Lugar “effort to demonize his opponent Richard Mourdock”
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Lugar “effort to demonize his opponent Richard Mourdock”

Lugar “effort to demonize his opponent Richard Mourdock”

Richard Lugar’s time in the Senate may be up.

A variety of groups are working to defeat Lugar.  The NRA (which gives Lugar an “F” rating), the Club for Growth, and Freedom Works are working to help Richard Mourdock overcome Lugar’s big money advantage.

Notice how Lugar is hitting back with ads attacking Mourdock personally, not Mourdock’s positions or experience.  The news anchor in the clip above correctly termed it an “effort to demonize” Mourdock. [Note: video above was subject of TV news report from which the quote in the post title comes, but I’ve lost the link.]

[Okay, found it, here’s the video]

Lugar has become a caricature of someone who has been in the Senate for too long.

With polling showing an even race among Republican voters, Lugar’s best chance is to get Democrats to vote in the Republican open primary.

Their first televised debate is Wednesday night at 7 p.m.

We can’t let Democrats send Lugar back to the Senate.

You can support Mourdock here, and more information and links are on the Focus page.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Dick, no need to shop for that new prop home in Indiana.

Spend your time looking for the place in Florida. The retirement home. Some real bargains there, I hear.

Mourdock looks like a solid candidate; it shows how worried Lugar is that he’s running such pathetically desperate ads.

Well. (As Jack Benny used to say.)

Having seen the Lugar ad…what a steaming pile of crap!

I mean…NOTHING but rank ad homina-homina-homina.

Well, the Democrats couldn’t keep Arlen Specter in the Senate, nor could they keep Joe Lieberman out. There may be something to this voting thing, after all.

Now Professor, just let us know if Bob Kerry rents an address in Nebraska…

To elevate somewhat, the following quote has been stuck on a ratty little piece of paper beside my desk for years. I now think of you (and so many others) every time I read it, anymore; you’re the physical therapist helping us with our gait.

“Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after; so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale has had its effect.” Jonathan Swift

Thank you. Go home, Dick Lugar.

stevewhitemd | April 10, 2012 at 4:40 pm

Really is time for Senator Lugar to retire. It would have been better if he had announced a retirement six months ago; he could have gone out with his head high (many of us would have withheld our snickering, honest, really), and the Indiana Pubs could have spent the time deciding whether Mourdock or another conservative would be the best flag-bearer for the fall.

But Lugar didn’t do that, and so now he has to be primaried out. It’s useful; other Pub dinosaurs will start to get the message (say, what IS that strange fireball in the sky?), but now he goes out as a loser.

Oh well. He can still be a lobbyist.

With Romney now a shoo-in, we really need a conservative senate. I just sent some California dollars to Mourdock.

[…] Stupidity Posted on April 10, 2012 3:30 pm by Bill Quick » Lugar “effort to demonize his opponent Richard Mourdock” – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion With polling showing an even race among Republican voters, Lugar’s best chance is to get […]

We need to convince liberals that Mourdock is unelectable, and get them to vote for him in the primary. (The Democrat, if I recall correctly, has only won in the north of the state, and only in Democrat-dominated years, but let’s not mention that.)

Lugar is 80 years old.

He’s been in the Senate for 35 years.

Retire him.