Republican Women Unsurprisingly Scarce at Yale
Would any even feel comfortable admitting it?
The most interesting thing about the article below is the fact that the writer almost seems surprised.
From the Yale Daily News:
Republican women scarce at Yale
The 2016 presidential election has Yale women on both sides of the aisle discussing the state of the Republican party, even while a small fraction of conservative women at Yale will support Donald Trump in this election.
According to a News survey distributed in early October, roughly 5 percent of the 2,054 Yalies who responded said they would support the Republican Party nominee Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Of this 5 percent, just over 0.2 percent identified as women.
The proportion of woman conservatives who are active within on-campus conservative groups is even smaller. No females serve on the executive board of the Yale New Republicans, and Michael Fitzgerald ’19, the co-chairman of the YNR, noted that “[the group] is a pretty small group of people,” but estimates that about 10 to 15 female conservatives express interest in his group and in the Yale College Republicans. Fitzgerald added that he only knows of one woman who withdrew from the YCR in order to join the YNR after the YCR endorsed Trump in August and the group fractured.

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