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Branco Cartoon – Conspiracy

Branco Cartoon – Conspiracy

Not a Theory

For more A.F. Branco cartoons at Legal Insurrection click here.


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RINOs….hee, hee. That was clear enough from the health insurance vote.

The_Donald is of the same opinion. They focused on CNN, today.

CNN finds out they lost the MEME war: A Hitler parody/CNN reality clip unlike any other Downfall clip you’ve ever seen.Revoke CNN ⚠️ (
submitted 7 hours ago by MAGARULER

There are a zillion of these clips floating around. This one pays homage to our cartoonists. They do learn fast.

    amwick in reply to Valerie. | July 27, 2017 at 7:33 am

    This has got to be in the top 10….. Love the shadow Obama. My question is who or what is shedding light on them from above????

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Valerie. | July 27, 2017 at 10:25 am

    RE: “RINOs….hee, hee. That was clear enough from the health insurance vote.”

    Have you heard?

    RINOS are on the endangered species list……

Of course if there was such a thing as journalism any more all this would be out in the open.

Instead what we have is the mfm acting as nothing more than the swamps official propaganda arm.

Nailed it, Mr. Branco.
