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AACONS Interviews Allen West and Abby Johnson

AACONS Interviews Allen West and Abby Johnson

AACONS sits down with Allen West and Abby Johnson to discuss the news of the day.

LTC Allen West is the CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis. Previously he served as an United States Representative representing Florida’s 22nd and 18th Districts. He is a 22 year veteran of the military where he earned the rank of Lieutenant Colonel as well as a Bronze Star and a Meritorious Service Medal. He is a Fox News contributor, and founder of He is the author of the bestseller, Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin’s Journey to Faith, Family and Freedom.

Abby Johnson is a pro-life activist from Texas, and author of Unplanned, which revealed her experience as a Planned Parenthood clinic director. She is the founder of and

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Sorry, I applaud Abby for coming out and revealing all that happened but the fact remains that she participated in the butchery for however long and deserves to receive any profit from her action of conscience.

I personally don’t want to hear or see her expect for her to give a tearful apology to those babies she helped murder.

Mr. West should not be on the same bill with this person.