Slimmed-Down Education Dept. Will Focus On Fighting DEI Discrimination
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Slimmed-Down Education Dept. Will Focus On Fighting DEI Discrimination

Slimmed-Down Education Dept. Will Focus On Fighting DEI Discrimination

Under Trump’s Executive Order the revamped DoEd will be fully aligned with our mission of fighting discrimination done in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

You’ve heard me say it a million times (okay, maybe not a million, but a lot):

The Equal Protection Project ( has filed over 60 Civil Rights Complaints covering hundreds of university scholarships and programs. The enormous impact our efforts have had contributed — we believe — to changing the culture surrounding DEI discrimination enabling the political change we are now seeing.

That political change includes plans to scale-down the U.S. Department of Education. Not truly to “eliminate” it, which would require an act of Congress, but to eliminate the leftist-NGO funding and woke education mandates, and to send most of it’s functions back to the states. I wondered aloud in recent posts what would become of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) through which we have filed so many complaints.

President Trump announced the signing of an executive order today at a White House ceremony.

The Executive Order, titled Improving Education Outcomes by Empowering Parents, States, and Communities, does talk about “closing” DoEd in the preamble:

Taxpayers spent around $200 billion at the Federal level on schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, on top of the more than $60 billion they spend annually on Federal school funding.  This money is largely distributed by one of the newest Cabinet agencies, the Department of Education, which has existed for less than one fifth of our Nation’s history.  The Congress created the Department of Education in 1979 at the urging of President Jimmy Carter, who received a first-ever Presidential endorsement from the country’s largest teachers’ union shortly after pledging to the union his support for a separate Department of Education.  Since then, the Department of Education has entrenched the education bureaucracy and sought to convince America that Federal control over education is beneficial.  While the Department of Education does not educate anyone, it maintains a public relations office that includes over 80 staffers at a cost of more than $10 million per year.

Closing the Department of Education would provide children and their families the opportunity to escape a system that is failing them.  Today, American reading and math scores are near historical lows.  This year’s National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that 70 percent of 8th graders were below proficient in reading, and 72 percent were below proficient in math.  The Federal education bureaucracy is not working.

Closure of the Department of Education would drastically improve program implementation in higher education.  The Department of Education currently manages a student loan debt portfolio of more than $1.6 trillion.  This means the Federal student aid program is roughly the size of one of the Nation’s largest banks, Wells Fargo.  But although Wells Fargo has more than 200,000 employees, the Department of Education has fewer than 1,500 in its Office of Federal Student Aid.  The Department of Education is not a bank, and it must return bank functions to an entity equipped to serve America’s students.

Ultimately, the Department of Education’s main functions can, and should, be returned to the States.

The action items, however, are more like putting DoEd on a crash diet than closure (emphasis added):

Sec. 2.  Closing the Department of Education and Returning Authority to the States.  (a)  The Secretary of Education shall, to the maximum extent appropriate and permitted by law, take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and return authority over education to the States and local communities while ensuring the effective and uninterrupted delivery of services, programs, and benefits on which Americans rely.

(b)  Consistent with the Department of Education’s authorities, the Secretary of Education shall ensure that the allocation of any Federal Department of Education funds is subject to rigorous compliance with Federal law and Administration policy, including the requirement that any program or activity receiving Federal assistance terminate illegal discrimination obscured under the label “diversity, equity, and inclusion” or similar terms and programs promoting gender ideology.

So DoEd will retain some spending and assistance program funding, as much of its current burden cannot be fully eliminated or offloaded  Significantly, the remaining spending must be monitored to make sure that “any program or activity receiving Federal assistance” elimiates DEI discrimination and simlar agendas.

The DoEd no longer will be be filled with large substantive programming bloat and destructive funding of the woke-industrial complex as it now is.

The new slimmed-down DoEd will be focused, according to the mission laid out in the Executive Order, on fighting our fight against DEI discrimination.


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rhhardin | March 20, 2025 at 8:41 pm

I’d prefer eliminating it and moving any good that it to another department. But eliminating it requires Congress.

    geronl in reply to rhhardin. | March 20, 2025 at 10:45 pm

    It would take Congress to completely eliminate it, unfortunately

      Paddy M in reply to geronl. | March 21, 2025 at 8:24 am

      Which the GOP has been talking about doing for my entire life, yet never make the effort.

        JR in reply to Paddy M. | March 21, 2025 at 8:33 am

        90 percent of all education is already currently controlled by the states, so this isn’t going to make any noticeable difference.

          Paddy M in reply to JR. | March 21, 2025 at 9:05 am

          It would save about 80 billion per year, retard.

          JR in reply to JR. | March 21, 2025 at 8:51 pm

          All of the money that the DOE currently controls will just be transferred to other government agencies to distribute, per Trump’s directive, so there will be no savings.

          Paddy M in reply to JR. | March 21, 2025 at 9:55 pm

          I know you’re very slow, JR, but the thread is about Congress eliminating the DoE. Therefore, the 80 billion per year would be realized.

          However, you’re a retard with chronic TDS and made it about Trump again.

          Milhouse in reply to JR. | March 22, 2025 at 9:43 am

          JR is correct, and Paddy M is the “retard”, to use his own word. Eliminating DOE is the right thing to do, but in practical terms it won’t achieve very much, and it certainly won’t save anything like 80 billion a year.

          If you think abolishing the department would get the federal government out of education, you must be the kind of “retard” who thinks there was no federal role in education before the department was established, or that establishing it significantly increased the federal role. Hint: What was HHS’s former name?

slagothar | March 20, 2025 at 8:43 pm


JohnSmith100 | March 20, 2025 at 9:35 pm

This is poetic justice, it will drive Dems bat s—- crazy.

I’m good with this. The fact that Randi Weingarten hates this is all I need to know

Milhouse | March 20, 2025 at 9:44 pm

That political change includes plans to scale-down the U.S. Department of Education. Not truly to “eliminate” it, which would require an act of Congress, but to eliminate the leftist-NGO funding and woke education mandates, and to send most of it’s functions back to the states

Thank you for making this point. I’ve been seeing a lot of ignorant and irresponsible reporting claiming that Trump ordered the department shut down. Obviously he can’t do that, and didn’t. His order was for it to prepare for an eventual shutdown by Congress, if and when it can get its act together. That’s all he can do, so that’s another promise kept.

Trump must have had a chuckle to make its new mission fighting DEI, when its last was promoting it. How long before the Dems will want it shut down?

ztakddot | March 20, 2025 at 10:35 pm

There are other things a slimmed down DoE could do such as work on or oversee home schooling materials. maintain education related statistics, K-12 educational standards, curriculum for topics such as civics, etc… A large staff would not be needed and the department should not be cabinet level.

    gibbie in reply to ztakddot. | March 20, 2025 at 10:56 pm

    I am sorry to disagree with someone with whom I ofter agree, but I don’t want the federal (or the state) government having anything to do with home schooling materials, etc. There is no conceivable way it could do so in a way which was not philosophically and religiously biased. And secularism does not qualify since it functions as a religion.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to ztakddot. | March 20, 2025 at 11:39 pm

    We did without it for a long time and the kids were far better educated than they are today. The Department of education needs to go.

    CommoChief in reply to ztakddot. | March 21, 2025 at 8:15 am

    The problem with this approach is that it maintains the idea that the Federal Gov’t should have any role in dictating what curriculum must be used. In perfect world where we could be sure that every govt employee was only concerned with a narrow focus then your approach has merit. Unfortunately the bureaucracy will seek to expand their power. They will seek to impose an ideological agenda. They are at root, human beings, and flawed. We gotta stop pretending that public employees won’t act out of self interest.

    Far better to let the people and Legislature of Mississippi determine Education policy, curriculum and content while allowing the people and Legislature of Massachusetts to do.the same in their own State. One size doesn’t fit all.

    Cut the operational budget for Dept Ed and send the remainder to each State with three conditions:
    1. Must conduct testing for HS graduation exit, in 8th grade and 5th grade for advancement. Allows comparison to be made among States as well as among districts and HS within States to figure where the successes and failures exist. Mitigates social promotion. Allow early test so if a.Student can pass early say at age 15 they could go to local Community College and use the K-12 ED funds ‘saved’ to pay for it.
    2. 80% minimum of all K-12 ED funds on a per Student basis must be allowed to follow the Student to educational environment selected by the Parents. This mitigates the monopolistic ‘take it or leave it’ attitude of Public Schools due to increase in funded competition. That should result in better outcomes for all Students including those who stay in traditional public schools.

      CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | March 21, 2025 at 8:39 am

      3. Revert to ‘community standards’ re ideological and religious issues with Parents being able to ‘opt out’ of specific topics. They can always move their child to another educational environment so it becomes less of an issue if a particular School uses a philosophy the Parents object to. Mississippi might have prayers and teach economics from the perspective of Milton Friedman but Massachusetts might teach CRT/DEI and economics from a Marxist perspective. Let the States, Districts within States and Schools within Districts be responsive to what the local community wants. Laboratory of democracy.

      gibbie in reply to CommoChief. | March 21, 2025 at 1:07 pm

      Florida allows “dual enrollment” (attending some or all of classes at a community college) for a student’s junior and senior year. Less waste of a student’s time. Less leftist indoctrination (so far).

      M Poppins in reply to CommoChief. | March 21, 2025 at 6:39 pm

      I’m in favor of abolishing government schools. Presidents Lincoln and Andrew Johnson never attended school.

    ztakddot in reply to ztakddot. | March 21, 2025 at 2:58 pm

    The major problems with K-12 education in my opinion is the unions and school boards. A third problem is absent or uninvolved parents. Get rid of the unions and reign in school boards and you will solve a lot but not all of the problems.

      M Poppins in reply to ztakddot. | March 21, 2025 at 6:40 pm

      The bigger problem is the very concept of government schools.

        ztakddot in reply to M Poppins. | March 21, 2025 at 9:31 pm

        Disagree. Next generation needs to be educated more so than ever before and not everyone is willing or able to do it or afford the time or expense of it for that matter. For a long time government schools did a reasonable job, What screwed everything up was taking control out of the local community (federal and even state assuming control), teacher’s unions, the rise of a teaching bureaucracy (can you say Dr Jill) and possibly the need or desire for families to have 2 incomes which decimated hands on parenting.

JackinSilverSpring | March 20, 2025 at 11:05 pm

How long before some district judge s

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to JackinSilverSpring. | March 20, 2025 at 11:09 pm

    (Having an edit option would be so nice.) As I was saying, how long before some district judge somewhere issues a temporary restraing order to prevent President Trump from implementing his EO?

ChrisPeters | March 21, 2025 at 1:03 am

If Trump is unable to completely shut it down, he should at least prevent the employees from “working”, even if their pay continues.

Let the entire country fully appreciate how unnecessary they are.

destroycommunism | March 21, 2025 at 12:07 pm

closed should mean CLOSED

allowing in any sunlight (money) just means that lefty will exploit that too

destroycommunism | March 21, 2025 at 12:11 pm

randi weiner made the worst defense on why the feds need to be in charge of education:

she said b/c at the federal level we are able to lift students up

translation make insane laws like crt etc

let the locals make those crt etc mandatory and watch the fireworks as taxpayers FINALLY HAVE THE MOST CONTROL over their own money

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