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Mika on Trump: “Terrible Thing to Question Someone’s Patriotism, But…”

Mika on Trump: “Terrible Thing to Question Someone’s Patriotism, But…”

“I haven’t seen it.”

On today’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski said of President Trump: “I know it is a terrible thing to question someone’s patriotism. But you wonder what he cares about. You really do. I do.”

A bit later, Mika later expanded on her thought: “You watch a lot of presidents who may be even seen in history now as great presidents. You see the job really sweeping over them, and them rising up to the moment, getting a sense of history, of the sacrifices that so many Americans have made, of our veterans, to be inspired, to perhaps really dig deep and be driven by patriotism. I, I haven’t seen it. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Note: Later, Joe Scarborough, claiming reluctance, made a not-so-veiled reference to rumors about the Trump/Melania marriage.

Scarborough: “He goes down to Washington, DC. He is inside the White House. He is isolated. His family is still up in New York. And, you know, I don’t want to go too deep into what everybody’s been talking about, but obviously he seems at this point to be isolated from his, his wife [pause] and his family. They’re still in New York. And if ever a president has been isolated, personally, it is Donald Trump inside the White House. That has to have an impact on this man.”

A recent Vanity Fair article alleges tension in the Trump marriage. The press has also made much of the hand-swatting incident.


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Don’t think it bothers you one bit Mika. One the other hand anything negative about your Lord and God — Barack Obama.

Hmm, they are the ones who are isolated. It was announced early in May that Barron will be attending a school in Potomac MD.

I guess they don’t read that much or watch anything on cable.

Thanks for the daily glimpse into the void that is Morning Bozos.

“I know it is a terrible thing to question someone’s patriotism. But when it comes to Republicans all niceties are off. And this Trump guy? What a nut job, huh?”

Pelosi Schmelosi | May 24, 2017 at 3:16 pm

Look I know it’s a terrible thing to question anothers “patriotism”, but I’m gonna question both Mika and Morning Doh’s after constantly reading their drivel on these pages.
I’ll take it a step further…I outwardly question their sanity..


Scarborough’s and Mika’s hatred of Trump goes beyond political – it’s personal. Something had to have happened when they went down to Mar-a-Lago for New Years Eve but didn’t stay for the party. I’ve joked that they found out they weren’t there as guests but servers – but something happened there or shortly after.

Mika, we don’t question your patriotism: we know you hate America.

inspectorudy | May 24, 2017 at 4:39 pm

I think that we may have reached the bottom of TV with these two. It doesn’t seem possible that a TV program with people being paid to be there are this ignorant or thoughtless. My God! Just think about it. Someone is paying them to be there!

It’s the CTE talking.

Oh, I don’t know about that, Mika. I question yours on a regular basis. Bet you won’t lose any sleep doing it to DJT.

Sam in Texas | May 24, 2017 at 4:59 pm

Re the socalled handswatting incident. It looked to me that both Trump and Melania were walking along with normal arm motions. Then he reached his arm back towards her, and she reached her arm towards him, they touched, then they resumed normal walking arm motions. I think people taking drugs have far too much time on their hands.

Oh my God! – ENOUGH of headlines and press photo these two morons!

Mark, there’s so much else to focus on and so much hidden news to disseminate. Please!

Rule of thumb:

Everything before the “but” is bullshit.

One of the longer sentences I’ve seen Mika put together.

What’s with Joe’s hair. He looks like he just stepped out of a dust storm.

kenoshamarge | May 25, 2017 at 9:05 am

If nitwit Mika thinks questioning someone’s patriotism is a “terrible” thing to do, why does she do it? Does she often do terrible things?

Most decent people, and I happily exclude her from that group, strive to NOT do terrible things.

Another Voice | May 25, 2017 at 12:32 pm

The only “but” which Mika attempts to make talking points on are the the “butts” which she makes her talking points through.

I hear those two luminaries are going to tie the knot?
All I can say is: May you two live happily eve after. You surely are deserving each other.