Conservative Students Say They’ve Been Threatened With Violence at St. Olaf College
A Christian school? Really?
There’s no “safe space” for students who vote Republican at this school. Progressive students will be the first to play victim, when they’re not intimidating those who disagree with them.
The College Fix reported:
Conservative students say they have been ‘violently threatened’ at Lutheran college
Four in five students at St. Olaf College, a Lutheran liberal arts school, voted for the Clinton/Kaine ticket in 2016, while Trump/Pence drew 1 in 10 and Johnson/Weld 1 in 20.
But it’s not only that feeling of marginalization that has led conservative students to stay in the closet at the Minnesota school known for its music program, according to student newspaper Manitou Messenger:
Of the 12 students interviewed by the Manitou Messenger, several have been violently threatened because of their political beliefs, and almost all of them feel as though they can’t speak up about politics on campus – in class, online or with their friends. …
On the night of the election, a student in the Pause threatened to beat up [College Republicans President Emily] Schaller, calling her a “f***ing moron.” Over the next couple of days, she overheard multiple students threaten to hurt the next conservative or Republican they saw. Vice President of St. Olaf College Republicans Kathryn Hinderaker ’19 had a similar experience.
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Too much lutefisk will do that.
St. Olaf is an excellent college. Too bad the left wing is working to ruin it. Hopefully the administration will understand the need for some limit-setting.
I wonder if the school is even aware of the scandal and the school’s abysmal response?
Advice to the conservative student: don’t start anything, but make VERY sure you finish it. Hard.