she warned Americans against voting for Trump.


“Mika was saying [prior to the election] watch out, America, watch out Republicans, you better not do this, is this what you really want to do? I guess what’s chilling is that enough Americans did want that [what Trump represented.] They don’t care! We keep talking about Trump. I’m sorry, we’re going to have to take a much longer look, after all this comes to an end, at what led so many Americans to support a man so clearly—professionals in the military and intelligence—suggest maybe unbalanced and unfit to have the nuclear codes with him?”

Yes, it’s obviously puzzling to Scarborough and the MSM at large that the American people don’t take their voting instructions from those non-partisan purveyors of the unvarnished truth.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: What James clapper said in August 2017 was identical to what Michael Hayden warned about in August of 2016. And you know, you can go back and look at the transcripts. Mika was saying [prior to the election] watch out, America, watch out Republicans, you better not do this, is this what you really want to do? I guess what’s chilling is that enough Americans did want that. They don’t care!

We keep talking about Trump. I’m sorry, we’re going to have to take a much longer look, after all this comes to an end, at what led so many Americans to support a man so clearly—professionals in the military and intelligence—suggest maybe unbalanced and unfit to have the nuclear codes with him?”

Note: Criticizing Trump supporters seems to be an MSM theme of the day. Over at CNN this morning, David Gregory described Trump’s base as “an angry band of people.”


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After last night’s rally is there any reason not to be afraid………..very afraid of the mad man who is the president.

    Milhouse in reply to Lee Jan. | August 23, 2017 at 9:19 am

    What happened last night that should make anyone afraid who wasn’t before?

    People should be afraid of him, but perhaps not as much as they would have been of the Wicked Witch of the West, had she been elected.

    Tom Servo in reply to Lee Jan. | August 23, 2017 at 9:24 am

    Better watch out Jan, with the name Lee you can be sure that Antifa is going to come after you. Triggering and all that, you know.

    They already got ESPN to dump that poor asian announcer just because his first name was Robert.

      Old0311 in reply to Tom Servo. | August 23, 2017 at 9:42 am

      Robert E. Lee was Asian woman. sHe had one of the first eye jobs in history and that set off a big demand for plastic surgery. Started the industry actually. Then there was the chicken. Who has never enjoyed a serving of Gen. Lee’s Chicken. It is extremely popular in southern China where his family came from.

    Immolate in reply to Lee Jan. | August 23, 2017 at 9:39 am

    If you’re worried about getting pegged in the jewels by a tear-gas canister or rubber bullet, you should just avoid riots altogether. But hey, that was the Phoenix police, not President Trump, so no fear (of the president) required.

    moonmoth in reply to Lee Jan. | August 23, 2017 at 10:03 am

    Lee Jan: For at least the last 70 years, there’s been good reason to be afraid … very afraid … of the whole government. You must not have gotten the memo.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Lee Jan. | August 23, 2017 at 10:25 am

    Yawn. Can you send in the next troll, please? One even slightly entertaining? kthxbye

James_teh_2nd | August 23, 2017 at 9:29 am

:… “an angry band of people.”

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers deplorables.

Given the stellar perform ace of the intelligence professionals over the last 20 years why give merit to the assessments of two clearly compromised people.

Pelosi Schmelosi | August 23, 2017 at 10:38 am

What’s really “chilling” is that people actually watch your stupid show ya dope.

I didn’t vote for Trump and have never been a fan. Last’s nights speech was pretty much a rehash of things he’s said before. Nothing nutty or crazy that I could see. Standard Trump.

The insanity came from the lunatics in the media that lose their minds every time Trump opens his mouth.

I even liked and agreed with him when he said:

“If you wanted to discover the source of the division in our country, look no further than the fake news and the crooked media,” Trump said to a raucous crowd of supporters in an arena in Phoenix.

“It’s time to expose the crooked media deceptions and to challenge the media for their role in fomenting divisions and yes, by the way, they are trying to take away our history and our heritage. ”

Decent people can, and do, disagree about politics and that should be fine without media nitwits like Joe and Mika attacking them. This is NOT a smart move by media.

What’s really, REALLY chilling is that our primary system produced two such unfit people.

It’s appalling.

    kenoshamarge in reply to Ragspierre. | August 23, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    To me it isn’t so much that we produced two people like Trump and Hillary – it’s that they rose so high.

    But given the choice, and much as I don’t like Trump, I prefer him to her.

    If media does nothing else they prove me right in that. I simply could not have endured another 8 years of media butt-kissers.

    Mac45 in reply to Ragspierre. | August 23, 2017 at 1:09 pm

    What? The primary system worked just fine, on the Republican side. On the Dem side it was transparently rigged to deny anyone, other than the Establishment candidate, the nomination.

    Look, Trump ran against sixteen other primary challengers, all of whom were establishment candidates. Even Ted Cruz has traditionally been part of the Establishment. But Cruz is very smart. He recognized the building anti-Establishment feeling within the electorate and, looking out for his future political career, he tried to position himself as being anti-establishment, though his supposedly anti-Establishment positions and actions proved largely ineffective. The rest of the field were simply cookie cutter Establishment politicians. Along comes Trump. He runs on a Cruz platform on steroids. He is a total political outsider. He was already immensely rich and not from financial investment, but from real property. He was the perfect thumb in the eye of the Establishment. And that was the message. Start meeting our wants, needs and desires or we will replace you with more Trumps. Then the vulgar populous, totally forgetting their place as envisioned by the elitist Establishment, elected Trump. It never mattered whether Trump was successful or not. As long ha tries to deliver anyone who blocks him will end up being tarred as against the people of this country and will likely be out of a job.

    The vulgar populous has been watching “fit” people being elected to political office and, at the same time, watching there jobs dry up, their savings dwindle, their medical insurance becoming unaffordable and their prospect diminish. They figured it was worth the risk to elect Trump to send a very sincere message.

    iconotastic in reply to Ragspierre. | August 23, 2017 at 10:42 pm

    I don’t know who on the D side could have run and been less of a progressive totalitarian though. Afaik Clinton only had two challengers–the national socialist and former progressive governor of Maryland (a state that has never produced a president). I suppose the next D candidate will be the new senator from California since she is a solid member in three identity groups: black, female, and progressive.

    Any number of R candidates could have stolen Trump’s thunder by echoing or enhancing the illegal alien message, but none would do that. That is how the GOP got Trump imho. After McCain and Romney the establishment GOP had zero credibility.

      Ragspierre in reply to iconotastic. | August 24, 2017 at 10:40 am


      What was Romney’s position on immigration during his run?

      What was T-rump’s position on Romney’s immigration policy?

      (Hint: it was not “I don’t believe him”.) Look it up.

I’m not a big fan of Trump, and while a conservative, I would’ve preferred to have had Cruz or someone else as my candidate (and then President). However, I tip my hat to Trump for making Fattie Kim of Pyongyang back down, and letting him know that we’d rather his starving peasants come to the realization that a Communist cadre might be more nourishing than their own bony children than buckle in to his blackmail whenever his country is suffering. Further, the biggest crime or misdemeanor I see Trump committing is proving a lot of political scientists, journalists, and suchlike wrong; while at the same time, Shrillary Shrooooo’s carelessness about classified material was serious.

Trump is not the danger. He is pretty much doing exactly what he was elected to do, by a plurality of the people. He gets some bad advice from time to time, especially in the area of foreign affairs, but his actions are not dangerous to the common people in America.

He IS dangerous to the elitist Establishment. His actions, in better the lot of the average American, is likely to cost the Establishment trillions of dollars, during his Presidency. He is dangerous to foreign economic interests, such as China.

The NK situation was directly orchestrated, by the Chinese, to pressure/distract the Trump administration from pursuing trade actions against China. When Trump would not back down, as other Presidents had, they Chines stopped the NK operation before it led to a shooting war next door.

Trump is only dangerous to the enemies of the American people.

Be afraid, Joe. Be veerrrrry afraid!

Be afraid Joe of pitchforks, tar and feathers Joe. The gig is up President Trump has pulled back the curtain.

It’s chilling that so many people listen to that politician quitter Joe Scarborough

The question that needs tan answer is how the Progressive Fascists could choose Corrupt Lying Hillary the Betrayer as their candidate for President? Lying over and over is fine for their candidates? Selling the favors of their offices for hundreds of millions in contributions to their slush fund an millions for their pockets if OK? Betraying the country by mishandling classified info in their attempt to conceal their corruption is acceptable? Hillary should have been sent to prison not nominated for President.