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Branco Cartoon – Show Me The Money!

Branco Cartoon – Show Me The Money!

Louder, I need to feel it

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Maddeningly true.

legacyrepublican | January 25, 2016 at 7:46 am

Sub title could be “Money for nothing and your nukes for free”

I have no problem sending 1.7 billion dollars to Iran, as long as I get to pick the currency. At $500,000 per cruise missle, that’s roughly 3,000 targets with enough left over for some photography to send to anybody else who thinks kidnapping US citizens makes good policy.

There you go. You’ve gone and done it again, Branco.

And that’s a good thing.

P.S. I hung your calendar on my son’s bedroom wall. He loves it. He only takes it down and hides it when his girlfriend comes over. Her father is a journalist and … well, you know the rest.

I hope you made those bills traceable, Branco.

Treason, plain and simple.

You have captured O’s arrogant look of disdain perfectly!