Not everyone will enjoy a beach-front property in Hawaii… paradise.
That said, Obama’s legacy is secure in progressive debt, but his principal contribution was in forcing CAIR (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform) in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Ukraine, etc., which combined with his Pro-Choice quasi-religion (e.g. redistributive change, [class] diversity, abortion rites) creates an irreconcilable and progressive conflict of interest.
Moral, natural, and personal imperatives. Go forth and reconcile.
Spot. On.
Not everyone will enjoy a beach-front property in Hawaii… paradise.
That said, Obama’s legacy is secure in progressive debt, but his principal contribution was in forcing CAIR (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform) in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Ukraine, etc., which combined with his Pro-Choice quasi-religion (e.g. redistributive change, [class] diversity, abortion rites) creates an irreconcilable and progressive conflict of interest.
Moral, natural, and personal imperatives. Go forth and reconcile.
I was going to correct your spelling on rites, then I realized you were correct.
Their God has fallen