Reader David e-mails with the subject line “Is this a joke?” accompanied by this screenshot:
I have no control over Google Ads. The good news is that Grayson wasted money advertising on a blog where everyone thinks he is a joke.
While we’re on the subject, let’s remember one of his finest moments:

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Schmuck, thy name is Alan Grayson.
Click on the Grayson and other liberal ads that Google inserts based on content. The advertisers pay per click so not only do you cost tools like Grayson money when you click on their ads here, you make Prof. Jacobson a little bit of cash.
I clicked on the Grayson ad – to take money out of Grayson’s pocket and transfer it to the Professor’s, as you explained.
Guess what the URL is?
Give me a break!
embedded in the web page is a brief video promo by the foul mouthed bill maher, pleading with Grayson to run! gag.
Nevertheless, I’ll continue to click on his deranged mug in the interest of transfer of payments.
So he got the URL “,” huh? That’s FUNNY! Why? Because shortly after he started opening his trap on C-SPAN and in interviews, he became a national joke, and someone started a now-defunct website called “” soliciting donations to whichever Republican opposed him.
Of course, he went ballistic, demanding that it be taken down. He failed, of course. That’s what he does.
Not that much cash, unfortunately.
That is one of the creepiest expressions I’ve ever seen. That beats out the poor guy chosen for the “creepy singles ad” photoshops. I mean, it looks like Grayson wants to commit acts that are unmentionable in polite company.
(Which means, frankly, it’s probably one of the best, most perceptive photos ever taken.)
Oh come on!
When it comes to our dangerously short supply of character actors who are uncanny doubles for Leonid Brezhnev … he is a national treasure.
MSNBC calling out a lib???
I may not last the rest of the day…
That’s strange. Was just looking up the definition of “slimeball” in Websters and saw the same photo.