Foreign Students Reportedly Crowding Americans Out of College
“limited supply of seats”
Will increased illegal immigration and in-state tuition for illegals make this situation better?
From the Napa Valley Register:
Surge in foreign students might be crowding Americans out of elite colleges
A major increase in international enrollment in recent years has intensified the competition for entry to America’s top private colleges and universities, as ever-growing numbers of applicants angle for the limited supply of seats.
That tension is particularly evident in the eight prestigious Ivy League schools: Federal data shows that their freshman classes grew slightly from 2004 to 2014 – 5 percent – while the number of incoming foreign students rose 46 percent. At the same time, applications to the schools shot up 88 percent.
At Yale University, where just 6 percent of 30,000 applicants are accepted, the foreign share of the freshman class has grown from single digits to 11 percent. As Yale’s undergraduate enrollment has edged upward since 2004, foreigners have accounted for almost all of the growth, reflecting a deliberate strategy to deepen Yale’s engagement with the world.
“We want to bring together an incredibly diverse student body – diverse in every way,” said Jonathan Holloway, dean of Yale College. “If we want to train the next generation of global leaders, we better have the globe here.”
Foreign and domestic demand grew so high that Yale has embarked on its biggest expansion since its undergraduate college opened to women in 1969. Next fall Yale will open two new residential complexes, a $500 million project to lift enrollment capacity 15 percent.

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This is great! Perhaps those students will import the liberal ideals taught by the professors to their country and the Americans will get a dose of the real world and how things really work.
It’s not just about diversity and global engagement. Foreign students (except the illegals, of course) pay out-of-state tuition.
Several years ago at UC Irvine, I recall an announcement that UC and other UC campuses were increasing the foreign enrollments because of the higher tuition. It was actually called “revenue enhancement”.
The result of all this is that in-state students (who pay less) have fewer slots. Thus, more of them are forced to look other places and if they go out of state, they pay more. Hardly fair to families who pay taxes to support public universities and can’t get their kids in.