Rick Santorum Lashes Out at John Kasich For Refusing to Vote for Trump
Santorum is not impressed
Remember these guys?
If you wondered whether Rick Santorum, former Senator and Presidential candidate was a Never Trumper, wonder no more. (Spoiler: he’s not.)
In a CNN interview Monday, Santorum got a might bit angry with Ohio Governor and former Presidential Candidate, John Kasich, for refusing to vote for Trump.
From Raw Story:
When the subject turned to Republicans who refused to vote for Trump, Santorum became irate.
“I’m not happy John Kasich or Paul Ryan and the way they’re conducting themselves, particularly John Kasich,” he remarked. “I want to say to John Kasich, if you’re watching, John you signed a pledge! You signed a pledge saying you would support the Republican nominee for president. You signed a pledge in order to get on the ballot in South Carolina.
“You promised that you would follow through with that,” Santorum continued. “And you knew Donald Trump had a chance because he was leading in the polls at the time to be our nominee and you signed it anyway. You can’t say a man who is not going to keep his word is someone, frankly, who should be paid attention to when it comes to how he’s going to vote.”
“You wouldn’t have been on the ballot, you wouldn’t have been able to run for president had you not signed that pledge. And if you’re out there talking about, ‘Well, he has character that’s beneath the dignity of the office,’ what about that character? What about the character I’m going to tell your kids and grandkids that you signed a pledge, you gave your word to be president of the United States and you backed away from it. Shame on them.”
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Thank you, Rick Santorum. Yes, Kasich is being an arrogant condescending ass.