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Nurse released from NJ to Maine rejects home quarantine

Nurse released from NJ to Maine rejects home quarantine

Kaci Hickox is going to do what she wants, health officials be damned.

Kaci Hickox is back home in Maine. But she’s as defiant as ever:

Kaci Hickox, the nurse who was quarantined at a New Jersey hospital despite exhibiting no Ebola symptoms after arriving from West Africa, won’t follow the quarantine imposed by Maine officials, her attorney said tonight.

“Going forward she does not intend to abide by the quarantine imposed by Maine officials because she is not a risk to others,” her attorney Steven Hyman said. “She is asymptomatic and under all the protocols cannot be deemed a medical risk of being contagious to anyone.”

Hickox will abide by all the self-monitoring requirements of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the state of Maine, Hyman said.

But I wonder how many people in Fort Kent, Maine are going to be eager to attend her “Welcome home, Kaci” party?

Now that Christie has washed his hands (metaphorically speaking) of Hickox—which is beginning to look more and more like a savvy decision—what will LePage of Maine do? Treat her with kid gloves, perhaps:

Maine requires that health care workers such as Hickox who return to the state from West Africa will remain under a 21-day home quarantine, with their condition actively monitored, Gov. Paul R. LePage said in a statement.

“We will help make sure the health care worker has everything to make this time as comfortable as possible,” he said.

The comments to the linked article are uniformly angry. Typical is this: “She makes it REALLY easy to hate her.” And that’s among the nicer ones.

From some of the statements in this article, however, it sounds like Maine may be ready for a legal battle with Hickox:

Early Tuesday evening, Maine Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner Mary Mayhew noted at a hastily called news conference that the state has the authority to seek a court order to compel quarantine for individuals deemed a public health risk.

Meanwhile, Connecticut has eight people already under forced quarantine, and we haven’t heard anywhere near as much about them:

Under guidelines issued by Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy, anyone returning to the state from Guinea, Liberia, or Sierra Leone is subject to mandatory health monitoring and may be placed under involuntary quarantine if the commissioner of the state’s health department determines they “have met the threshold for such action.”

One of them, however, is speaking up:

“I’m outraged and very upset about the impact that this policy and the subsequent policies in other states will have on the actual fight to contain Ebola in West Africa,” Boyko, a Ph.D candidate in the School of Public Health’s epidemiology of microbial diseases department, told the Hartford Courant.

We rubes just don’t understand everything there is to understand about ebola, unlike Boyko, who must know exactly how and when every single case of ebola in Africa was contracted, and that there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of someone catching it from someone in a relatively early stage of the disease, with mild symptoms and a fever. Note also his words “the actual fight to contain ebola in West Africa.” As opposed to what—the fake fight to contain it here, the one that states such as Connecticut are putting up? The one that restricts his freedom for three weeks?

Boyko’s story is in some ways even more interesting than Hickox’s. When he was in Liberia he did not treat ebola patients (he’s neither an M.D. nor a nurse); he worked at a computer. But he had a meeting with Ashoka Mukpo, the NBC freelance cameraman who came down with the disease, the evening before Mukpo was diagnosed. After returning to the states he was not originally told to stay in quarantine [emphasis mine]:

Boyko said his plan was to lay low the first week back, not return to school, and rest. He didn’t do much — once he drove around in a car with his girlfriend to look at the foliage — but a few days later on Oct. 15 he developed a low fever and diarrhea.

He called doctors to tell them about his symptoms and said he wanted to wait until the next day before going into the hospital. He was convinced he couldn’t have Ebola. The disease is not transmitted through the air — it is only transmitted through bodily fluids — and it is only transmitted by people who are symptomatic. Boyko was certain his brief visit with Mukpo, who had no symptoms, could not have made him ill.

But the Yale doctors decided he should come in immediately. Boyko called his mother in St. Louis to tell her he was going to the hospital, but that he was sure he didn’t have Ebola.

That has turned out to almost certainly be correct. But what was all this initial certainty about, in the face of exposure to ebola, and symptoms? That was really playing with fire.

The way Hickox and Boyko are talking, a person could be forgiven for wondering whether these two would be willing to comply with a voluntary quarantine or even voluntary self-monitoring, and that doubt hurts their cause. But their arrogance, and their lack of respect for the very human desire to protect our communities from a scourge such as ebola, come through loud and clear.

[Neo-neocon is a writer with degrees in law and family therapy, who blogs at neo-neocon.]


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They seem to want to help sick Africans because they pity them and at the same time they have no concern about the possibility of infecting their fellow citizens when they return. Arrogance indeed.

She works for the CDC. Government worker who thinks she knows more than everyone else, and the rules don’t apply to her.

    Valerie in reply to wendybar. | October 29, 2014 at 11:01 am

    This nurse apparently gets her information verbally. I read the CDC website and the underlying research papers. My problem with what the head of the CDC and the President said is that their verbal statements are inconsistent with the research.

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to wendybar. | October 29, 2014 at 12:13 pm

    Hickox is a snapshot of the elitist attitude of federal government workers.

    She’s itching to be the media darling who forces no restrictions on those returning from West Africa. Now, why might that be? It’s been reported that she was only there for two weeks. Why is that? She’s lawyered up and ready to make a major court case of the question.

    What the people want to see is some backbone from state and local officials to nip this in the bud and offset the federal madness surrounding the entire Ebola situation.

    Speaking of diseases, it’s being reported that Obola wants and has the wheels in place to bring in 100,000 Haitian immigrants. Anyone think he might dump them in red states? Like FL, for starters?

      That is why I agreed that the New Jersey treatment as claimed was harsh… BUT…. imposed home quarantine is a different matter.

      In Australia, we have several medical staff returning from West Africa. The doctors and nurses who have returned are more responsible than this woman. They have imposed self-quarantine. One of the nurses developed a fever. Her case showed that hospital protocols need to be toughened. She was cleared of Ebola…. And not one medical person returning from Sierra Leone or elsewhere have complained about the self-imposed quarantine.

      Why should Kaci Hickox believe that she is not even a slight risk?

      I smell a rat where Hickox is concerned. Is all smacks of a set-up… and it points to the White House.

I hope that this backfires on her big time. Patients should reject her every chance they get.

    Ragspierre in reply to NavyMustang. | October 29, 2014 at 12:21 pm

    She will be headed to another foreign pest-hole where she can pretend she’s the Goddess of Science and Healing, and nobody knows diddly about who she really is.

    Probably on tax-payer’s dime.

From Patterico, “Shorter Ebola Presser”



Military men and women are not around any Ebola patients, so they need a 21 day quarantine overseas.

Healthcare workers are doing God’s work treating Ebola patients, so they don’t need to be quarantined.

Because, SCIENCE !

I’ll have more tomorrow after my photo op of me hugging returning healthcare workers.

SCIENCE !!!!!!!!


This isn’t rocket surgery.

A clear, firm policy removes all “burden” and makes the decision to go help in Africa a totally settled set of questions.

“If I go, I WILL serve a quarantine. So I have to factor that into my decision to go.”

Big flucking deal. If there are people so self-absorbed they will decide against this urge to save lives in Africa on that basis, well…

Lots of denial among CDC and MSF (Doctors Without Borders) types. They are CERTAIN that they don’t have it. The news this morning says Dr. Spencer originally lied to healthcare workers when he was hospitalized; claimed he’d been self-quarantined and only admitted to being out and about after they checked his credit card records.

So far as I know the Christian missionaries returning have shown more humility and more concern for their neighbors.

The arrogance of these people. They really deserve their comeuppance.

tightspotkilo | October 29, 2014 at 9:25 am

I know many nurses, and if she has any professional pride whatsoever, and most nurses do, she should be told the one thing that will absolutely cut her to the quick: You are a horrible nurse.

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to tightspotkilo. | October 29, 2014 at 12:18 pm

    I hope she gets so much hate mail and calls that she BEGS for quarantine. She’s a typical libtard elitist federal employee. She should be treated like a pariah forevermore in her community.

    She’s just plain evil.

    I read a comment from a nurse that she is a disgrace to their profession.

Numerous blogs are reporting that the nurse is currently a CDC employee. The CDC has been trying to stop any state quarantines. Seems she doth protest too much……

It is also a very odd claim that NJ quarantine tent was “inhuman” after her presumed real inhuman experiences in West Africa with Ebola victims.

    Lina Inverse in reply to PAT09. | October 29, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    It was heated and they brought her take out.

    The port-a-potty is an unfortunate sort of requirement that Emory discovered when treating their first 2 Ebola patients. Their waste water handler didn’t want to take chances and required treatment with bleach or the like before accepting it.

    About the only good thing to say about her is that she’s hastening the day we get serious about Ebola.

    Yes and that is why I think the whole story is a set-up….

Arrogance doesn’t even come close to describing this young lady.

To me it’s simple, if she infects anyone after defying the states request for a quarantine. Charge her with attempted murder if anyone gets sick and if someone dies charge her with murder. Never mind all the cost associated with her defying the quarantine. Including business’ hurt by her actions. Let’s see if she still thinks should should risk infecting other citizens!

This simple quarantine, seems so minor that I am amazed that people refuse volunteer participation. The state is offering to provide food and pay for those who agree.

Free staycation!

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the governors of New Jersey and Maine are both Republicans. But I do have to wonder if she’d obey a quarantine order if it was given by a Democrat administration someplace.

There is an insurance (e.g. quarantine) and bond approach to addressing risk. Anyone exposed to the antigen who does not agree with a voluntary quarantine period should be required to setup a bond that will cover all expenses of consequences that follow from transmission of the antigen. In this scenario, they will be presumed guilty based on their exposure. This is the choice that should be given to the nurse and anyone else who is exposed but are net yet known to be carriers.

    Lina Inverse in reply to n.n. | October 29, 2014 at 3:52 pm

    The State Department estimated in that infamous memo that caring for one deliberately imported foreigner with Ebola would cost $300,000. As a “best worst case”, look at Patrick Sawyer, who infected 19 people in Nigeria, and of course there was a lot of general public health work required to keep the number so low (900 contacts, 18,500 face to face interactions). Add in the normal compensation for causing premature death (8 in that case). A bond for $10s of millions isn’t going to be affordable.

    Of course, that was probably part of your idea.

Aren’t public health quarantine laws meant to deal with clowns like Hickox? The laws are put into place to force recalcitrant potential patients into quarantine for the public safety. Who cares if she or any of her blessed colleagues scream.

Anyone who has been exposed to ebola and refuses to at least stay home and be monitored should be put in isolation with armed guards authorized to shoot them if they try to leave the isolation.
These people (leftist OBAMA supporters) believe they are “special”.
They are a special kind of stupid and irresponsible (like all leftists)

OK. That should tear it.

No more “voluntary” BS. You are quarantined. (See the period?)

I like the insurance bond idea. Have that careless fool be required to post bond for the cost of tracing her contacts.

Do not expect a definitive, effective Ebola protocol out of the WH until the horse is well out of the barn. It is the Obama way.

Horribly, given the scandalous political dirty work our own agencies have been co-opted to perform, it is neither cynical nor paranoid to point out that a little Ebola loose in the US would constitute a crisis – and the progressives love crises, because they see each as an opportunity not to be wasted.

The nurse was supposed to have been employed by the CDC in Las Vegas, yet she is going home to Maine? The CDC office was the disease intelligence office. Was she in Liberia as a nurse treating patients or as a clerk accumulating information?

Throw her ass in solitary confinement for the next 21 days.

This is Domestic Terrorism brought to us by the administration which refuses to take any measures to protect or defend the peoples of the United States.

Now, why did we form the Federal Government again???

There used to be law that prevented people from coming here that might pose a health risk.
I seem to believe Obama had something to do with watering that down. I don’t know.

By all means let’s look at the “science” behind Ebola. Let’s start with the fact that it can’t be studied in this country BY scientists outside of a BSL4 laboratory. If it’s so difficult to “catch” why can’t it be studied on a slide or in a dish without a positive pressure containment suit in a secure facility with showers, airlocks, separate air and water decontamination and extensive training before you can even enter the area? actual scientists seem to think it’s a pretty grave threat.

    Lina Inverse in reply to Sanddog. | October 29, 2014 at 4:02 pm

    High fatality rate plus no treatment (besides supportive) makes a pathogen automatically BSL-4. Plus lab workers often work with very high concentrations of stuff, even higher than a late stage fulminate Ebola case. And do stuff than can cause areosoles (sp.); a story I heard when I was dabbling in microbiology in the ’70s was about a researcher who opened a flask of salmonella that he didn’t realize was under pressure. Was too far gone with a massive lung infection before anyone realized the cause.

    But the focus here is on the fatality rate (albeit, unknown under top flight 1st World health care). A low risk of a terrible consequence means you need to be very careful. As only 3 hospitals in the nation have proven able to be so far (curiously, the one in Montana isn’t at this time volunteering to take any cases).

shes typical of many people up here in maine now.
us rubes in woods know nothing so wese depends on hour betters to teche us.
IOW shes a b*tch.

Henry Hawkins | October 29, 2014 at 6:25 pm

Nobody does crazy like a nurse. I’ve been married to an RN for decades.

    Ragspierre in reply to Henry Hawkins. | October 29, 2014 at 6:42 pm

    Hey, Andrew…!!!

    Victim clean-up on isle four.

    No warning shots fired.

      Henry Hawkins in reply to Ragspierre. | October 30, 2014 at 12:29 pm

      I’ll have you know that my wife and I have never once exchanged gunfire, not even just playing around.

      The first instant I could get my wife alone on the day we got married I sat her butt down and laid down the LAW. I told her that from here on in, she wore the pants, and whether she liked it or not, I would do everything she says, and that if she couldn’t accept that, well, this marriage was already on the rocks. She took it very well and I’ve never had a problem with her. I recommend all young husbands do the exact same, BECAUSE THAT’S WHERE IT’S GONNA END UP ANY DAMN WAY. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.

    Lina Inverse in reply to Henry Hawkins. | October 29, 2014 at 7:39 pm

    My mother’s an RN, and few can do self-righteous crazy like she can, which is what we’re seeing here (albeit my mother would not risk others).

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Henry Hawkins. | October 30, 2014 at 1:01 am

    I agree, because I have been one for decades, lol.

    Henry Hawkins in reply to Henry Hawkins. | October 30, 2014 at 12:24 pm

    Um, er, what I meant was that all disciplines have their crazies, but when crazy comes, nobody does it like a nurse. (I wrote a paper on this decades ago. People who come out of adolescence with certain personality disorders are attracted to the ‘helping’ trades, nursing predominant among them. It wouldn’t end well no matter what field they chose, but more of them choose nursing than psychology, x-ray tech, etc. It’s similar to how the military and police departments will attract those personality disorders that crave power, especially over others. Their ‘crazy’ typically doesn’t show until they’re in the field, unfortunately. My wife also taught nursing for twenty years and some nursing students… hoo boy. Problems).

She’s probably a leftist. [smh]