From fellow Central (Upstate) New Yorker Fred:
I am a fan of your blog.
I also enjoy the seeing bumper stickers from around the country. How about one from our backyard? I saw this one on a Prius at the Liverpool, NY YMCA. I was walking at the time.
There is hope and change in CNY.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Somehow, I don’t think Hillary would have been much different that Teh Won; however, I do see what he means……even BillAry would be a vast improvement over this disaster of an administration and Present-dent.
OT – Have you got any feeling, insight, gut instinct – whatever! – on the SCOTUS ObamaCare ruling?
Of course no one knows……but some of your wise insight would be much appreciated. 😀
Yeah. Hard to know. Difficult to tickle apart what is Hillary and what is Hillary-carrying-out-her-boss’s-agenda. Be this as it may, Hillary Clinton also isn’t Bill Clinton.
At least Slick Willie didn’t HATE the USA.
Overtly hate, that is. There are rumors among the cogniscenti that he sold US secrets to China. Bill was on Corzine’s payroll, BTW.
The Clintons are as crooked as they come…as is Pelosi…as is the Chicago political machine…and so on…
No hope and change in NY, just BS, MS, PhD. That’s a guy who hasn’t learned his lesson cuz he can’t see that Bill, Hillary, Obama, they’re all Communists.
[…] […]
[…] I Miss Bill? Posted on March 31, 2012 8:51 am by Bill Quick » Signs of desperation – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion […]
I can see Biden stepping down due to health reasons/tripping down the stairs at the White House by accident honest really/finding the wrong end of a horse in bed/deciding to spend more time with family, and Obama quickly selecting Hillary as Veep in October, going for a full and exhaustive turnout of every socialist they can lay hands on while hammering Romney in public on every trumped-up issue they can imagine to suppress the conservative turnout. Win-Win for the Won, he gets the Clinton machine in his corner, and a surefire Democratic presidential nominee in 2016.
And we get to sort thru the rubble of post-collapse America, looking for canned goods and delicious insects. Yea.
Hi georgfelis – I do believe you’ve accurately described the problem.
If this were a video game, how would we win?
I mean, if we were designing a video game, how would we design it to win back freedom and prosperity if your description states the problem?
[…] photo comes via a reader at Legal Insurrection. Professor Jacobson’s place where he daily documents the almost […]