UCLA Prof Calls Trump Voters Greatest Threat to Democracy Since WWII
“white men are dangerous to the country”

Hillary Clinton’s flaming dumpster fire of scandals are apparently no problem, though.
The Daily Caller reports:
UCLA Professor: Trump Voters Greatest Threat To Democracy Since World War II
Voters supporting Republican nominee Donald Trump represent the greatest threat to democracy since World War II, according to University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) political science professor Michael Suk-Young Chwe.
In a blog post for the Princeton University Press, Chwe argues that white men are dangerous to the country, as evidenced by their support of Trump. Democracy in America, Chwe claims, will only be safe when whites and men — and especially white men — willingly surrender their power to “multiracial and multi-gender coalitions.”
“Until Obama’s election, the conflict between democratic institutions and the ‘racial and gender order’ was less apparent because the outcomes of national elections were consistent with overall white and male dominance. It is often said that the first test of a fledgling democracy is when the first peaceful transfer of power takes place,” Chwe argues.
“If we think of this transfer as occurring from one ethnic and gender group to another, democracy in the United States and in most western European nations has not yet passed its first real test. Instead of willingly giving up power to multiracial and multi-gender coalitions, a majority of whites and males support a candidate who wants to upend the democratic process.

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Sounds like maybe Chwe is trying to build up his bona fides with the SJWs, but he’s conveniently forgetting that a lot of the diversity bean counters aren’t all that thrilled with Koreans and other members of the “model minority.” They’ll tolerate them for a while, I suppose, as long as they can be used as useful idiots to help the “progressives” cement their position as the vanguard of society, but when push comes to shove, they’re not going to let an Asian take the place of another minority as long as there are enough “POC” to go around ~
1. Trump voters are a “threat” to overcredentialed doofuses like Michael Suk-Young Chwe? Sweet Jesus, I hope to hell so.
2. Michael Suk-Young Chwe? The name jokes write themselves.
3. Professor Suk-Young Chwe is a perfect illustration of an old joke about Ph.D.’s: “People educated far beyond their actual level of intelligence.”
It is often said that the first test of a fledgling democracy is when the first peaceful transfer of power takes place
In the US, that happened in 1801. Looks like Professor Johnny Come Lately missed it.
Ooohh, there’s more …
If we think of this transfer as occurring from one ethnic and gender group to another
Well, there’s his great “postulate that pigs can fly” moment. This “transfer” is purely imaginary, and none too likely. I’m having trouble coming up with any democracy or republic, any time or any place, which was started, or even maintained, by anything but those dreaded white men. There were some North American Indian groups which voted on some matters, but that’s a long way from what we’d call a democratic society or government. If you want a democracy or a republic, you’re stuck with white guys. Nobody else has ever even been in the running. Even convincing copies are conspicuously absent.
democracy in the United States and in most western European nations has not yet passed its first real test
Given the facts of the history of democratic and republican forms of government, I think those people who actually managed to make them happen have passed any reasonable test.
Looked up his credentials. He is totally incompetent to teach PoliScy. He is a gamer. Nothing but a loser gamer that teaches useless courses to undergraduates to take up the time.
He has a degree in nothing, teaches nothing, and has the pretensions of a mountain in the desert.