U. Michigan Plans ‘Anti-Racist’ Dinner Featuring Group That Uses Theater to ‘Advance Equity’
“illuminate anti-racism issues that exist in our communities and inform productive dialogue”

The campus left is ignoring the message of the 2024 election and, in many cases, doubling down.
Campus Reform reports:
University of Michigan plans ‘anti-racist’ dinner evening, featuring performance from group that uses theater to ‘advance equity’
The University of Michigan’s School of Music, Theatre & Dance is currently organizing an anti-racism dinner evening event, which is set to include a performance from an on-campus equity-focused theater group.
On the University of Michigan’s events page, the University is currently promoting an event titled: “The Arts and Anti-Racism.”
The event’s description states that it is for students at any of the University of Michigan’s three campuses, and focuses on a “deep discussion about race and racism on our campuses, and inspiration for making meaningful efforts to advance Anti-Racism at UM in celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racism.”
The form to register for the evening states that the event has the capacity to seat 300 participants and the evening will have both a small and large group discussion throughout the evening, and a performance to “illuminate anti-racism issues that exist in our communities and inform productive dialogue.”
The performance will be from the University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning & Teaching (CRLT).
CRLT was founded in 1962 at the University, and its website claims that it “strives to promote a University culture that values and rewards teaching, respects and supports individual differences among learners, and encourages the creation of learning environments in which diverse students and instructors can learn and excel.”
CRLT’s described “mission” states on a separate webpage that it strives to “promote excellence, equity, and innovation in teaching in all 19 schools and colleges at the University of Michigan.”
CRLT’s described goals also call attention to how it is focused on “Advancing equity through our programs and services, using evidence-based approaches in order to disrupt practices that lead to differential outcomes for historically disenfranchised and currently marginalized populations.”

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I hope they’re not planning on using federal funding.
Gee, an evening of whackademics screeching on their high horse.
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