Mexican Woman Sentenced To Eight Years For Illegal Voting
“This case shows how serious Texas is about keeping its elections secure”

A Mexican woman living in Texas has been convicted on two counts of illegal voting. She had falsely claimed to be an American citizen and voted—at least five times—in the 2012 and 2014 elections; she received a $5,000 fine and an eight-year prison sentence for her crimes.
A Mexican citizen living in Texas was sentenced this week to eight years in prison for voting illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.
Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, was found guilty Wednesday on two counts of illegal voting after she falsely claimed to be a United States citizen and voted at least five times between 2012 and 2014.
A jury sentenced her Thursday to eight years in prison and a $5,000 fine.
The Dallas News reported Ortega voted in the November 2012 election and May 2014 GOP primary runoff in Dallas County.
According to Fox 4 News, Ortega’s identity came into question after she tried to register to vote twice in Tarrant County. Both applications were denied.
She had voted in five elections in Dallas before her registration was canceled in April 2015.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton – for whom Ortega voted in 2014 – assisted in the prosecution.
“This case shows how serious Texas is about keeping its elections secure, and the outcome sends a message that violators of the state’s election law will be prosecuted to the fullest,” he said.
According to the report, Ortega had been brought to the US illegally by her mother and didn’t understand the difference between being a legal resident and an American citizen.
Fox News continues:
According to the New York Times, Ortega was born in Monterrey, Mexico and brought to the U.S. by her mother as an infant. More than a decade later, her mother was deported and Ortega became a permanent resident.
In her defense, Ortega testified that she didn’t understand the differences between the rights granted to citizens and the rights granted to legal residents.
“My mom just used us to get stamps. She never gave us love or guidance. She got deported,” she said, according to Fox 4. “All my life since I worked, I always on my knowledge thought I was a U.S. citizen because I never knew the difference of U.S. citizen and U.S. resident. And the point is if I knew, everything would’ve been the correct way.”

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Don’t you just love those Hispanic family values?
This case shows how serious Texas is about keeping its elections secure
Yessirre, you can vote illegally five times, but don’t you dare try to go for six. And if you do, you may find yourself the only one of Texas’s 1.7-million-odd illegals to be actually caught doing it.
That sort of “seriousness” should be accompanied by a laugh track.
Mr. Swift… Did you read the article? Her mom was an illegal, she became a legal resident. Not a citizen, and not eligible to vote, but she was not an illegal.
“According to the report, Ortega had been brought to the US illegally by her mother and didn’t understand the difference between being a legal resident and an American citizen.”
This is pure hogwash. She tried to register in Tarrant County and checked the box that said she was not a citizen. Her registration was rejected. She then went to Dallas County, DIDN’T check the box and got registered.
Then she voted five times. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing.
But, but, but there is no voter fraud in America! The Democrat party says so. Really.
Shame we have to pay to support her in prison for 8 years. I’d rather just deport her but she’d probably just cross back again in a couple weeks.