Taiwanese Animators ask “Where Was Obama?” (#CharlieHebdo)
Sleeping at home?
TomoNews, which has created so many great animations, has one regarding Obama’s absence from the Paris Solidarity March.
I prefer the Chinese version with English subtitles (embedded below) but if you are too lazy to read the screen, you can find the full English version here.
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Was he playing golf again?
Probably watching the NFL playoff games.
Somebody should have told him it was a Democratic fundraiser.
Sort of like watching a Monkees rerun.
Racist … no … wait a second … the Monkees were four white guys.
Dang! Almost had you there.
Sort of like watching a Good Times rerun.
he was playing catch in the locker room shower…
Got the feet on the desk…that sure made an impression worldwide. I do love pegging him as juvenile with the teddy bear and thumb sucking.
The Taiwanese have aced it again. On top of that they slipped in a few images. It was very well done.
They are very good at picking up on the political things where dumbo has not behaved and they are brilliant at portraying his poor image with overseas people.
Loved the mime!
Obama did not attend for one simple reason – he could not find the angle to exploit his attendance. If he’s not going to be the center of attention, then he’s not going.
0bama could not attending because he had a secret gay orgy/gay rituals with most dems, ISIS, arabs, 5 yr old muslim boys, dogs, socialists, union thugs, chris matthews, communists, and various other mentally retarded ppl.
this is part of the Democrat platform now as well as full frontal lobotomies …this also explains how Harry Reid broke bones in his face and ribs – he also partakes in regular secret gay orgies.
also 0bama was dismayed with the french… being that they are against his form of radical islamic sharia law/ISIS and communism – all of which he is devoted to and loves. 😀