Oh, he’s poking Team Obama and the media in the eye.
He’s says he’s got some films of Obama from college, and he’ll release them at just the right time.
I wonder if the films were courtesy of Ayers and Dorn.
When would be the best time? Film one two days before Obama is nominated? And then dribbling them out one every week until the election?
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It’s 10:07pm here in Austin as I post this. The political junkie in me keeps me engaged @ such a late hour.
Saw this – he’s a fighter – we all need to be in order to destroy the left. Certo!
Breitbart is going to play this one very cagily.
I figure he either has just one video, and will hold it back to see if the media will try to dig up anything else, or he has multiples that he’ll dribble out.
It’ll be entertaining either way.
Oh yeah, the media is going to investigate Obama? I would expect them to investigate Breitbart.
I suspect he’s already thoroughly investigated.
“I figure he either has just one video, and will hold it back to see if the media will try to dig up anything else, or he has multiples that he’ll dribble out.”
The only digging-up by the media will be to ensure the videos they buried are still buried.
If only he could get hold of the video at the dinner for Rashid Khalidi that the LATimes keeps hidden, how sweet would that be to release as well.
He’s dreamy.
Don’t tell his wife I said that.
Agreed, but don’t tell MY wife I said that!
I wondering if it is a bluff.
Obama is such a career liar I doubt even he remembers the truth about what happened in college.
The panic of trying to defuse a time bomb that you can’t remember could send him into a major spiral. When the video comes out and isn’t so bad that won’t be nearly as damaging as the months of self-doubt, finger-pointing, sleepless nights and stories dug up by a MSM finally doing the job they adamantly refused to do in 2008.
But what if it is something bad? How bad could it be? Drug use? Of course he did. That’s admitted to. Old news.
Preaching out-and-out Marxism? Maybe, but hardly a game-changing revelation. Who doesn’t know that The One has been steering a course somewhere between Il Deuce and Lenin.
I’ve not generally known Breitbart to bluff when he says he’s actually got something. Usually if he’s bluffing he just kind of hints that something might be out there.
My guess is that it will be something to do with his time at Occidental College when he was arguing against South Africa’s apartheid policy. If so, it’s probably President Obama talking about “white privilege” in the United States or some other nonsense which the public at large would see as blatant racism.
Alternatively, it might be something from his Columbia days from when he was studying Poli-Sci and International Relations. If it’s that, then it’s probably something about how Reagan was “destroying the world” and how the USSR Leninist Communist model was so much better from a social equality standpoint.
Those are what I think are the most likely things that Breitbart to have finally dug up. I think that the media WILL be going bonkers over it if he starts dropping a couple more hints, thinking that they’re about to get blind-sided by something.
We don’t need anything else to turn the right against Obama, so hopefully the films show something that will turn the left against him. Maybe the film reveals that Obama was once a Young Republican or a John Bircher.
That made me laugh out loud, you devil.
A video of Obama being baptized as a Catholic? Would drive his leftist base absolutely bonkers.
Holy bejeezes you guys are on a roll.
Where do I get my dog whistle?
Hey, any evil capitalists out there who want to manufacture a Breitbart whistle?
You’d make a damn fortune.
I’d buy one tomorrow.
the best way for Breitbart to release it would be after verifying its authenticity, saying that he was certain it was authentic and without editing it dishonestly.
chances of that happening ……… remote. very, very remote.
The truth hurts too much for you doesn’t it?
Let the trolls roll in.
Breitbart will eat you for lunch.
nope. whether the truth hurts or not, I’m all infavor of it.
Breitbart however is on a mission to spread propaganda and scant truth as he often says.
Links, please.
“…Breitbart rejected the notion of journalistic objectivity in covering Israel.
“You cannot be objective when it comes to right and wrong,” Breitbart said. “And Israel is in the right. So I’m a biased journalist, and I’m having a great time doing it.” ”
You’re been asked for a single example.
The “truth” is, Breitbart enrages and unhinges the Left for doing what the Right has hitherto lacked the wherewithall or nerve to do or even try — use the Left’s own tactics against them to demolish their false narratives. That he does so using facts and follow-through and with open and wicked delight has made him very dangerous and despised in a very short period of time.
raven, Breitbart believes that he SHOULD distort things to counter what he sees as constant distortions by the left-leaning media,
he’ll use facts when they serve, but he has distorted and manipulated and when caught out……uses the defense that he didn’t know any better and believed the distortions….
I’m beginning to realize some blind spots in Breitbart’s spiel, chiefly the failures and perfidies of the GOP establishment. And I do not accept or appreciate being “shamed” for my discernment, i.e., for not professing indifference, as he does, to who the eventual nominee may be. I celebrate Breitbart’s fierce and merry warrior spirit but believe very strongly that the name of our nominee matters, and I do not and will never support Mitt Romney.
good for you. I’m glad that you appreciate Breitbart’s manliness and are not hung up on his sexual orientation.
too many people are blinded by that stuff.
Oh, the GAY troll.
How NOT clever.
It used to be that if the left said something enough times that it would stick.
Not anymore, kiddo.
Breitbart does have a point. He’s not telling you that you should be shamed for your discernment. He’s telling you that you should be shamed if you don’t support whomever the Republican nominee ends up being due to the danger that a second Obama term poses to the nation.
If you want to be discerning, there’s a time for that: it’s called the primaries. Once that’s done, even if you don’t like him, hold your nose and vote for the nominee. Romney may not be better than Obama from an Executive standpoint, but at least he won’t likely veto Conservative legislation otherwise reigning in the government. And if he does, then he WILL draw a primary challenge in the 2016 election cycle.
That being said, if Romney becomes the nominee and loses, I will strongly advocate in favor of splitting away from the Republican party and fully supporting either a national TEA Party line or a much expanded national Conservative party. The Republican party will not get another penny out of me. We will have 2 years to build it in preparation for the 2014 Congressional elections, and then 2 years to find, prepare and run a strong Conservative candidate (not necessarily perfect, but strong). The “establishment” will have had their preferred candidate (twice in a row) and that candidate will have lost (twice in a row).
It will be time to say “to hell with them” and take our great unwashed masses that they so like to look down upon elsewhere where our values can be forged from our hot steel of resolve into an accepting, yet hardened and campaign ready platform to present to the nation.
I feel that the time to separate has already arrived. We don’t need November to roll around. We need to begin the process now.
It’s time to divide up the CDs and DVDs. Figure out who is taking the coffee maker and who is taking the cat.
We have irreconcilable differences with people who think Romney and McCain are conservatives. Since they belittle our candidates and blame us when the press gets nasty then it’s time to move on.
We aren’t married to the RNC.
“Breitbart does have a point. He’s not telling you that you should be shamed for your discernment. He’s telling you that you should be shamed if you don’t support whomever the Republican nominee ends up being due to the danger that a second Obama term poses to the nation.”
I don’t follow the point, not if one concedes the full meaning of “discernment.” I discern in Romney an essential and comparable catastrophe to that of Obama, or one even worse in its implication of the Republican party (and by extension conservatives “shamed” into colluding) in the disaster. I think a Romney administration woud set the stage for a leftist revival. If Romney is the nominee, better Obama wins and we tear the house down.
In any case, Breitbart is a good man and indispensable captain in the war on the Left; I just happened to object to his uncharacteristic self-righteousness here.
This is mostly a difference of opinion on the danger of a Romney Presidency.
I see Romney as a hands-off manager. He’s not going to rock the boat, nor tear down what Obama has built up to this point –on his own–. But I don’t think that he’ll stand in the way of Congressional Conservatives demolishing what Obama has built either. He’ll say “Congress does what Congress does” and sign it.
A second Obama term though will have none of the safeties that were in place during the first term due to a possibility of reelection. Obama knows he needs (not wants, needs) to hold onto the executive branch for another 4 years to let the forced-through policies set into stone. Administrative rule-making will be RAMPANT. No more oil leases on Federal lands. The Oil Shale development will be halted (EPA). BATFE will run roughshod over firearms dealers via rules about “registering” when people buy ANY firearms.
And the biggest reason to vote for whomever the Republican nominee will be over a 2nd term Obama presidency: the SCOTUS. In the next 4 years, there will likely be at least 2, if not 3 and quite possibly 4 Supreme Court vacancies (Ginsburg, Breyer, Kennedy and possibly Scalia).
A second Obama Presidency means he gets to shape the SCOTUS for likely the next 30 years by nominating up to four more VERY liberal justices, which on top of Kagan and Sotomayor would eliminate any possibility of rolling back the statist status quo. A Republican president (even a moderate one) means that we get at least moderates, and hopefully Conservatives appointed to SCOTUS instead.
[…] » Breitbart at CPAC – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion […]
it used to be that when Breitbart released film clips, people credited them……but he’s been so dishonest that anything from him is discounted .
that he’s several times abused people’s trust…..is the truth. it’s on the record,Tammi.
Put the record UP, or STFU, troll.
the shirley sherrod smear with the clip edited to show her saying exactly what she meant to condemn.
Starring macaquerman as a leftist James Dean in:
“Babble without a Pause.”
Breitbart knows a good time to release what he has as evidenced by his timing in announcing it and building bodacious buzz. The best time, without any hindsight of course, is probably when the attacks in a major more partisan fashion against our (yep… I will vote for the R and hold out hope no matter who the nominee is the nominee for V.P. is better, plain and simple) last best hope for POTUS begin in earnest.
Most important: Know thy enemy as you know thyself.
What great times we live in to have such interesting foes, convinced of their beliefs as are we and so able to effect the change they have so longed for.
October surprise? The Obots must be scrambling to find out what he’s got. Hope he has those tapes locked up in a very safe place.
I can’t wait for this to be explained by Jay Carney!
I love his term for Harvard: “Beirut on the Charles”
About 12:50 into his speech, Briebart says he doesn’t care who the candidate is because he’ll support whoever it is.
I hope he has given several copies to trusted aides since he will probably and mysteriously die in a house fire that the local FD will not be able to put out. Be safe, Mr. Breitbart and do not stray from your goal. ABO & OMG.
“When would be the best time?”
WWRD…? (What would Rather do)
posted a blurb about this on FB and my liberal friends went into overdrive trying to smear Breitbart as a charlatan, political opportunist, alcoholic drug abuser and also heard the “gay” label thrown in (why is it a gay person is a champion of the left when they are on the plantation but a curse if it is a person on the right?). Oh, my, are they all wee-wee’d up over this. I’m sure team O is in hyperdrive this weekend, can’t wait to hear what Jay Carney has to say!
Breitbart is right on his term “Politics is downstream of pop culture”.
Case in point: HBO’s “Game Change”
Hollywood’s “Iron Sky”
Five words…. SPACE NAZIS vs Sarah Palin!!!!
From their secret bases on the Moon, the forces of Hitler emerge to take over the Earth with their flying saucers and super weapons.
How they stretched this out with a measly ten million dollar budget is beyond me.
The President? A cheap looking Palin with a valley girl/southern accent.
Oh my! This looks like a stinker on the same level as “Mars Attacks” or “Plan Nine From Outer Space”.
Movie site:
You Tube:
You take that back! “Mars Attacks” and “Plan Nine from Outter Space” are two of the 3 best cenimatic masterpiecs ever made! The third of course is “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.”
You Philistine!
Hooray for Hollywood!
By employing space Nazis as the foil, they’ve managed to give Palin the moral high ground. possibly the intellectual high ground as well.
It’s racist to want videos. It’s racist to search for videos. It’s racist to find videos. It is racist to say you have videos. It is racist to say you’ll release videos. It is racist to release videos. The videos are fakes made by racists. It is racist to prove the videos are real.
You know where this is going..
You take that back! “Mars Attacks” and “Plan Nine from Outter Space” are two of the 3 best cenimatic masterpiecs ever made! The third of course is “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.”
You Philistine!
“Barack Obama is a radical. We should not be afraid to say that.” Andrew Breitbart, CPAC
But Mitt Romney is afraid to say it. Newt Gingrich is not.
Pay attention, Andrew — support for Romney at any point subverts the entire mission you represent.
Destroy the left Andrew. I left the demonRat party in disgust in 2008, nothing but commies and marxists and radical socialists in that far left party.
There is no longer a place for moderate/conservative dems like me in that party.
For the record I voted for Howard Dean in 2004, then John Kerry, now I’m a staunch supporter of the Tea Party, people would be surprised to see how many moderate, cons. independent minded dems now independents are supporters of the TP.
Keep going Andrew, you speak for millions and are supported by millions, even disgusted ex-dems.
“He’s says he’s got some films of Obama from college, and he’ll release them at just the right time.”
The videos better be the equivalents of “Little Boy” and “Fat Man”, or else…
[…] for one, can’t wait for Breitbart to release it. If people are worried that conservatives are not sufficiently enthused, I trust […]
The best part is the Dems can’t even cry that Breitbart is scum to do this…….because he is scripting it right off of Nancy Pelosi’s threat to release Gingrich Corruption Investigation files. Only difference is it would be illegal for Nancy to release and not illegal of Breitbart.
Wouldn’t it be grand if the video is of Obama but being called a different name or him talking about his foreign student financial aid??????
And maybe Breitbart is bluffing and in the spin doctoring, Obama’s team will say too much…….Such fun!