North Dakota Farmer Speaks Out About the Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters
The side of the story you’re probably not hearing
Makers of the film Fracknation are in North Dakota, covering the protests over the Dakota Access Pipeline.
They’ve interviewed a local farmer who’s been harassed and intimidated by protestors. “His neighbors have lost scores of cattle and horses and they have reported incidents of trespassing and intimidation. Those protesting the development of the pipeline claim to be peaceful but up close it is clear they are the very opposite when challenged by real journalism,” writes Phelim McAleer.
Check it out:
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Anymore when I see these kinds of protests, the name soros is always the first thing coming to mind. And to be truthful, the soros name has been coming to mind for a few years now.
Hopefully the FBI under President Trump finds legal reasons to raid his home, business offices and have a court order to seize all papers and computer materials.