Chilean Mothers Amplify Preborn Heartbeats to Protest Abortion
Giving the preborn a voice
Reivindica Feminist Movement, a Chilean women’s movement comprised of pro-life feminists and other mothers, held a powerful protest last month. Strapping fetal heart beat monitors to their bellies, pregnant women gave their preborn children a voice.
From Texas Right to Life:
C-Fam’s Marianna Orlandi reports:
Coordinated by the national NGO Reivindica, an organization that aims to empower “different” voices of women (meaning, the voices not considered by mainstream pro-abortion feminists), pregnant Chilean women gathered in Plaza de la Constitución, then marched to the government buildings. But this time, the women did not speak. They carried loudhailers, which broadcasted the sounds of their unborn children’s heartbeats.
La Voz del Corazon, or the “Voice of the Heart” flooded the streets as mothers let their children speak for themselves in the face of discrimination, saying, “I’m here. I’m alive. Don’t forget about me even though you can’t see me.” These tiny hearts begin beating almost immediately, with new research from the British Heart Foundation revealing that preborn babies’ hearts begin beating at just 16 days after conception.
Reivindica seeks to be a voice for the women forgotten by mainstream feminists; namely, mothers, who feel marginalized by society for choosing Life and motherhood.
Special thanks to C-Fam for bringing this story, originally reported in Spanish, to the attention of English-speakers worldwide.
The video, in Spanish with English subtitles, is here:
More of this, please.
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And how is that anti-abortion constitutional amendment coming? Oh, that’s right, THERE ISN”T ONE! Because the “anti-abortion movement” is just a bible thumper SCAM to liberate anti-abortion “activists” from their MONEY!
If your lie were true, it would still be better than the pro-abortion sacrament movement’s scam to liberate unborn children from their lives.
Wow… this right to life agnostic had absolutely no idea she was a “Bible Thumper”. And all this time I just thought I was a reasonable person who understood it is morally reprehensible to kill your own child.
“I just thought I was a reasonable person who understood it is morally reprehensible to kill your own child.”
Sure. But what I think the OP is getting at is that our response to this morally reprehensible situation has been to talk.
Imagine if during the 1930s, everyone in Europe *knew* that Jews were being rounded up and put in ovens. And their response to such an atrocity was to merely complain about it.
That’s why I don’t fault the OP. I understand the frustration. See my post downthread for more detail.
The response to the round up of the Jews was to talk about it, or do nothing.
My usual policy is: “Don’t feed the trolls!”, but you’re no ordinary troll – you’re extra-ordinary!
Abortion… Have you ever tried it yourself? It’s fairly simple. Just contemplate upon that film sequence in the movie ‘Fargo’ where one loon is stuffing his partner through a wood chipper.
Bingo! You can have your very own abortion, but you must be alive to experience the full range effects as the machine chops you up in little pieces. Make it personal, don’t be fearful Mr.50Caliber. Write us a full report.
This is very powerful. I look forward to a similar demonstration in the US very soon.
I think Fiftycaltx is just touching on the frustration over usual Failure Theater we see from the GOP:
talk talk talk,
beg for campaign dollars so we can fix this,
talk talk talk,
half-hearted attempt to fix that we deliberately sabotage in cmte
talk talk talk,
please re-elect us so we can fix this.
“Failure Theater is the process by which the Establishment deliberately fails to do achieve anything, but wants credit from the Dumb Conservatives they’re playing to for allegedly “trying.”
There is a very good reason why the US law is not going to change.
The decision Roe v. Wade contains, near the beginning of the opinion, a discussion about the consequences of a grant of power to the government. If the government has the power to intervene in a decision, there is no way to guarantee which direction the decision will go. To grant a power to intervene in an abortion decision is therefore, inevitably, a grant of power to coerce abortion.
The Roe v. Wade decision guarantees that the decision to abort a baby is taken on an single case-by-case basis, by the most interested human being, not the government. In our imperfect world, it is a bulwark against a slaughter of the innocents, by the government.
When that decision first came out, people asserted in stentorian tones that “that could never happen,” but shortly thereafter, the government of China instituted its one-child policy, which resulted in the preferential killing of female fetuses and their current population imbalance.
Anyone who thinks this is not a real possibility in the United States was not listening when Sarah Palin was lambasted for failing to abort her child with Down Syndrome.
Roe v. Wade stands in the way of those death panels that would deny treatment to “defective” babies.
Roe V Wade does not stand in the way of death panels. In some states, children are taken from school to the abortionist without the knowledge of their parents.
“To grant a power to intervene in an abortion decision is therefore, inevitably, a grant of power to coerce abortion.”
If I attempt to murder someone and the state intervenes, does that mean the state has the power to coerce me to murder someone else?
“The Roe v. Wade decision guarantees that the decision to abort a baby is taken on an single case-by-case basis, by the most interested human being, not the government.”
Two sets of rights in conflict – the Liberty of the mother VS the Life of the child. The “most interested human being” is the one about to lose their life….
“In our imperfect world, it is a bulwark against a slaughter of the innocents, by the government.”
We’ll kill million of innocents to keep the government from killing them instead?
“Roe v. Wade stands in the way of those death panels that would deny treatment to defective babies.”
If you cut off your arm, it will never be broken again. Winning!
Thank you for talking about the core values this election.
Evolution from conception. A novel idea conceived by moral persons and born in science.
Reconciliation of moral, natural, and personal imperatives. It’s not a Choice.
Selective-child (i.e. Pro-Choice doctrine) is objectively a worse “solution” than one-child. Whereas the latter reflects the ambitions and psychopathy of a minority (e.g. female chauvinists), the former is evidence of progressive corruption.
The Pro-Choice Church not only normalized abortion rites (i.e. “final solution”), but also clinical cannibalism (a.k.a. “Planned Parenthood”), class diversity (e.g. institutional racism, sexism), selective exclusion or “=”, progressive wars, impulsive regime changes, trickle-up poverty or “redistributive change”, scientific mysticism (e.g. catastrophic anthropogenic global warming), etc.
I’d like to see a riff on this and project Veritas style videos.
Show us an actual late term abortion procedure, including ultra sound images of the baby in it’s final seconds as it’s brain is staved in and then as it is dismembered and pulled out of the womb.
Whoops! Be careful! We have an order for a fully formed heart and lungs to fill today!
Abhorrent? Yes, of course it is. But getting it on film for people to see with their own eyes would be incredibly powerful.
“To grant a power to intervene in an abortion decision is therefore, inevitably, a grant of power to coerce abortion.”
If I attempt to murder someone and the state intervenes, does that mean the state has the power to coerce me to murder someone else?
“The Roe v. Wade decision guarantees that the decision to abort a baby is taken on an single case-by-case basis, by the most interested human being, not the government.”
Two sets of rights in conflict – the Liberty of the mother VS the Life of the child. The “most interested human being” is the one about to lose their life….
“In our imperfect world, it is a bulwark against a slaughter of the innocents, by the government.”
We’ll kill million of innocents to keep the government from killing them instead?
“Roe v. Wade stands in the way of those death panels that would deny treatment to defective babies.”
If you cut off your arm, it can never be broken. Winning!
Translating the sign in the middle:
“Let’s listen to their desire to live.”
I’m speechless. And I weep for the ones that aren’t heard.