of Sharon Bialek appeared at a news conference. I’ll post it when available, just so no one can say I didn’t post it and am running from the truth.
The truth is that the press conference shed little light on the truth. The ex-boyfriend, who now is a physician in bankruptcy, said he sent Bialek to meet Cain in Washington D.C. in 1997 because the three had met at a convention afterparty, that Bialek went, that the boyfriend paid for the flight and room, that he never upgraded the room, that when she returned she said Cain touched her “inappropriately” but gave no details, and that they didn’t discuss it again until a few weeks ago. That’s it. The ex-boyfriend would not take questions.
The whole press conference had a very seedy feel to it.
(Note: Since Allred already had said the ex-boyfriend had signed an affidavit confirming Bialek’s trip and the mention of a problem, this press conference revealed no new facts.)
Update: Just do an internet search for Victor Zuckerman, and you’ll find out all sorts of weirdness, such as this about his gambling problem:
In May 2010 (after the bench trial, but before the judgment was entered) Stratford Pediatric sold its assets to Central DuPage Hospital for $333,000.00 in cash. This money was mostly transferred to Zuckerman’s personal accounts. He soon went on a gambling and day trading spree and lost all of the money. In July 2010, Zuckerman moved to Louisiana. On September 15, 2010, Zuckerman filed a chapter 11 petition in the Western District of Louisiana. His creditors include, among others, Stratford Center (with claims of $675,000.00), his ex-wife (with claims of $89,000.00), and the IRS (with claims of $50,000.00).
No wonder he didn’t want to answer questions. Anyway, here’s the full video:

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to the full extent allowed by law.
And so, the circus goes on.
This was starting to drop out of public interest. What a sad attempt and bringing it back into the public attention, while presenting nothing new. I guess they couldn’t pay the other two women enough to join in for the 4-accuser media smear-a-thon.
Did he say “flight”. Because in her statement posted at scribd
Bialek says she took a train on a “couple hours” trip from her boyfriend’s parents to DC to meet Cain. She mentions the train at least twice.
geoffb: nope he didn’t say flight he said transportation.
Gotta keep the story alive until Cain drops in the polls.
One has to wonder who is paying Gloria’s freight? I seriously doubt pro bono.
The whole press conference had a very seedy feel to it.
Now there’s a surprise.
Having met the woman on several occasions, I can say that anything Gloria Allred is involved with becomes seedy by her mere presence.
I am sure most professions have an Gloria Allred but I can tell you for sure, I would rather put up with 5″ of plumbers cleavage than watch Gloria on TV.
That’s about as funny as it gets. I’ve got to remember this. Thanks for a day brightener!
No upgrade?
It’s got that “seedy” Chicago David Axelrod flare.
What boyfriend in his right mind would send his girlfriend alone on a trip to meet with a man they met at a dinner?
The whole thing lacks credibility.
I’m wondering if Allred brought this broken physician forward in an attempt to challenge the interview Ms. Cain has recorded with Greta tonight?
Here’s my play-by-play of the conference for those that can’t watch it right now:
1) Allred tries to make a big deal of the fact that Cain says he didn’t know who Bialek was. Says that Dr. Z witnessed conversations between Bialek and Cain. Presents this as ‘evidence’ that Cain is lying about not knowing Bialek.
2) Says Dr. Z suggested Bialek contact cain for help because he had talked to her before.
3) Says Dr. Z paid for her room at Capitol Hilton, Allred didn’t say anything about transportation (but Dr. Z does later).
4) Says Dr. Z claims Bialek told him about inappropriate touching not long after the indecent occurred.
5) Allred emphasized that Cain needs to be honest and forthcoming with the public that he does know Sharon Bialek
6) Finally let’s Dr. Z talk read.
7) Says he will shed light on whether or not Cain knew Bialek
8) Says he’s a pediatrician and a Republican, plus a bunch of other stuff clearly written by Allred to prove he is an unbiased party.
9) Says he met Bialek while going through a divorce. Makes it clear that Bialek was not the cause of the divorce. Seems a bit overly defensive to me.
10) Says Bialek was required to attend all events during Chicago NRA conference. Cain was the keynote speaker for the Conference.
11) Says Bialek was seated next to Cain at a luncheon where he was a Keynote speaker and at a restaurant dinner. Says she had opportunity to speak with Cain at length at both events. Says Bialek was eager for him to meet Cain.
12) Says Bialek introduced him to Cain at the last night of the conference, and invited them to an exclusive after-party. Says only 50-100 out of 1000 at the conference were invited to the after-party.
13) Says both of them talked to Cain at the after-party.
14) Says few weeks later Bialek was ‘discharged’ from her job. So he suggested she contact Cain about other employment, because of the positive interaction the three had at the conference.
15) Says he paid for transportation and hotel in Washington because Bialek was unemployed.
16) Confirms she was upset when she returned. Says she told him that ‘something had happened and Mr. Cain had touched her in an inappropriate manner’.
17) Says they broke up a few months later, decided they were better friends than a couple.
18) Says the have called each other at least every few months over the years.
** Note: Begins to stumble on words frequently during next comments, has not been stumbling on words up to this point.
19) Says he brought up the indecent with Bialek when allegations of Cain’s sexual harassment hit the media.
20) Says she was livid over Cain’s denials, and that she felt she had to go public
21) Emphasizes that he suggested that she contact Gloria Allred if she was going to speak out
22) Gives “heartfelt” praise to Allred
23) Says Gloria has not received any payment for representing Bialek (not sure why he’s qualified to make that statement)
24) Explaining why she waited: says like many women, she has “quietly endured what she felt was a sexual assault” (notice now they are calling it a sexual assault).
25) Says public now has a right to know this information to help them make an informed decision.
26) Says he will get ahead of any parties that feel the need to discredit him: I have not been accused of or ever committed a crime, I have no mal-practice suits against me, I have never had any disciplinary actions taken against me, I am a board certified pediatrician and have been for over 25 years… I do acknowledge that although I once had a booming medical practice, due to many economic factors including increased reimbursement, high mal-practice cost, increasing health insurance costs for my employees, and competition by newly formed alliance, a crashing stock market, and decreasing real-estate values, I had to file a chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy. However the payment plan has been approved and all my payments are current.
27) Wants all calls to his office to cease immediately, because its interfering with his ability to care for his patients. Contact Allred instead.
28) Allred takes over again, Dr. Z will not answer any questions.
I haven’t put anything in from the questions part, was too hard for me to hear what people were asking her.
A registered Republican who after he heard about the charges called Bailek unsolicited and told her to call Gloria Allred whom he admired. Just happens have the third bankruptcy in the case. heh
Yeah… there is a lot of his story that doesn’t add up. It’s most telling to me that he begins stumbling through the reading about half way through. He seemed pretty comfortable relating the story of events leading up to the incident, but then once he starts explaining that he recommended Bialek call Allred and accusing Cain of lying about knowing Bialek, he gets noticeably less comfortable.
“Due to many economic factors… I had to file a chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy.” – Zuckerman, November 14, 2011
Uh huh.
“Stratford Pediatric sold its assets to Central DuPage Hospital for $333,000.00 in cash. This money was mostly transferred to Zuckerman’s personal accounts. He soon went on a gambling and day trading spree and lost all of the money.” – Stratford Medical Center, LLC v. Tom J. Miller, March 24, 2011
I see yer problem right there!
Gloria Allred, media hound. Any excuse to get herself on TV.
Two blocks from my house was this press conference and I missed it. Ugh. You’re linked at SIGIS.
[…] Professor Jacobson of Legal Insurrection wasn’t impressed – he thought the whole press conference had a very seedy feel to it. The truth is that the press conference shed little light on the truth. The ex-boyfriend, who now is a physician in bankruptcy, said he sent Bialek to meet Cain in Washington D.C. in 1997 because the three had met at a convention afterparty, that Bialek went, that the boyfriend paid for the flight and room, that he never upgraded the room, that when she returned she said Cain touched her “inappropriately” but gave no details, and that they didn’t discuss it again until a few weeks ago. That’s it. […]
[…] (typeof(addthis_share) == "undefined"){ addthis_share = [];}Professor William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has video of Gloria Allred’s press conference today with the ex-boyfriend of Cain accuser Sharon Bialek. This whole story strikes me as […]