U. Richmond Offering ‘Queer Bible’ Course for Students to Study ‘Queer Pleasure in the Bible’
“include both biblical texts and queer and trans scholarship on the Bible”

This sort of course has been offered at a number of schools. The left despises religion unless it can be reimagined in a progressive way.
Campus Reform reports:
University of Richmond offers ‘Queer Bible’ course for students to study ‘queer pleasure in the Bible’
The University of Richmond in Virginia offers a “Queer Bible” religious course.
The class “brings together queer theory, sexuality, and the Bible in order to explore what it means to ‘queer’ the Bible and biblical interpretations.”
Class readings “include both biblical texts and queer and trans scholarship on the Bible. Topics may include questions of sexuality, gender identity, and queer hermeneutics, queer time, queer affect, and queer pleasure in the Bible.”
The class is taught by Professor Rhiannon Graybill, a Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Advisory Board Member at the university.
Graybill is also the author of “Are We Not Men?: Unstable Masculinity in the Hebrew Prophets,” a book that “puts the biblical prophets in conversation with contemporary sources such as poetry, film, and gender theory to demonstrate that prophetic masculinity is queer masculinity.”
Other colleges have had courses and events with similar themes.
The University of Central Florida, for example, is hosting a “Queer Christian Fellowship” that will meet until April 24 and that allows students to participate in “discussion groups around the topic ‘Queer Interpretation of Scripture.’”

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grew up right next to UofR. nice neighborhood,
but like most “higher ed” indoctrination centers, it’s really gone off the deep-end.
And the Democrats/Left cant figure out why they are suddenly losing across the board.
These people are so queer.
Find out if they are taking Federal dollars and halt it. If they have enough money for this nonsense they sure don’t need my tax dollars.
The left despises religion unless it can be reimagined in a progressive way.
It’s not so much “religion” as it is Christianity. Because Christianity has morals. And progressivism is about hedonism for the the most part.
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