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If Obama intended to say that women should not choose to stay home to raise their children, what point was there in arguing that their pay should not be lower than men’s pay after they (the women) have taken a hiatus for child-rearing?
Obama’s “equal pay even if you taken time off for kids” argument assumes that women will be doing exactly that.
So it’s highly likely that he misspoke (as he often does), leaving out a couple of words. He probably meant to say “It’s not a choice we want Americans to have to make” — that is, the choice between raising kids and getting a high salary.”
In the context of the equal-pay argument, it’s nonsensical to think he really meant to say that women shouldn’t stay home for a time.
I was glad to see Sarah Palin slam Obama for his comments on stay-at-home moms.
I guess he was channeling John Kerry’s “Stuck in Irak…” comment.
If Obama intended to say that women should not choose to stay home to raise their children, what point was there in arguing that their pay should not be lower than men’s pay after they (the women) have taken a hiatus for child-rearing?
Obama’s “equal pay even if you taken time off for kids” argument assumes that women will be doing exactly that.
So it’s highly likely that he misspoke (as he often does), leaving out a couple of words. He probably meant to say “It’s not a choice we want Americans to have to make” — that is, the choice between raising kids and getting a high salary.”
In the context of the equal-pay argument, it’s nonsensical to think he really meant to say that women shouldn’t stay home for a time.
I’m starting to see Branco pop up in all kinds of places.
Will Dana Perino share him with the other women of the world or try to keep him all to herself?