Republicans in Minnesota Introduce Bill Classifying ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ as a Mental Illness

Republicans in Minnesota of all places are moving to classify ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ as a mental illness. I hope they’re not just joking about this because TDS absolutely is a real mental disorder, as anyone related to a sufferer can attest.

TDS has turned millions of seemingly average liberals into pro-war, pro-deep state, pro-Cheney family wingnuts who oppose anyone seen as insufficiently anti-Trump.

If the late psychiatrist and political analyst Charles Krauthammer, the man who coined the term ‘Bush Derangement Syndrome’ were still with us, I am certain he would approve.

Rusty Weiss writes at RedState:

Minnesota Republicans Introduce Bill Classifying ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ a Mental IllnessSenate Republicans in Minnesota are set to introduce a bill that classifies “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” commonly referred to as TDS, as a mental illness.For those not privy to the latest medical journals, TDS is a condition where otherwise normal humans turn into frothing, wild-eyed lunatics at the mere mention of a particular golden-haired president.Symptoms include spontaneous outbursts of “Orange Man Bad!”, an uncontrollable urge to blame him for everything (including, but not limited to, their burnt toast), and a knack for seeing Hitler in everything he says.The bill, already logged into the legislature website, will be formally introduced and read in the chamber on Monday. It has five Republican authors added to it.Normally, I despise these gimmick bills, but I’m giving this one a pass on account of it’s freaking funny.

Weiss cites the clinical description:

“Trump Derangement Syndrome” means the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons that is in reaction to the policies and presidencies of President Donald J. Trump. Symptoms may include Trump-induced general hysteria, which produces an inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology in President Donald J. Trump’s behavior.

The smartest thing the Democratic party could do right now is identify all of the people who suffer from the worst cases of TDS and promptly stop listening to them. The only way they’re going to form a realistic message and strategy, and possibly find a new leading voice, would be to let go of the most insane voices under their tent.

Of course, they won’t do this, they don’t even seem capable, and that is part of the reason why they will continue to wander in the political wilderness.

Tags: Minnesota, Republicans, Trump Derangement Syndrome