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Dartmouth Study: Democrats Are the Least Tolerant Students on Campus

Dartmouth Study: Democrats Are the Least Tolerant Students on Campus


This doesn’t fit the left’s preferred narrative so you probably won’t see it reported by the media.

The Federalist reports:

Dartmouth Study Finds Democrats Are The Least Tolerant Students On Campus

A new survey of students at Dartmouth College found that those who identified as Democrats are the least tolerant on campus.

In the campus-wide field survey, students of all political stripes were asked how comfortable they would be about living with a roommate who holds opposing political views. Of the 432 students surveyed, only 39 percent of students who identified as Democrats said they would feel comfortable living with a Republican, 16 percent said they felt neutral about the proposed arrangement, while 45 percent, a plurality, said they felt uncomfortable.

A majority of students who identified as Republicans (69 percent) said they were comfortable living with someone of opposing political views, 19 percent said they felt neutral about it, and only 12 percent said they felt uncomfortable. Among Independent students, 61 percent said they felt comfortable living with someone with opposite views, 22 percent were neutral about it, and 16 percent were uncomfortable.


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Seriously, it took a “Study” for them to figure this out? Most people pick up on it in 5 minutes of conversation.

As a Conservative Republican, I would be neutral to uncomfortable, depending on how the roommate behaves.

Wrathchilde | May 1, 2017 at 4:22 am

Dartmouth Study Finds Democrats Are The Least Tolerant Students On Campus – Also – Water is wet! Fire is hot!