A deranged professor killed several fellow professors. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there was no connection.
A census worker was killed under mysterious circumstances. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there was no connection.
A disgruntled pseudo-marxist tax protester flew a kamikaze mission into an IRS building. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there was no connection.
A cougar psycho-lobbyist (for a domestic violence organization, no less) killed her husband.
Wait for it.
Paul Krugman and Frank Rich are in a race to see who can make the connection first, so that TPM and LGF don’t beat them to it.
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some Krugman footprints: http://www.poorandstupid.com/2003_10_19_chronArchive.asp#106680887524233955
Added a link to your post from We The People – Divide and conquer
well, since we all know that the Tea Parties are white only racist get together's, it's going to be hard to link her, since, in the video, she appears to be black: http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpp/news/Police%3A-Shooting-Leaves-Man-Dead-030210#viewSingle93543077
Sounds like a "coffee party" member to me.
The Lefty Media could pull their heads out of their collective arses and start reporting on the big news about Democrats in the last 24 hours:
1) Gov. Paterson of NY facing calls for his resignation due to ethics violations.
2) Dem Rep. Charlie Rangle stepping down from his post after calls for his resignation due to ethics violations.
3) Dem Rep. Massa (NY) announcing his retirement after it comes to light he may have been sexually harassing a boy.
4) Dem Mayor Gary Becker also busted for pot while house being searched in relation to his arrest over soliciting a minor and possession of child pornography.
5) Dem Rep. Pete Stark forced to hand over gavel to Ways and Means Committee after only a few hours because of outrageous behavior.
I agree with "Ms" and say that she is most likely a card carrying member of Park's "coffee party" 🙂