Schools in North San Diego County Install Tampon Machines in 3rd and 5th Grade Boys’ Bathrooms
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Schools in North San Diego County Install Tampon Machines in 3rd and 5th Grade Boys’ Bathrooms

Schools in North San Diego County Install Tampon Machines in 3rd and 5th Grade Boys’ Bathrooms

“This is mental warfare aimed at your kids, subsidized by your tax dollars.”

This is just stupid. Are they going to install a condom machine as well?

The College Fix reports:

Some San Diego parents balk as tampon machines installed in 3rd-5th grade boys’ bathrooms

Some parents are voicing frustration as school districts in North San Diego County install tampon machines in elementary school boys’ bathrooms to comply with a relatively new state law.

The installations began at the start of the 2024-25 school year and are ongoing to this day, prompting some parents to argue it’s a waste of taxpayer dollars, inappropriate, and a recipe for disaster.

“It’s absolutely ludicrous,” said Marci Strange, chairwoman of the North San Diego County-based Taxpayers Oversight for Parents and Students, or TOPS.

Strange told The College Fix she heard from at least one mom that some boys got the tampons wet to see how many they could stick to the ceiling, adding she wouldn’t be surprised if they’re “clogging up the toilets with them, too.”

Britt Mayer, a conservative activist based in Southern California, posted in mid-February on her popular Rooted Wings social media accounts a leaked internal Vista Unified School District memo about the tampon machines.

“Boys don’t bleed, and if they do, they need a Band-Aid, not a tampon,” Mayer wrote. “This is mental warfare aimed at your kids, subsidized by your tax dollars.”

The internal Vista memo had stated the Menstrual Equity For All Act of 2021 required all public schools in California to supply free pads or tampons in middle and high school restrooms, but a 2023 amendment to the law added elementary schools too, including in at least one boys’ bathroom per campus.

Shawn Loescher, assistant superintendent of the Vista school district, told The College Fix the district installed the elementary school machines in one boys’ bathroom on each campus over the last several months and is now in full compliance with the law.

He said the cost of the machines, including installation, is about $400 per unit.


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Halcyon Daze | March 23, 2025 at 11:36 am

Organized and coordinated warfare against those who accept there is a supreme being.

ztakddot | March 23, 2025 at 1:51 pm

I see little jazz hands Tim “Knucklehead” Walz made another visit to CA.

henrybowman | March 23, 2025 at 6:33 pm

Do fourth-graders have a bathroom too, or do they have to hold it until they get home?

    Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | March 24, 2025 at 2:43 am

    a 2023 amendment to the law added elementary schools too, including in at least one boys’ bathroom per campus.
    […] the district installed the elementary school machines in one boys’ bathroom on each campus over the last several months and is now in full compliance with the law.

    So they did the bare minimum the law requires. Sounds like they don’t support this law, but have no choice but to comply with it.

destroycommunism | March 24, 2025 at 11:52 am

I guess they are just inviting girls in

if only it were that easy

you allow the tax money to flow to the left
this is what you get

education doesnt mean it must be publicly funded

we have once again been lefted into their way

    tbonesays in reply to destroycommunism. | March 24, 2025 at 2:55 pm

    🙂↕️@destroycommunism. These articles never say if the tampons are for female vagina havers that want go into the boys room. The school probably doesn’t want to talk about it.

      Milhouse in reply to tbonesays. | March 25, 2025 at 9:37 am

      It doesn’t matter who they’re for. The law requires them to be provided in at least one boys’ restroom, so the district did that. It had no other choice. There’s no requirement for them to be in more than one, so the district didn’t provide them in any more.

rwingjr | March 25, 2025 at 11:13 pm

I hope they’re equitable and put condom machines in the 3rd-grade girls room.

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