Vice President-elect Pence Booed By Audience, Lectured To By Cast of Hamilton
President-elect Trump demands an apology
Last night, Vice President-elect Mike Pence went to see Hamilton: An American Musical in New York City. As Mr. Pence was leaving after the show, he was called back to listen to the insipid whining of the Hamilton cast.
The level of self-inflated hubris in this spectacle is mind-boggling; the actor actually prompted the audience to tweet and share the lecture he gave Mr. Pence because whatever fell from the lips of the cast must be earth-shatteringly important. Or something.
Pence, the vice presidential elect and a Republican, was also booed as he attended the show Friday night in New York.
The cast had a message for Pence after the show as he was walking out saying, “We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir.”
Some audience members took to twitter to report that the show was paused several times as the crowd booed Pence at certain lines of the show.
Cast member Brandon Dixon delivered the statement on behalf of the cast encouraging the audience to tweet and record the message.
Dixon added, “We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and work on behalf of all of us.”
Dixon continued to say the show was “told by a diverse group of men, women of different colors, creeds and orientations.”
The remarks were met with cheers from the audience in response.
Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence attended #HamiltonBway. After the show, @BrandonVDixon delivered the following statement on behalf of the show.
— Hamilton (@HamiltonMusical) November 19, 2016
Proud of this shameful spectacle, “lead producer Jeffrey Seller said he hopes Pence would share the show’s message of empathy saying, “I hope that maybe it inspires him to feel for those not like him.”
We don’t even have to wonder how this would be received if it were a conservative or Tea Party cast screeching out a message of “empathy” to Obama . . . because it would never happen. Somewhere along the way, the progressive left has completely abandoned common decency, good manners, and any ability to function in civil society.
President-elect Trump was not pleased.
If anyone on the left is still capable of rational thought, here’s a nugget of wisdom from me to you: Climb down off your sandcastle pedestal and stop acting like precious, insulated, emotionally-needy, psychologically-stunted children with your temper tantrums, stompy feet, and perpetual demands for attention.
This type of condescending grandstanding is why Americans despise you. For all your talk of privilege, I find it interesting that the only people in this country walking around with a puffed-up, false sense of superiority and privilege is the progressive left. You seem to honestly believe that anyone in America still cares about your feelings or your constant, continual, and increasingly obnoxious daily outpourings of witless moralizing and incomprehensible demands for respect (incomprehensible because you offer none).
You spout every idea that flits through your head as if anyone anywhere outside of your privileged little bubble cares, but the truth is that we don’t want to be treated to your every inchoate attempt at thought, and we certainly don’t care about your limited, myopic worldview. It’s time for you to grow up and stop behaving in embarrassing ways that show only how narrowly, how incredibly shallowly you see America and the world.
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Gee, I hope it doesn’t hurt his chances of winning the vice presidency.
Last night reflected poorly on the cast of Hamilton. Rather than really trying to reach out to Trump and Pence, they just show their partisan position. I know they are huge Obama supporters and big fans of Hillary, but Lin Manuel’s dad used to work with Ed Koch. Ed was a democrat who reached out to all voters. I often disagreed with Ed on policy, but it was hard to dislike the guy personally and he made you think. Perhaps the Lin Manuel Garcia and the Hamilton cast should consider their “conversation” in that light.
They judge other people by what they would do to people who did not agree with them. Relax, there isn’t enough barbed wire to corral all of you nutjobs. Being on Broadway is punishment enough.
Liberals should be able to take some joy in the fact that they still control the theater showing Hamilton.
New York City values. We all knew and know what those are.
Oh, and T-rump is wrong. The theater is often a place where you have a real maelstrom of “unsafe” ideas and the people who hold them.
Agreed, Rags, but this is not that. Edgy, provocative plays are definitely a staple of the theater, but for a cast to walk back on stage to support the reading of a “cast statement” to an audience member is so far beyond the pale that it’s sickening.
The Trump haters like each other whenever they are bashing Trump. Pence is just a substitute.
Yet Pence took it in stride, which is exactly the right reaction.
T-rump punched the tar baby…as always…and now this bad-mannered stunt (which is all it was) has legs it should never have been given.
That is not even a good analogy much less a smart one. If you are making a literal reference, by punching the tar baby you get mired in the battle with it. The Trump/Pence ticket basically have thrown that reference by the wayside with their win.
Maybe you are making some other more shallow reference??
You aren’t even making any rational sense, much less an argument.
Dunno. Unless Hamilton is only for progs, I suspect Trump’s tweet is market-oriented and intended on impacting the 50% of the population that may have wanted to see a show while in NYC. Lecture me all you want, you miserable idiot, but don’t do it on my dime.
Oh, PLEASE…!!!
Did you pay to see “Avatar”? ANY Oliver Stone movie? ALMOST anything from Disney in the last decade or two? “Dancing With Wolves”?
(I could easily go on and on.)
People from fly-over country will never be Mike Pence. They’ll never hear anything from the cast. So, if that’s what you propose as T-rump’s motive, he’s a complete idiot.
No. Trump’s intent was to get the story covered — as it has been. Mike Pence behaved like a gentleman, while the liberal, so-called “elite”s who can afford the $1000+ ticket prices, behaved abominably.
That bursts all kinds of preconceptions about how Trump supporters are full of hate unlike those dignified liberals. It paints a picture. And the right picture is far more persuasive than any words could ever be.
Actually I think it play in Trump’s favor. I think Trump is the one that has set the Tar Baby and the stupid liberals keep falling for it. It is a great distraction to where the real action is.
Trump has so many heads spinning about his transition. I am so looking forward to the confirmation hearing of Session.
I can hear it now: So Senator Sessions, did you call Figures a “boy” ?
Answer, “No” but he did look like a 12 year old and his performance reviews were so bad that we have to take action on him.
But Senator Sessions, Ted Kennedy called you a White Supremacist. You must be a racist because he called you one?
Oh, that guy that left a young women at the bottom of a lake. What did he know, you know I got the death penalty for a KKK member. Unlike Hillary that got her rapist off. What was the question again?
I laugh, Jacobin’s Rags keep fighting the tar baby.
I calk the elite $1000 Hamilton Ticket holders as not respecting this county. Plays right in to the middle class vote that got him elected. Now, if you told me you saw Hamilton in New York, guess what I would think of you!
Fuzzy: “but this is not that.”
Exactly. People are tired of having their entertainment hijacked to indoctrinate them on political topics. Can’t go to an opera, musical or movie without some jackass proselytizing his liberal religion. Its why NFL viewership is diving.
As for “edgy speech”, we have countless examples (just from College Insurrection alone) that prove the Left doesn’t really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about.
If a conservative Hamilton cast pulled this stunt on campus, the liberals would have rushed the stage and assaulted them.
But on the bright side, this kind of rudeness 1) only reassures people that holding their nose to vote Trump was the right call, and 2) further agitates the silent majority to say “fuck you” louder than they did on election day.
What does New York City have to do with this?
How many New Yorkers do you think were in the audience of a play that’s been open for well over a year with ridiculous ticket prices?
This was a crowd of out-of-town 1%er limousine liberals booing the VP-elect who was just elected by the blue-collar flyover deplorables.
As Glenn noted earlier today, “Note Trump’s deliberate use of SJW ‘safe-space’ and ‘harassment’ language. Not an accident, I’m sure.”
Saul Alinsky’s Fourth Rule for Radicals, which states, “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules” — it’s not just for lefties anymore.
Rags is the lefts wet dream.
Clearly they don’t realized that Hamilton is the one who proposed that whole “Electoral College” thing…
But then, they are entertainers…driven by emotion more than they are driven by reason. Or even a basic understanding of the very things they criticize. Ignorance is their bliss, even though ignorance is clearly dangerous to one’s survival.
They are driven by story/plot. And for them, the progressive story is that all white non-liberals are racist and not deserving respect. It’s key to the recent election loss, too.
I never heard word one about the electoral college in Dixon’s little speech.
So who’s just making shit up…???
Given their unprofessional diatribe, it’s fair to assume they are in the anti-EC camp as it is the sole reason they have any argument to make about Pence and Trump. Had the popular vote decided the outcome, I doubt they would have paid any attention to Pence in their audience. Instead they act like children. And many making their rebellion against the EC this time are childish.
Putting aside the bad manners as to time and place, there is no “diatribe”.
Your misuse of the word is telling. Read or listen to the statement. It’s respectful in tone…even imploring, and it only states some hopes, concerns, and poses a few questions.
Anybody with any chops as a statesman would take it as a slow pitch they could knock out of the park with a well-crafted response.
If it had been delivered as a letter from the cast, there’s just nothing really objectionable about it.
LOL, Trump has driven you completely off the deep end.
They have doctors for this sort of thing.
Another swing at the tar baby, eh?
Trump is absolutely right. The theater is a place to speak to power and to highlight culture within the performance itself. Not by attacking audience members directly. In that way they become petty and disgraceful. But that describes the vocal losers across the country.
And I suspect the Trump/Pence ticket just picked up some more voters for their reelection should they decide to do it. The reaction since the first election has not only convinced some reluctant voters they did the right thing, but it is likely influencing some who may not have voted. If things go “as promised” in the next 4 years a reelection may be as easy as it was for Obama. And things for him did NOT go as well in the first 4.
“…uphold our American values…”
As demonstrated by their candidate? They value corruption, dishonesty, incompetence, arrogance, ignorance…did I say corruption?
These intolerant classless jerks should move to Cuba or North Korea or any similar utopian paradise where their candidate with the values of Hillary never lose an “election.”
“We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights…”
Riiiight–and you lost.
Elections have consequences, I’m told.
May I recommend that they read all of Hillary’s emails (after security clearances…maybe) to see what their “savior” would have done to their selves, friends, family and…gasp… “The planet”? Potential nuclear conflict does has its… fallout.
Yet they supported Hillary. The cognitive dissonance is deafening!
An older English actress years ago upon receiving her Oscar reminded the audience of fellow actors that for centuries they were regarded as only vagabonds and ruffians. Times have not changed.
I love it. How stupid those idiots are. They have no clue what Hamilton is all about. They liberal views are a direct connection to the history of Jefferson and Jackson. Total opposite of what Hamilton was all about. How stupid are they to not see that the DNC IS the party of slavery, lacks diversity and aborts bastard children.
They should be cheering Pence because his party history more aligns with Hamilton.
But no surprise here. Their distortion of the truth hopefully will not continue thanks to Trump.
Hmmm, time to dump funding for the Arts and NPR and use that money to help inter-cities. Time to make them make a choice. They could also spend money on teaching history in school too.
You may be reacting a little too emotionally. There are lots of reasons to decrease federal funding to the arts, but the childish outburst from cast members is pretty low on the list.
NPR should not receive any federal funding by definition. It should be funded by the participating public not by fiat from the government. Otherwise, where is the share for, say, Westwood One or Cumulus Media?
Agree. Just as the government has no business in religion, it has no business being in the arts – perennially a place of ignorant, arrogant juvenile, cultist leftists elitists. Just as the government has no business in religion, it has no business being in the arts
You can find plays about government from the advent of theater by the Greeks, through Shakespeare, through the musical Hamilton.
I, for one, will not go out of my way to see Hamilton at this point. Besides, I don’t think there are many tickets priced for us middle class patrons. In fact, if they really want to speak truth to power, maybe they should cut the price of their tickets so more than just the elite can partake.
Actors, by definition, make believe they are something they’re not, so lecturing anyone is just silly! More affirmative action gone wild.
“Hamilton” responds: @realDonaldTrump conversation is not harassment sir. And I appreciate @mike_pence for stopping to listen.
But that was a lecture, not a conversation.
The last thing these snowflakes want is a conversation.
amwick: But that was a lecture, not a conversation.
Of course it’s a conversation. As Vice President Elect, Pence has ample opportunity to respond. Indeed, the President Elect responded. It’s the actors who have the smaller voice, not Pence.
Another day, another bunch of liberals are lecturing people better than them on how to do their jobs and live their lives. OTOH it cost them the election, so I guess keep it up guys.
I hope Mike Pence reacted appropriately by flipping the cast the bird and saying, “And you, sir, are a perpetual two-year old who nobody need respect.”
Pence reportedly left the theater early. Was he even there for the cast’s hissy fit?
It’s actually pretty funny; Pence, with a long history of anti-gay, anti-immigrant political positions, attends a musical on Broadway about a patriotic immigrant.
“Anti-gay” and “anti-immigrant?”
Those are both lies.
Not supporting a party’s radical agenda or facilitating the influx of un-vetted illegal aliens is neither anti-gay or anti-immigrant.
However, it seems you are anti-truth.
TheFineReport: Not supporting a party’s radical agenda
Supporting and passing a law that allows discrimination against gays is reasonably considered anti-gay.
TheFineReport: facilitating the influx of un-vetted illegal aliens
That is the
lieuntruth. The Syrian refugees were vetted, most taking two or more years to be approved for refugee status.“Supporting and passing a law that allows discrimination against gays is reasonably considered anti-gay.”
1) That’s not what happened, you are distorting it.
2) It is not “reasonable” to consider it anti-gay.
The Supreme Court agrees your position is not reasonable:
“…the Court has entertained the free-exercise claims of individuals who were attempting to make a profit as retail merchants. Braunfeld v.Brown, 366 U. S. 599. Business practices compelled or limited by the tenets of a religious doctrine fall comfortably within the understanding of the “exercise of religion” that this Court set out in Employment Div., Dept. of Human Resources of Ore. v. Smith, 494 U. S. 872, 877.
Any suggestion that for-profit corporations are incapable of exercising religion because their purpose is simply to make money flies in the face of modern corporate law. States, including those in which the plaintiff corporations were incorporated, authorize corporations to pursue any lawful purpose or business, including the pursuit of profit in conformity with the owners’ religious principles. Pp. 20–25.
TheFineReport: facilitating the influx of un-vetted illegal aliens
And we are really tired of the lies by gay activists on this topic. In all these cases, the gay customers had been faithfully served by these business owners for YEARS. The made them all the cupcakes and cookies they could buy. They only refused to have their artistic expression hijacked to support a wedding ceremony that violated their moral conscience. And for the same reason they also refuse to make “divorce cakes” for heterosexual celebrating their divorce.
So gay advocates are knowingly distorting the truth here so they can slime these people as “discriminating”. This is why you got Trump.
Fen: Any suggestion that for-profit corporations are incapable of exercising religion because their purpose is simply to make money flies in the face of modern corporate law.
The courts gave latitude to the states to set certain parameters. In this case, the original Indiana law signed by Pence gave license to people to discriminate against gays. Pence also wanted to divert essential medical funding in the fight against HIV to gay-conversion therapy.
It’s not any wonder that the LGBT community has issues with Pence’s political views.
Zach: “The Syrian refugees were vetted, most taking two or more years to be approved for refugee status.”
The muslim who killed 49 gays at the Florida nightclub had been vetted by the FBI. Twice.
So freezing immigration of muslims until we get a better screening process in place will save lives. These gays lives that you claim to care so much about.
“Omar Mateen, of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, came to the attention of federal authorities twice prior to being identified as the gunman in the Orlando gay nightclub mass shooting. The senior law-enforcement source reports Mateen became a person of interest in 2013 and again in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Investigation at one point opened an investigation into Mateen, but subsequently closed the case when it produced nothing that appeared to warrant further investigation”
Fen: The muslim who killed 49 gays at the Florida nightclub had been vetted by the FBI.
Omar Mateen was born on Long Island, New York.
More lies. You’re getting up there with Hillary Clinton, save the treason – and probably the bloated ankles.
Lies, insult, cognitive dissonance, and violence are all the totalitarian leftists have.
What are you talking about? I know exactly zero people who are “anti-immigrant”; we are against illegal immigration for a number of valid reasons, but no rational people I know or am aware of are saying we should not allow any immigration at all. That’s absurd.
Not supporting gay “marriage” or men who claim to be transgendered in little girls’ locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms is not “anti-gay”; that’s another ludicrous assertion that I thoroughly reject. Some of us want the government out of the marriage business altogether and/or reject the way that gay “marriage” is being used in courts to force everyone from military chaplains to Christian bakers to act against their core religious values. That has nothing to do with who is or is not gay and everything to do with imposing one’s worldview on others in the name of “tolerance.” Newsflash: “tolerance” does not mean violate your religious beliefs, jump on the bandwagon, and march in the parade.
It’s incredibly ignorant to paint with broad brush anyone who doesn’t support gay marriage as “anti-gay” If I’m against legalizing pot for recreational use, I’m not “anti-hippie.” If I’m against legalizing gambling, it doesn’t mean I’m anti-little old lady who likes to play the slot machines. In these cases, I’d be “anti-legalized recreational pot” and “anti-legalized gambling.” Likewise, if I’m against gay “marriage,” “anti-gay marriage” is accurate but that doesn’t have quite the same value in terms of inspiring fear, distrust, and hate, does it?.
Fuzzy Slippers: I know exactly zero people who are “anti-immigrant”; we are against illegal immigration
Pence opposed vetted, legal refugees from Syria. The federal court blasted him, “that’s the equivalent of his saying (not that he does say) that he wants to forbid black people to settle in Indiana not because they’re black but because he’s afraid of them, and since race is therefore not his motive he isn’t discriminating. But that of course would be racial discrimination, just as his targeting Syrian refugees is discrimination on the basis of nationality.”
Trump said “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
It’s called fear mongering.
No. Calling people “anti-immigration” because they oppose illegal immigration, violent criminal aliens, or who are cognizant of the fact that ISIS and other terror groups are embedding jihadis among refugees” is fear-mongering. Take a look at what the Hispanics for Trump were saying about illegals. Take a look at what ISIS itself has said about embedding jihadis. Take a look at what the FBI has said about the number of ISIS-related investigations in each of the fifty states.
Do you know why it takes up to two years to “vet” Syrian refugees? They have no records, no papers, no nothing. We have zero idea who they are or where they came from or what their stance on the caliphate. After “x” amount of time, we can either give up trying to find out and let them stay or give up trying to find out and send them back. Which do you think happens most often?
Having a secure border and not letting in potential terrorists are necessary to our national security. This is common sense; you don’t even have to be particularly bright to get it.
Fuzzy Slippers: Take a look at what the Hispanics for Trump were saying about illegals.
Taco trucks on every corner.
Fuzzy Slippers: Do you know why it takes up to two years to “vet” Syrian refugees? They have no records, no papers, no nothing.
You seem to think that Syrian doesn’t have records.
Fuzzy Slippers: We have zero idea who they are or where they came from
That is mostly incorrect.
Fuzzy Slippers: After “x” amount of time, we can either give up trying to find out and let them stay or give up trying to find out and send them back. Which do you think happens most often?
Under current rules, they do not receive refugee status.
Fuzzy Slippers: Calling people “anti-immigration” because they oppose illegal immigration
That’s not what Trump said. He said Mexico is not sending their best. Actually, the vast majority of Mexican immigrants come to the U.S. to work.
People like you are the reason Hoosiers have a Republican Super-Majority in both chambers of out Legislature and not a single Democrat in any statewide office.
We don’t tolerate liars and demagogues.
Trump didn’t say “They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”, he said “They’re bringing crime, their rapists.” I didn’t hear the apostrophe.
You accusing the GOPe of fear-mongering is the pot calling the kettle black. Accuse them of cowardice, corruption ans selling their country out – now that would be understandable. But then, you’d also be taken to task for not calling out the democrat party leadership traitors to the Constitution they swore to uphold.
Don’t try turning your own lunatic party’s foul tactics against us: in case you haven’t noticed, we aren’t buying anymore. Guys like you are done. As a troll, you are to Legal Insurrection what Hillary Clinton is to the presidency: nothing.
We are not the GOPe. We are the Tea Party. The left has the Teamsters, we have the Trumpsters.
Fuzzy Slippers: Not supporting gay “marriage”
The bill Pence supported allowed discrimination against gays in public accommodations.
I’m assuming you are talking about Indiana’s religious freedom bill, right? If so, there is zero mention of gays in that bill; it was about protecting business owners from being forced to violate their religious principles and values in order to accommodate the whim of a customer. Do you have a problem with that? Frankly, I have no idea why anyone would want someone to be forced to bake them a cake or to participate in their wedding against their will.
How is this any different than going to a grocery store and looking for kosher food and then suing when you can’t find any? Or demanding that all pork products be hidden from sight because the very sight of them offends your religious beliefs? Would you support a bill forcing Muslim stores to stock bacon because a customer wanted it? It’s ridiculous on its face.
Personally, I have zero problem with that type of “discrimination”; is it really wrong to refuse to ice a cake with the words “God hates gays”? I certainly wouldn’t accept that order, but according to you, I should be forced to by the full weight of state and federal government because some random person walked into my place of my business and wanted it. Sorry, not buying it. They can go get their hate cake iced elsewhere. Period. That Pence wanted to protect business owners from being forced to engage in activity they found religiously untenable is a huge, gigantic plus in my book, not a minus.
Fuzzy Slipper: I have zero problem with that type of “discrimination”; is it really wrong to refuse to ice a cake with the words “God hates gays”?
The law would have specifically authorized discrimination against gays in public accommodations.
Which law are you talking about? You haven’t bothered to say, so I just guessed which one you meant. How about you provide me a link to the exact text of the bill to which you refer? You like links, let’s see one.
No, the law would protect individuals from being forced to do something against their will because of their sincerely held religious beliefs. This isn’t discrimination, this is protection.
Fuzzy Slippers: Which law are you talking about?
Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, as originally signed by Gov. Pence.
Fuzzy Slippers: How about you provide me a link to the exact text of the bill to which you refer?
Here it is: The text of Indiana’s ‘religious freedom’ law
Mailman explains the impact of the law.
mailman: the law would protect individuals from being forced to do something against their will because of their sincerely held religious beliefs.
That includes being able to discriminate against gays if it is against their “sincerely held religious belief”. In fact, that was a major impetuous of the bill.
Pence also has a very poor record on HIV, including wanting to divert essential medical funding to gay-conversion therapy.
Zach, you stated: “The law would have specifically authorized discrimination against gays in public accommodations.”
Yet you provide a link to a draft of the legislation, a link that plainly states at the top that the language of the proposed bill will be changed to address the specific concerns you insist are in the final law. Then-Governor Pence is not responsible for the origination of the bill or its language until it hits his desk for his signature. Or are you seriously suggesting otherwise? Now, be a good boy, and go find the actual, final bill that Vice-president Elect Pence signed into law when he was governor of Indiana.
impetuousimpetusFuzzy Slippers: Yet you provide a link to a draft of the legislation, a link that plainly states at the top that the language of the proposed bill will be changed to address the specific concerns you insist are in the final law.
“insist are in the final law”?
Z: Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, as originally signed by Gov. Pence.
The law was amended only after a huge backlash that would have seen economic boycotts of Indiana.
Fuzzy Slippers: Then-Governor Pence is not responsible for the origination of the bill or its language until it hits his desk for his signature.
Saying the Republican governor of Indiana didn’t have influence in the drafting of the bill is not reasonable. In any case, he signed the bill which would have allowed discrimination against LGBT persons.
Pence: “Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual’s [sic] as a ‘discreet [sic] and insular minority’ entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities.”
There are valid reasons why the LGBT community is concerned about the Trump-Pence Administration. The Hamilton cast’s statement was inclusive and hopeful.
Wrong. The BILL was amended after backlash; the law, once signed by Pence, was amended to specifically mention nondiscrimination against LGBTs because they were not mentioned at all in the bill that Pence signed.
Now, if you want to disprove this, simply go to the bill that Pence signed into law and show me where is specifically allows discrimination against LGBTs. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Fuzzy Slippers: The BILL was amended after backlash; the law, once signed by Pence
The law was amended after the backlash.
Fuzzy Slippers: simply go to the bill that Pence signed into law and show me where is specifically allows discrimination against LGBTs.
It didn’t have to mention LGBT persons to allow discrimination. The way the law was written, it allowed discrimination against LGBT persons if the discriminator claimed religious motivations. Clearly, the LGBT community considered it a threat.
No. You said, and I quote: “The law would have specifically authorized discrimination against gays in public accommodations.”
How can something be “specifically authorized” if it’s not even mentioned? The purpose of the amendment to the law was to appease whiny progs who had no idea what they were talking about and hadn’t bothered to read the law. Kind of like someone else I could name.
Fuzzy Slippers: How can something be “specifically authorized” if it’s not even mentioned?
You are correct, and our adjective was ill-chosen. It should read “The law would have {effectively} authorized discrimination against gays in public accommodations.”
“Our adjective”? Um, why do you refer to yourself in the “royal we”? Is this account some kind of group account for a bunch of different troll “fact checkers”? That would actually explain a lot. (And it’s an adverb, not an adjective.)
But hey, isn’t it fun to have your every word turned against you? Isn’t it grand and uplifting to be battered for a single word choice? I hope you feel as satisfied and fulfilled by the experience as our readers do when you attack them for a single misuse of a single word.
Fuzzy Slippers: Isn’t it grand and uplifting to be battered for a single word choice?
Not a problem. The word was ill-chosen, and gave the wrong sense.
It should read “The law would have {effectively} authorized discrimination against gays in public accommodations.”
“How about you provide me a link to the exact text of the bill to which you refer? You like links, let’s see one.”
This will be a good integrity check. On Facebook, every time I confronted someone on these false charges – racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia – they always pointed to “over there somewhere”, never providing specific proof.
I think its deliberate. Because they know if they posted the specifics, it would not support their vague slanderous exaggerations.
So I’m curious to see if Zach will actually quote the specific bill and the portions of it his is complaining about. I believe he is deliberately distorting the text, so he will dodge.
Is that mean? Because I’m simply basing my prediction on the past experience of the last 12 gay rights advocates I have encountered. It’s become a pattern, like BLM accusing America of racism every time some black thug gets shot attacking the police. Hands up don’t shoot!
Hey Zachy, what’s it like to be thought a fool by everyone that reads your pathetic comments?
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
At the next democrat troll meeting, bring up the fact that they might want to educate characters like you in reality so you can carry on an intelligent conversation – not a malignant leftist fantasy no one is buying.
Trump was never “my guy.” I despised Trump. But I do have to admit he and Pence are pissing all the right people off.
Pence should have stood up, and said, “On behalf of the American public and most patrons in this theater, I will now see to it that all federal funding is cut from all theater programs in the United States – public television included. Now – it’s show time!”
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” ~ Winston Churchill
The truth is Vice-President Mike Pence is a gentleman, an experienced public servant (something not easily said about every politician), and a person least deserving of such treatment. He’ll be fine. The cast will, no doubt, remain in their ignorance.
“Vice President-elect Pence, we welcome you, and we truly thank you for joining us here at “Hamilton American Musical,” we really do.”
Zachriel, we here at Legal Insurrection welcome you and thank you for joining us here. We really do.
“We, sir, we are the diverse America”
We, sir, are parents of many children
“we are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights.”
In light of recent [false] reports of your association with NAMBLA and your [falsely reported] frequent trips to Epstein’s Pedophile Island, we are alarmed and anxious that you will refuse to defend or protect children from sexual predators.
“But we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.”
But we truly hope this chat has reformed you and that perhaps you will enable the molestation of children.
Now do you see what a cheap shot that was?
Fen: In light of recent [false] reports
Except that the Hamilton speech did not include any false reports. They talked about love. They talked about concerns. And they expressed hope.
He should have gone on stage and slapped the shi-t out of everyone, then left.
Hopefully enough people boycott the show – and the actors in it – to close it and keep these lowly thespians out of work.
There’s a reason in the old days that respectable establishments had signs that said, “No prostitutes or actors allowed”
/ edit
“But we truly hope this chat has reformed you and that perhaps you will NOT enable the molestation of children”
And I’m not trying to troll you. I am assuming you are arguing in good faith. But you aren’t how this was just a veiled attack of Pence, all coifed in the most civil and polite manner. So I turned it around on you. Tell me you didn’t find it unfair and insulting to your character?
Its an extention of the “how long have you been beating your wife” cannard. “Please stop beating your wife”.
Fen, no lefty argues in “good faith”.
It’s ironic that Alexander Hamilton would have challenged the cast members to a duel if they had treated him so…
…and shot every one of them because the actors would be totally unfamiliar with firearms (given their political leanings)
It’s ironic that Alexander Hamilton would have challenged each of the cast members to a duel if they had treated him so…
…and shot every one of them because the actors would be totally unfamiliar with firearms (given their political leanings)
That this has obsessed so many is just……..Obama’s America on parade.
I said elsewhere:
This one-sided lecture is shameful, and a pure SJW stunt.
Hamilton is sold out – and has been, even before it opened – and, of course once Emperor O blessed it with his presence and endorsed it mightily (at his eldest daughter’s request), it has been sold out into the distant future. Only by paying high scalper prices can anyone see it – and of course the leftists LOVE it……..the Tony’s loved it……….and it won the Pulitzer Prize, natch. So only leftists with lots of doe-ray-me MONEY can afford to attend, typically. So a #BoycottHamilton is puerile, at best.
Still, it is beyond sickening the leftist echo chamber on FB where the leftists are patting themselves on the back, pouring out support and praise on the cast statement, and proving to all who are not Broadway show lovers or attenders WHY TRUMP WON.
Even the creator of the show, Lin-Manuel Miranda (who apparently helped write that statement), said the theater should welcome ALL people.
They just don’t see their collective hate and judging of others who they have painted – falsely – as haters, simply because their TARGET doesn’t subscribe to their agenda.
The one things that bothers me about this is Trump is asking for them to apologize. I wish he would have left that piece out and let there colors be shown.
Pence is again left with the task of trying to school T-rump on behavior and NOT punching the tar baby…
It’s going to be a long, uphill climb for Pence. Kellyanne needs to take away the Twitter account again.
Give me a break. Ya, you are caught in the tar baby. Pence is not schooling Trump. Wishful thinking.
It’s going to be a long, uphill climb for Pence. Kellyanne needs to take away the Twitter account again.
Do you really understand that you are carrying the water for those liberals that you so called don’t support. Oops, my bad, you support them.
As for Fox, they have like zero credibility anyways. I think that Trump has successfully again pointed out that a bunch of liberal snobs that buy expensive tickets are showing their true colors and how out of touch they really are.
Oh and guess what, Trump is our next President, did you get the memo.
Your typical agglomeration of painful stupidity, falsehoods, and class warfare.
Pence said what he said. What a moron you are!
Pence is part of, I guess along with his daughter and her cousins, “a bunch of liberal snobs that buy expensive tickets”.
(Actually, a lot of Middle American folks take in a Broadway show as part of a big vacay to Nuevo Ork…no elitism required, you boob.)
Here have a little more tar on your baby:
It’s going to be a long, uphill climb for Pence. False statement
Kellyanne needs to take away the Twitter account again.
False statement
Previously Kellyanne said about the Twitter account:
“No, it’s not true,” Conway said Monday on NBC’s “Today” show when grilled about the Times’ report.
Your creditably is shot and you are carrying water a previous New York Slime report.
Even more exciting is his tweet today:
“The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior”
I love it! You are such a sucker for this. Moran I may be, but at least I am not you.
I think this shows you will believe any flucking thing that the T-rump camp puts out.
Did the T-rump twitter account go dark leading up to the election?
Yes or no, moron.
Your “excitement” was immediately cock-blocked by Pence, who DID have to school Der Donald on proper comportment, albeit indirectly.
It will be a recurring burden.
Well geez, you the one pushing NYT stories. Loads of creditable stuff coming from those guys.
I listened to the CSPAN rundown today on the talking heads. They just can’t seem to get it that Trump won the election.
As for the tweet, who cares? Even if it was a bad tweet, which it wasn’t, it sure has a long way to go to meet the beer summit and “if I had a son” comments.
BTW, you might want to clean up your language a little in the process. You’re sounding like an Alt-Lefter, but then that is standard practice for a Jacobin.
Keep swinging at that tar baby, eh.
Rags is on the side of the left every time when it has anything to do with Trump: he believes every lie and “see’s” things which do not exist.
Any lie is OK. Any slander is OK.
And he reminds us that he is going to say “I told you so”. He can’t even wait. Of course, he’s always premature, like his “preference cascade” which was actually his prediction trump would lose the election. How did that work out?