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TaxProf ends daily coverage of IRS Scandals

TaxProf ends daily coverage of IRS Scandals

After 1352 days, thank you for your service, Sir.

Pepperdine Law Professor Paul Caron, also known as TaxProf at the TaxProf blog, started daily coverage of the IRS scandal(s) several years ago.

The College Fix has some good background on the endeavor.

TaxProf probably didn’t think it would last this long. But once you start to cover something daily, it’s hard to stop.

After 1352 days, Tax Prof stopped daily coverage. Prof. Caron wrote on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017, The IRS Scandal, Day 1352: The End Of My Daily Coverage:

In response to inquiries from Peter J. Reilly (Forbes) and Brian Leiter (University of Chicago Law School), I previously discussed when I would stop my daily coverage of the IRS Scandal:

My answer is the same as it has been throughout the scandal: I will stop when the daily commentary in the press and blogosphere on the scandal (from both the right and the left) ends. At several points in the scandal, as I was running out of content, a new chapter would unfold and my daily coverage would continue. Currently, the scandal has gone mostly quiet and I have only a few posts left in the queue. So it may be that my daily coverage will end soon, and will be resumed if and when the scandal heats up again.

With Donald Trump’s inauguration, I am ending my daily coverage as the scandal again has gone mostly quiet. I will continue to sporadically blog the scandal when there is news about it (indeed, I have a post in the queue for tomorrow). But I will no longer provide coverage each day. I hope readers have found my coverage useful, and will continue to come here for updates on the scandal.

Thank you for your service, Sir.

Mark Meckler, the man behind the Convention of States movement, writes that monitoring the IRS can’t stop, TaxProfBlog stops daily blog about IRS harassment of conservative groups, so now we need to do this:

Just because Donald Trump is now in office doesn’t mean conservatives can take their eyes off the federal government.

On this blog, I’ve written extensively about the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party groups and have often linked to Paul Caron who has kept a daily update on the scandal at the TaxProfBlog. Unfortunately, his coverage has come to an end ….

…. thank you for the amazing service you provided. But in the meantime, we can’t let up and allow this corruption to go unpunished and allow the tax agency to walk away free from its responsibility. Trump vowed to remove corruption from Washington, and we look forward to watching him make good on his promise.

I agree with Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit who wrote, “There hasn’t been sufficient accountability for the IRS’s gross misbehavior here, but I think that Caron has done a tremendous service by keeping the issue alive for so long. I remain deeply disappointed at how many of his fellow tax professors criticized him for doing so, because they didn’t want Obama and the Democrats to look bad.”

We must stay the fight.


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Maybe the GOP House can find time to Impeach Koskinen now?

Tell me again, why isn’t Lois Lerner in prison?

    Several reasons:

    1.) The Justice Department refused to indict her.

    2.) The House of Representatives refused to hold her in Contempt.

    3.) Koskinen refused to force her to testify, and then doubled down on his own lack of clarity.

    4.) The House of Representatives refused to force the issue with the Justice Department or White House (similar to #2, but slightly different).

    5.) Speaker Bohner was a weak and ineffectual toadstool, who refused to support the TEA Party insurgency.

    6.) Speaker Ryan refused to force the issue.