Caroline Glick:
“The deception at the heart of the feminist movement is nowhere more apparent than in the silence with which self-professed feminists and feminist movements ignore the inhumane treatment of women who live under Islamic law.”
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This is what I have been saying for far too long.
Where is the outrage?
Enough is enough.
Forgive me, but most feminists lack, well, the testicles to get out front on this issue.
Islamists hit back. Most others don't. And they don't want to be on the receiving end of, say, an acid-to-the-face attack… so, like Christianity gets attacked in Hollywood while Islam gets a pass, the same can be said for feminists… and their roaring silence over the abuse of women under that peculiar institution.
Where are the feminists?;
Cue the crickets…
So… what's your point? Everytime I see this brought up it's usually to shut feminists up for talking about gender inequality in the US. As if being better than the Islamic world should be sufficient enough for women.
"Hey you dumb bimbos, at least we're not as bad as the Muzzies!"
Whatever. So we don't advocate bombing Muslim women in order to liberate them. How's that working out in Iraq BTW?
According to local police, dozens of women have had parts of their bodies burned by religious conservatives in a string of incidents throughout the capital in recent weeks. Maj Abbas Dilemi, a senior police investigator in Baghdad, said that most of the acid attacks had occurred in the Mansour and Kadhmyia districts of the city.
"Our sources have found that many children are being used to conduct such violence. The one adult we have arrested for this crime cannot accept Iraqi women wearing Western clothes and walking without veils, alleging that it's a prohibition by God," Dilemi said.
During Saddam Hussein's regime, Iraqi women were more or less free to wear what they wanted. In the 1980s Iraq was considered one of the most Western countries in the region in terms of fashion.
Here's a feminist group that runs a network of shelters for abused Iraqi women:
MADRE works with the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI), to meet the needs of survivors of gender-based violence and empower Iraqi women to defend their rights.
A Network of Shelters
OWFI and MADRE co-founded the first network of women's shelters in the non-Kurdish part of Iraq to provide a safe haven for women fleeing violence. A human rights training program at the shelters strengthens women's capacity to extend support to other women and build the skills to demand their rights to political participation and freedom from violence of all kinds. Particular attention is paid to the needs of displaced widows and female heads of household.
MADRE's Underground Railroad for Iraqi Women offers women who are threatened with "honor killing" the means and social support to escape danger and begin to build a new life.
Just as enslaved African Americans relied on a secret network of courageous individuals to help them make their way to freedom, Iraqi women who are threatened with "honor killings" now have allies and an escape route.
Funny how they get no media attention.