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Yet Another Study Finds Conservative Professors Vastly Outnumbered on Campus

Yet Another Study Finds Conservative Professors Vastly Outnumbered on Campus

No intellectual diversity.

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We don’t really need studies to know this, just look at what’s happening on American college campuses and you’ll find all the proof you need.

The Washington Times reports:

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds

A new study confirms what even the most casual observer of higher education has long known — that conservative professors are vastly outnumbered by liberal ones — but it also shows that the problem is getting worse.

Published in Econ Journal Watch last month, the study looks at faculty voter registration at 40 leading universities and finds that, out of 7,243 professors, Democrats outnumber Republicans 3,623 to 314, or by a ratio of 11 1/2 to 1.

The study comes after a tumultuous few years at American colleges and universities, marked by campus race protests, the disinvitation of conservative speakers and the popularization of phrases such as “trigger warning” and “safe space.”

Out of five departments analyzed by the authors, the field friendliest to conservative scholars is economics, where there are only 4.5 liberal professors for every conservative.

Conversely, history is by far the least conservative-friendly department, where liberals outnumber conservatives by a 33 1/2-to-1 ratio.


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