Trump goes after Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Weiner, Hillary camp goes ballistic
Calls Anthony “one of the great pervs of our time” and suggests Huma pillow talk

While speaking at a campaign event in the Boston area Friday night, Donald Trump was jabbing Hillary Clinton and slipped into a seemingly improvised monologue about embattled Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner.
Josh Feldman of Mediaite:
‘Bing Bing Bing’: Trump Lets Loose on ‘Perv,’ ‘Sleazebag’ Anthony Weiner
Trump was talking about Hillary Clinton‘s emails and then roped her aide Huma Abedin into it due to her involvement.
But then Trump also brought in her husband, “one of the great sleazebags of our time.” Yes, Trump went on a whole riff about Weiner, who infamously engaged in sexting multiple times, calling him a “perv” and saying Abedin must be “desperately in love with him” if she’s staying with him.
He riled up the crowd as he talked about Weiner and Abedin, and said that it’s pretty clear she’s telling her husband about some of the email stuff.
Here’s the video:
Team Hillary flipped out almost immediately.
This tweet is from Hillary’s traveling press secretary:
.@realDonaldTrump crossed the line this evening. Disgraceful.
— Nick Merrill (@NickMerrill) August 29, 2015
Here’s another member of the Hillary camp:
New level of boorishness by Trump tonight shd provoke a "Have you no decency, sir?" moment from rest of GOP. But I'm not holding my breath
— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) August 29, 2015
These complaints come one day after Hillary Clinton compared Republicans to terrorists.
Professor Jacobson notes another shockingly inappropriate recent statement from Clinton:
Did Hillary cross a line when she suggested Republicans were Nazis wanting to put people in boxcars?
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) August 29, 2015
Love him or hate him, Trump is certainly making the 2016 campaign very entertaining.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Instead of the speech police going after Trump, how about the political sleazebags clean up their behaviors. It’s no as if anyone is forcing those people to have poor behaviors.
Hol’ the damn phone…
I thought we were supposed to be all about “substantive issues” and NOT TMZ-level bullshit.
(Just imagine if Megyn! had asked T-rump about his infidelities. Which, when applied to Gingrich’s single infidelity, were a killer for a lot of “base” voters.)
Why aren’t we talking about T-rump’s “Touch Back” immigration plan, which was endorsed by the NYT (THE NEW YORK TIMES…!?!?)?
I hope you will be whining about Trump for the next 9 years & 2 months.
It’s great entertainment. 🙂
Who’s “whining”? I asked two rational questions, neither of which you seem able to address, Crazy Cat Lady.
Exactly what I expected from an old curmudgen like you 😉
The first question came out as a statement, so to re-write it into a question, it might look like this: Aren’t we supposed to be talking all about “substantive issues” and NOT TMZ-level bullshit?
Yes, we are. While Huma is an important part of the story, as in, I would bet she scrubbed all the TOP SECRET markings off the emails so Hilary Rodham Clinton could then say “None of the emails sent to me were marked TOP SECRET”, and be correct. Somebody else pointed out removing those markings is a felony. Huma’s blood relatives in the Muslim Brotherhood are far more important than her marriage of political convenience to an ambitious and unscrupulous politician. Were Huma not so closely tied to Hilary I wonder if she would get security clearance to even visit a Federal Office. (In 0bama’s Amerika, Muslim Brotherhood is cool, so probably yes.)
The second question is “Why aren’t we talking about T-rump’s “Touch Back” immigration plan, which was endorsed by the NYT (THE NEW YORK TIMES…!?!?)?”
While Anthony’s behavior is unworthy of a man of honor, so is even discussing it in this context. Clearly Mr. Trump is not a man of honor. His plan needs public discussing, no his observations about another person’s private behavior made public and their marriage.
Will the questions get answered?
Forget your stupid questions and enjoy the moment. Trump is doing to the political system what has been needed for many years. Whether or not he succeeds is for him to determine and for us to make a decision on. I’d vote for him today if the election was being held today in spite of all of the “But he believed this or he said that” crap. Every single person running has had fundamental life changing events in the past ten years and if you haven’t then you haven’t been alive.
Or, “Shut UP, he explained”.
Just exactly like a Collectivist. Doesn’t that worry you when you do that?
RaggedyPierre, an anti Trump Troll, who just CAN’T keep from insulting people when they disagree with him.
Make that a classless troll.
What’s hilarious is YOU…the demonstrated lying POS troll you are KNOWN to be…thinking you can join the pile on here and get any mileage out of it.
THAT is precious…!!!
Right behind thinking I give a flying fluck what morons who’ve become slavering followers of their little yellow god think.
You know, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say this, but Ragsputz, you are nothing more than a bully and an intellectual lightweight. You lack any wit at all. (Your being this blog’s sole potty-mouth much proves that.)
Some here believe you are an old man, but I think, in reality, you might be a 15 year old posing as an adult. Nothing else could count for your Wizard of Oz schtick of your throwing flames and trying to intimidate people while hiding your little behind a curtain of anonymity this blog provides you. If you keep this up, we’re going to call your parents.
I’m going to save this text, and likely expand on it. Every time you insult someone, I’m going to post it in response.
You’re going to become more fun to insult than that sorry excuse for a male body, Squeaker Boehner.
You’ve announced your intent to stalk me. (!!!)
With the expressed purpose of insulting me.
Not any other purpose, like to rationally argue points.
How’s that going to look to the Professor?
I’m an old CONSERVATIVE, Crazy Cat Lady.
Answer the flucking questions.
That’s why I like Trump, he’s not afraid to say what’s true. Some people are offended by that, but for me I’m offended that they are offended. Go Trump! Keep me smiling and laughing!
Huma is to Hillary as Valerie Jarrett is to 0bama.
And that’s a pretty damned ‘substantive issue’.
“Perv-talk” is “substantive”?
Don’t talk down to me, please. I’ve written about Huma and her dangers MANY times here. More than you, certainly.
That isn’t what this whole “Bing, bing, bing” TMZ level T-rump blather is about.
Is it?
Wouldn’t think of talking down to you, Oh, Great One.
But, you obviously miss a few points now and then, while enveloped in your Personal Wondrousness:
Yes, Perv-talk is relevant.
The Perv in question is possibly a national security threat.
See? I tried to keep this respectful, and you go all “asshole” on me.
YOU missed the point. I KNOW Huma is a national security threat. Written about it MANY times.
I’ve also goofed…as a commenter on a blog…about Mr. Danger Weiner.
Not the same as “Bing, Bing, Bing” T-rump (reality show actor and CERTAINLY entertainer) going into TMZ territory, which I THOUGHT we were all about NOT doing when bitching about a NOT debate.
See now? And don’t BE an asshole, K?
Perhaps you missed the part where a lot of “millenials” and the kids voting for the first time get their “news”. IT IS TMZ! Don’t approve of it, but that’s the way it is. Would you prefer some of Jeb!’s “love” or a little bit more of Amnesty Gramnesty?
Then you LOVED the first NOT debate, right?
Speaking of perv talk, we all got a laugh out of Bill’s sexcapades with Monica. Some men will think of him as they smoke their cigar, and vision Bill getting a BJ in the Oral Office.
I took this story as more a compare and contrast.
The base cared enough about Gingrich’s behavior for it to sink his ship. My understanding is this: Newt Gingrich was 19 when he married his first wife, a 26-year-old-woman who had been his high school English teacher. While is infidelity is immoral, I am not privy to the state of his marriage at the time it occurred. Many marriages are dissolved in fact before they are dissolved in law. He did go on the divorce the person whom he was married to, and marry the person with whom he had the affair. Not honorable behavior then.
What has he done with his life since then?
“[Newt Gingrich] did go on the divorce the person whom he }was married to, and marry the person with whom he had the affair”
And then he did again.
Trump’s making an argument that doesn’t really add up. The fact that Huma stays narried to Anthoony weiner doesn’t prove that she loves him, and doesn’t prove that she tells him secrets, and he only got this public relations job recently, and the person whom Anthony Weiner is close to is Bill Clinton. The Clintons in fact arranged his marriage to Huma Abedin. The problem actually really is with bill and Hillary Clinton.
And while it is probably true that Donald Trump knew Anthony Weiner to be bad guy before 2011, he’s not elaborating.
Trump is breaking their PC toys. awww
Expecting another Jump For Trump in the polls over this.
ha ha ha ha ha!!!
“We have to take care of the women”: Donald T-rump, NOT PC guy.
What a moron.
YEAH! Let’s have another “it’s my turn” establishment RINO. Who do you favor? Carson? How about Rubio? I know, let’s get Jeb! in there. Then we can all speak Spanish and vacation in Cuba with the Castro bros. Got your Che’ shirt yet?
THAT was as stupid as anything you’ve posted…which is going some, considering your support for abortion on demand.
Being a Conservative, I support Cruz, first. Ya moron.
I guess if your guy gets elected we won’t be hearing Bruce Springsteen singing “Born In The USA” at the inauguration.
So far, the Donald is the most credible presidential candidate running in either party.
MORE hilarity from a lying POS troll!
Cruz has more authenticity in his toenail than does T-rump, Mr. Establishment and American oligarch.
But you know that, and are just here trolling. Funny, but you’ll gain some “fans” here today. That won’t last, judging by our history, though. Will it…???
You know, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say this, but Ragsputz, you are nothing more than a bully and an intellectual lightweight. You lack any wit at all. (Your being this blog’s sole potty-mouth much proves that.)
Some here believe you are an old man, but I think, in reality, you might be a 15 year old posing as an adult. Nothing else could count for your Wizard of Oz schtick of your throwing flames and trying to intimidate people while hiding your little behind a curtain of anonymity this blog provides you. If you keep this up, we’re going to call your parents.
I’m going to save this text, and likely expand on it. Every time you insult someone, I’m going to post it in response.
You’re going to become more fun to insult than that sorry excuse for a male body, Squeaker Boehner.
Gee. TheStaziReport doesn’t like it when I push back on .22calTex after he implicitly calls be a (BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA) Che’ supporter (which was pure madness).
I should stand for that? Naw. Ain’t gonna happen.
love him or hate him, Trump is certainly making the 2016 campaign very entertaining. I love the guy. He’s putting the steel back into America’s spine. He says out loud what most Americans privately think.
So did the late Joan Rivers, but no one ever suggested that made her qualified to be president.
I see as much magical thinking in Trump supporters in 2016 as I saw in Obama supporters in 2008. Indeed, some of those who voted for Obama 2008 are vocal Trump supporters today. I doubt that is because they learned much of anything over the last seven years as they still seem to be seeking a celebrity Messiah. They were played by the media then and they are being played by the media today. Fools all.
Uh, who WON In 2008 and 2012 with that “magical thinking”? It damn sure wasn’t the RINO candidate. Seems we could do worse than “magical thinking”. How about some MAGICAL VOTING!
Why, Obama won both those races with “magical thinking voters”, ya moron.
Where have you been…???
Ms. MountainGirl, “magical thinking” and “fools all”? That’s quite a statement. You see, that’s the mistake the anti-Trump folks make, thinking and saying that his defenders or supporters are essentially stupid rubes. Sounds just a little too similar to the Establishment GOP’s attitude and treatment of their base, and it certainly is part of the way the Democrats treat us.
I’m enjoying this. Trump has forced the lid off all the garbage that the politicians (from both parties) have been able to keep sealed up. It’s about time. Too many of our people are cowering and afraid to insult or disturb someone – because the media and the Lefties make it that way.
Personally, IMHO, Anthony Weiner is a pervert. Huma, well she aided Hillary Clinton in circumventing (same as breaking the law) to what would amount to high crimes and misdemeanors – so let the show continue.
The Establishment GOP has been all too willing to play the Democrats game by their rules, we’re over that. And the only fools I see are those aren’t willing to stand up to the GOP. But that is your choice…
Well said
Well they are “stupid rubes” to the extent that they self-evidently aren’t aware of Trumps positions during the last two elections. God forbid they should use Google or Bing for five minutes. Not that hard to do.
I still think he’s a pompous blowhard, but he’s pissing off the right people, so I’m enjoying the entertainment.
Besides, another half a year before the campaign season even starts. God only knows what things are going to happen between now & February, much less the the nominations and the election.
You’ve got it exactly right, olafauer. Glad to see how many of us out here are enjoying Trump’s bulldozing through the garbage the Leftist media has given us, shielding both the Democrats and Republicans. I’ve enjoyed the genuine, straight-talk from Trump. He isn’t my 1st choice, but will gladly vote for him if he is the candidate. There are several others, especially Jeb Bush, who will not get any vote for me. Trump has exposed the GOP for what they are. Reagan had to go around the same elitist crowd when he ran. This country-club cocktail party ruling class has to go – they’re the ones destroying America, not Trump.
BTW, Trump is right about Huma, and it’s going to be interesting to see how much more law-breaking will be done in the cover-up of the laws she and Ms. Mills broke with aiding and abetting Hillary circumventing all the federal laws involved with top secret and classified data.
May have commented on this in a prior post a LI, but what the hell huh?
Could envision Trump as President, in a joint press conference with Vladimir Putin. Trump shoots his mouth off with a nasty directed at Putin. Vladimir, takes extreme offense and uses his Black Belt in the martial arts, tosses Trump into a pretzel shape LIVE on stage, leaves him drooling and gasping for air.
So you are a communist sympathizer …got it, comrade.
If you insist THEN it is MR. “comrade” to YOU! BTW, can you park a car “voting female”, if in fact YOU are “female”.
Leave it to a communist to break out a sexual attack b/c an opinionated woman called you on your bullshit.
What a loser. LOL
Putin isn’t so much a “communist” as he is a pragmatic, opportunistic oligarch.
Like T-rump.
Yes, JP, the president of Russia is going to physically attack the President of the United States. On camera.
Ahhhhh, nope. Not gonna happen. But feel free to fantasize in the privacy of your own home. 🙂
So Hillary has a Huma Weiner. Anthony displays his Weiner and Bill uses his…..Oh my!
Be careful there. You’ll make us all think they’re all “in bed” with perverts (“in bed” politically).
‘Rags’ Good name for an old coot perpetually on the Rag.
What is the lead now for Trump over Jeb in yesterday’s poll?
Oh yeah, 300% lead.
STILL cannot deal with reality, huh?
Two simple questions, and all you’ve come up with is calling people stupid names which don’t apply.
(Pro-tip: I have a sense of humor. You should think about buying one!)
YOU are the one with the demonstrated propensity for calling people names, as if using profanity is a virtue.
Get a grip, Raghead. You are better and smarter than that.
“Oh, Great One.” And…”enveloped in your Personal Wondrousnes”.
See? When you go “asshole”, you just can’t stop, huh?
Get a life.
Got one, thanks!
Here’s a thing…
When I call you what you have BEEN, that’s bad.
When T-rump calls Weiner what he’s been, that’s HYPER-cool!!!
So, weird, huh?
If you don’t like being called names, OnTheRag, don’t start it by doing it in the first place. Simple.
Yeah, you ARE simple, alright.
Two questions. STILL not any answers, just more stupid.
BTW, which are you? Equal or special “opinionated woman”?
I mean, PC much…???
Did he say anything that wasn’t true?
So, their objections are solely about Trump’s mentioning the fact that both Huma and her husband are security risks due to his (and undoubtedly her) sexual proclivities.
I don’t hear any denials.
But then Trump also brought in her husband, “one of the great sleazebags of our time.” Yes, Trump went on a whole riff about Weiner, who infamously engaged in sexting multiple times, calling him a “perv” and saying Abedin must be “desperately in love with him” if she’s staying with him.
Oh, I’d say he said lots of stuff that wasn’t “true”…or has anything to do with your highly sanitized and apologized version.
I don’t (personally) think that Huma is “desperately in love” wid Anthony, for one thing.
How, ’bout you?
I can also see Huma NEVER talking to Anthony about ANYTHING Clinton-related. I mean, would YOU trust Anthony?
Right. he told the truth, and bringing in Mr. Weiner, well I think he probably broke several laws while he was a Congressman, but it all was covered up…
Lady a lot of people such as me – who don’t watch the government approved Pravda news outlets such as Fox, PBS, CBS, etc. – are just now learning, thanks to Trump, that the Wiener is attached to a Huma…………
We wonder why so many politicians come off as completely phony. Then see what happens to Trump for not sticking to some carefully focus-group tested script.
It’s funny. I don’t like Trump but at the same time I wish the entire political establishment would learn to be like him. Say SOMETHING – even if it’s stupid! Stop trying to fool us with empty noise.
Corrupt coward, sell-out and backstabber Squeaker Boehner called Ted Cruz a jackass.
How’s that for the ‘political establishment’ ‘saying something stupid?’
Wieners and losers: This year for Halloween fashion week the Caitlyn Jenner look is in vogue.
Trump should go trick and treating as Caitlyn Jenner and Huma should go as Carlos Danger: Beauty and the Beast.
Aaack. Tpththth! Definitely need mind bleach after that mental image.
That’s all the proof I need that Huma’s Rasputin-like status was not a mere fairy tale all this time.
“Crossing the line”? There is no line to cross with Hillary Clinton. You can’t find it. She’s a walking degradation of ethical standards in politics.
The Hillary camp is squealing about “crossing the line”? Yeah, wonder what they’d call it when Hillary lied to the families of the Benghazi dead, right there at their caskets. Now there’s a line crossed no one seems to care about.
I just saw the video. Great hilarious stuff. Trump compressed more in those three minutes about the evil farce of Huma and Hillary than the GOP has dared utter in three years.
Yuh, I know, RIGHT…!?!? I mean, it’s like the guy was an actor on a reality show, and knows how to work a crowd! Or sumptin’…
He’s like…Michael Savage or that marvy Howie Carr…but with billions of dollars!
I’m not here to attack or defend Donald Trump — he can take care of himself.
But I’m with the Professor. A campaign whose candidate openly compares the other side to Nazis has no business complaining when the other side fires back. They will anyway, because they’re Clintons, and that’s what they do.
So we’ll fire back. She’ll complain from oblivion – or prison.
BTW, anybody here who is unhappy with Trump should look in the mirror for the reason he’s the GOP frontrunner: YOU had the chance the take on the corrupt GOP establishment hacks hogging the party leadership positions of our party, but you didn’t. You went along with Boehner and Presbus et al(and now McConnell) to get along.
The corrupt GOP hacks gave us Trump. But YOU gave us the GOP hacks.
No more than YOU, ya moron.
So, you took offense, b/c you are the guilty party. I see. Thus OnTheRag name calls AFTER he started name calling and then going postal b/c he doesn’t like being called names.
The self-awareness is absent in this one. *rolls eyes*
Emmm…NO, stupid.
Because THAT idiot is no more blameless than anyone ELSE who’s been fighting this battle for…in MY case…decades.
Poor, stupid, hate-twisted Cat Lady.
(Holds nose at stench of 69 cats.)
Ragspierre, You are beginning to sound just like the Alinsky-ite leftists. Perhaps a sabbatical silent retreat or a visit to the psychiatrist might be in order.
So, the gulag for Ragspierre?
Why don’t YOU rationally address some of my points here, instead of telling me to shut up and get back in line, Big Brother?
(Because I won’t, and you can’t make me. HEH!)
You’re certainly on a roll today – insulting virtually anyone with whom you disagree.
Honestly, Ragpile, your behavior is appalling and you’re rapidly losing any credibility you may have had by speaking out like a self-loathing fool.
Sometimes I’ve found your comments amusing and sometimes they’ve been intelligent.
But you’re sinking into an abyss of irrelevance.
I’ll say it again: GET A LIFE.
Or…get in line or shut up and be punished?
Sorry. Screw you.
Ragrage, your vulgarity and lack of self-respect betray you.
Sorry, indeed.
OK. Just screw you.
He has an anger management problem. Over the past five years I’ve come across him on other blogs using the same obnoxious slurs to anyone who disagrees with him, even on minor details. He must have self esteem issues, to overcompensate with unremitting insults as he does time after time.
What’s revealing about OnTheRagMouth is that he attacks Trump for his insult mode while he himself engages it here, regularly. HypocrisyPierre would be an apt psydonym for him.
I DO hate lies and liars. Call it a flaw.
Which is why JJTrombone follows me around, trolling. I’ve demonstrated his lies repeatedly, as here, and there are blogs he dare not show up now.
He’s a hiss and a by-word. But only because he’s a liar. Well, and a moron.
You know, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say this, but Ragsputz, you are nothing more than a bully and an intellectual lightweight. You lack any wit at all. (Your being this blog’s sole potty-mouth much proves that.)
Some here believe you are an old man, but I think, in reality, you might be a 15 year old posing as an adult. Nothing else could count for your Wizard of Oz schtick of your throwing flames and trying to intimidate people while hiding your little behind behind a curtain of anonymity this blog provides you. If you keep this up, we’re going to call your parents.
I’m going to save this text, and likely expand on it. Every time you insult someone, I’m going to post it in response.
You’re going to become more fun to insult than that sorry excuse for a male body, Squeaker Boehner.
Or…get in line, shut up and be punished?
Sorry. Screw you, TheStaziReport.
I’ll be Breitbart. You can TRY to be Big Brother.
Dude, unless you’ve been bloody active in your local organization, caucusing and influencing local & state elections, you have nothing to blast anyone else about.
There’s a ton of reasons that the current situation came about. Simplistic binary thinking like that was one. Holding onto That One Important Hot-Button which keeps one from ever considering Candidate X is another. How many times have we seen someone screech “I’ll never for X because of” immigration/gay issues/gun issues/something else?
So the GOP got backed into a corner because one woman’s Perfect Candidate is another man’s Worst Candidate Ever. And they’re both unbelievably vocal about the whole mess. No matter who you support they’ll be anathema to someone else, who will also refuse to compromise. That’s why we end up with “moderate” candidates because any one with a dissenting opinion is unmercifully flamed, then eliminated before nomination. Just look at this comment thread. People are going totally librarian-poo* over something we won’t be able to decide for another 10 months.
Me, I was very much against Romney for the nomination, but realized he was better than Obama. It was easy to pull the lever for him, but I keep hearing (if I believe their comments) from people who stayed home or voted for a “symbolic” candidate that day.
The Democrats have won many elections because after the nomination, they fell in line behind their candidate. It’s called party discipline. Also try finding common ground with another candidate if it looks like they’re doing well in the primaries. It’s better to ally with someone who’s 80% in agreement with you instead of taking your toys and going home because your guy/gal didn’t get enough votes.
*It’s a Terry Pratchett thing.
Serious question, why in the world did it take this long to rightfully bring up Huma is married to a perv? She certainly is, and she is also one Clinton’s top aides, what took so long?
You’re kidding, right?
Been there, done that. All over the blog-0-sphere.
Sure we all know this, but have you heard any other candidate bring this up? The media hasn’t brought it up and they won’t unless forced to. Most average people have not made this connection, and they need to know about it.
Now THERE is a valid question!
“…have you heard any other candidate bring this up?”
No. But, given the T-rump dominates in the Mushroom and much of the right media, would that necessarily be determinative that nobody HAS? The other candidates have said a LOT of stuff nobody has heard about, due to Mr. Establishment.
Is it really an essential question? Or is it an ancillary question with only SUGGESTIVE answers?
The primary question, I suggest, is what Hellary did, when, with what, and who knows about it?
What Huma knew, when, and who knows about it are all interesting, but do they determine if Hellary CAN be POTUS? (Maybe.) Especially given that Anthony’s perv-i-ness does not begin to prove he got anything from Huma, at all, whatsover.
MUCH more likely is that Huma…Muslim Brotherhoodlem moll…holds Anthony in deep contempt and just feeds stuff to her blood relatives.
ALSO, it isn’t the issue, but…again…the TMZ-level of the T-rump rant, given that several here were just flopping all over their fainting couches because of the FOX NOT debate.
You know, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say this, but Ragsputz, you are nothing more than a bully and an intellectual lightweight. You lack any wit at all. (Your being this blog’s sole potty-mouth much proves that.)
Some here believe you are an old man, but I think, in reality, you might be a 15 year old posing as an adult. Nothing else could count for your Wizard of Oz schtick of your throwing flames and trying to intimidate people while hiding your little behind a curtain of anonymity this blog provides you. If you keep this up, we’re going to call your parents.
I’m going to save this text, and likely expand on it. Every time you insult someone, I’m going to post it in response.
You’re going to become more fun to insult than that sorry excuse for a male body, Squeaker Boehner.
Now, see, you’ve already run your lil’ game into the ground.
It doesn’t work, but it really doesn’t work when you slather it all over the thread after each of my posts.
That one raises several issues, which the Stazi in you can’t abide, much less meet.
Why aren’t we talking about T-rump’s “Touch Back” immigration plan, which was endorsed by the NYT (THE NEW YORK TIMES…!?!?)?
You know, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say this, but Ragsputz, you are nothing more than a bully and an intellectual lightweight. You lack any wit at all. (Your being this blog’s sole potty-mouth much proves that.)
Some here believe you are an old man, but I think, in reality, you might be a 15 year old posing as an adult. Nothing else could count for your Wizard of Oz schtick of your throwing flames and trying to intimidate people while hiding your little behind a curtain of anonymity this blog provides you. If you keep this up, we’re going to call your parents.
I’m going to save this text, and likely expand on it. Every time you insult someone, I’m going to post it in response.
You’re going to become more fun to insult than that sorry excuse for a male body, Squeaker Boehner.
I asked a question TheStaziReport apparently found verboten.
Fear is a terrible thing. We should NEVER be afraid of questions. It isn’t how Conservatives think.
Therein may be the problem…
Dude. Enough already. Ok?
Trump goes in like Gen. Patton, and also like Patton, he wins! Here, he has thrown a live grenade into the Hitlery foxhole, and all the rats are jumping! Whee!
This is the most fun I’ve had for years and years! I’d forgotten what it was like to take the battle to the enemy, rather than let the enemy dictate the field (like Megyn Crowley tried to do in that “debate” with the phony “War on Women” crap.)
Like Trump often says, we have forgotten what it’s like to win! Keeping the enemy off balance is a big part of that, also not giving away your whole battle plan before you engage (for how NOT to do it, the current occupant of the White House is a great example.)
Winning is what Trump does! Moar popcorn while I watch him annihilate the Hitlery camp with the greatest of ease!
Go, Trump, GO!
Poor old curmudgeon, OnTheRag, gonna go postal over this newest bit of Jeb-News? poor thing… coo
Top Jeb Bush Fundraisers Leaving Campaign Amid Troubling Signs.(Presumptive nominee no more)
No, you poor Crazy Cat Lady and liar.
I predicted last week that Jeb! is toast.
Likewise Hellary, in case you were drunk or overcome with the stench of cat litter and missed it.
BTW, do you even know the meaning of “touch back” in terms of immigration?
Do you approve of T-rump’s plan to fast-track “good” illegals with amnesty?
(That’s two questions, which shouldn’t tax your poor old brain…much.)
Ahhh… you again. A question asked is not a lie, OnTheRag.
Oh, honey, you’ve lied all over this thread, calling people “communists” and the like!
You’re too funny…!!!
You know, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say this, but Ragsputz, you are nothing more than a bully and an intellectual lightweight. You lack any wit at all. (Your being this blog’s sole potty-mouth much proves that.)
Some here believe you are an old man, but I think, in reality, you might be a 15 year old posing as an adult. Nothing else could count for your Wizard of Oz schtick of your throwing flames and trying to intimidate people while hiding your little behind a curtain of anonymity this blog provides you. If you keep this up, we’re going to call your parents.
I’m going to save this text, and likely expand on it. Every time you insult someone, I’m going to post it in response.
You’re going to become more fun to insult than that sorry excuse for a male body, Squeaker Boehner.
I’m good.
You do that, you poor, stupid projectionist.
I’ll just refer to any comment like that as TheStaziReport.
We’ll see how that works for ya’.
The thing about Weiner is that his name should be pronounced “Vyner,” not “Weener.”
If he knew the first thing about his heritage, he wouldn’t have had to go through childhood with the name “Weener,” and then he might have had a chance to grow up sane.
If has family had had any brains at all, they would have switched the spelling to Vyner or Viner long, long ago. But that’s the price of stupidity.
This article on Trump is beautiful, highlighting the way Trump blows his opponents away. However, Trump’s tactics so far have been more sparring with his opponents, certainly not strategic on a day to day basis, in regard to the GOP, GOPe, and the DNC. Trump’s verbal tactics in the near future will have to become more strategic and less combative, as I believe he so will change. Trump can be as diplomatic when necessary and to date on the campaign trail, it has not been necessary.
OTOHOT: Professor, ever wonder whether you’ve lost control of this blog and will it ever again be firmly in your control again? My view is that blogs have periods like this from time to time and either regain their footing or become fond memories.
But, yes, you’re still firmly in control of LI and anyone who thinks differently is smoking some bad stuff; maybe Colorado stinky.
LI forever the Professor’s awesome creation.
Huzzah for the Professor and Legal Insurrection indeed. And College Insurrection as well.
Huzzah indeed and ever so grateful others agree with that sentiment. However, be careful now, Heathcliff and Heathers are lurking hereabouts and they don’t like anybody cept themselves. They’s a bit like pesky houseflys buzzing round a body, spreading filth where they can.
Headline should be:
Trump goes after Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Weiner, Hillary camp and Ragsy go ballistic
Spraying a hail of profanity, self described ‘conservative’ Ragsy demands we stop enjoying the spectacle of Hillary flailing about like an upended cockroach and change the topic to some New York Times article he’s excited about.
You can’t make this stuff up. Seems like he’s earned a headline mention for demanding Trump take the heat off Hillary and Huma’s Wiener.. lol
Now, see you are lying. Again.
“…hail of profanity…???” Son, I could teach you things that apparently would blister your lying, shell-like ears.
There was nothing here about Hellary, you poor, stupid, lying POS.
The post was about T-rump, and his TMZ-level screed on Human and Anthony.
I suggested to some of you T-rump fan-bois that SUBSTANTIVE discussions would be on the line of T-rump’s NYT APPROVED amnesty program for illegals.
Which you don’t appear to be aware of.
You know, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say this, but Ragsputz, you are nothing more than a bully and an intellectual lightweight. You lack any wit at all. (Your being this blog’s sole potty-mouth much proves that.)
Some here believe you are an old man, but I think, in reality, you might be a 15 year old posing as an adult. Nothing else could count for your Wizard of Oz schtick of your throwing flames and trying to intimidate people while hiding your little behind a curtain of anonymity this blog provides you. If you keep this up, we’re going to call your parents.
I’m going to save this text, and likely expand on it. Every time you insult someone, I’m going to post it in response.
You’re going to become more fun to insult than that sorry excuse for a male body, Squeaker Boehner.
Another attempt to enforce PC by the TheStaziReport.
OK – I watched the video. So – what was a lie or misleading that Donald Trump said? I’m still waiting for someone to finally break the story about Huma and Hillary – you know – THAT story!
Uma and Hillary both stood by as their husbands whipped it out.
Good Lord, how stupid do they think we are?
They DO really think we’re that stupid!
There are a lot of submissive but ambitious wimmins in politics and other realms.
They don’t form “marriages” in the normal sense. They form “strategic alliances”. They don’t care about normal fidelity, and they’ll defend their investment like tigers.
“But, yes, you’re still firmly in control of LI and anyone who thinks differently is smoking some bad stuff; maybe Colorado stinky.
“LI forever the Professor’s awesome creation.”
Well, gotta love posting by phone when it deletes half your post…
Anyway, I have no doubt the good Professor is still in charge, but this one’s been an interesting read (in a “The natives are restless” sort of way).
Wow. What the… I don’t even…
Guys, take a deep breath.
Conservatives are in a stronger position than any time since Reagan — and arguably stronger than that. (Reagan never had a friendly Congress.)
Progressives should be running around like chickens with their heads cut off, screaming that the sky is falling, and forming circular firing squads. (Hint: they are.) We shouldn’t.
It’s August 2015 — the election is in November 2016. The Iowa Caucus is in February 2016 — just over five months away.
Trump is giving voice to issues we’d like people to be thinking about. He’s finally pointed at the Democrats. The Clinton campaign is in full melt-down mode. Terrorists and Nazis and Weiner, oh my.
Grab a tub of popcorn and enjoy the show. The serious politicking when we pick a candidate and take the White House? That’s still half a year away.
Wish I could hit “like” another dozen times. I’ve been saying something similar for a couple months now.
I think the Dems are waiting, and waiting and waiting – hence no debates and such, thinking the Trump-mania will simply fizzle away. I’m not sure that’s going to happen. It may not be long before that train gets up so much momentum that it bulldozes its way all the way to Trump’s inauguration.
Fiorina, Trump, Cruz – all of them will simply destroy Hillary during a debate. They will humiliate her, badly. Same with Biden.
I’m totally open minded about who the next Prez should be, but strategically the Dems have no one right now that can sustain the bludgeoning dialog from Trump or the debating of Cruz or Fiorina.
A ticket of Trump and Fiorina may render it impossible for anyone the Dems can throw out there to compete. Doesn’t mean they would be the best for the WH, but I think they would maul the Dems in debates. Americans are largely just tired of catch phrases and things the Dems like to use.
Long way to election day but it’s not looking good for the Dems right now.
I sent this email in identical form to numerous people:
The level of interpersonal hostility in the comment section is out of control. I don’t even like reading the comment section sometimes, and readers are complaining as well.
So I’m asking people to tone it down and to express viewpoints without name calling. Whatever has happened has happened, and I’m not interested in determining who started it.
From this point forward, comments will be deleted, with blocking accounts a last option.