Report: Germany’s Spy Agency Knew Covid Came from Wuhan….in 2020
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Report: Germany’s Spy Agency Knew Covid Came from Wuhan….in 2020

Report: Germany’s Spy Agency Knew Covid Came from Wuhan….in 2020

The German foreign intelligence service came very close to actually seeing the smoking gun.

Earlier this year, I reported that our CIA had shifted its assessment regarding the origins of COVID-19. Now, it favors the lab leak theory as the most likely explanation for the pandemic’s start, reversing the position it has held since the first cases of COVID-19 in this country were reported.

I will simply note that a lab leak has always been the most reasonable and most likely origin of the novel coronavirus…as most Legal Insurrection readers have known since February 2020. We persevered in holding this position, despite attacks on this position being a ‘conspiracy theory’.

Now it turns out that the German foreign intelligence service, known as the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), also investigated the origins of covid in 2020. This project, code-named “Project Saaremaa,” concluded with a high probability (80-90%) that the virus was inadvertently released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China.

The BND based its assessment on evidence of the presence of gain-of-function research and multiple breaches of safety protocols at the WIV, all of which I have cited in many articles related to this subject.

Two German newspapers say they have uncovered details of an assessment carried out by spy agency BND in 2020 but never published.

The intelligence service had indications that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been carrying out experiments where viruses are modified to become more transmissible to humans for research, they say.

China repeated its denial saying the cause “should be determined by scientists” – and pointed to a World Health Organization investigation which found the lab-leak theory was “extremely unlikely”.

Arguably, the BND came very close to actually seeing the smoking gun.

German agents targeted Chinese government agencies and scientific institutions across the country, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology – the lab at the center of the lab-leak theory.

In Wuhan, the BND agents ‘struck gold,’ coming ‘as close to the origins of the pandemic… as possible in China,’ German media Die Zeit reported.

They found unpublished dissertations from 2019 and 2020 that allegedly discussed the effects of coronaviruses on the human body.

Additionally, uncovered materials revealed Chinese scientists had ‘an unusually large amount of knowledge about the supposedly novel virus available at an unusually early stage.’

These findings, available in 2020 after having been commissioned by then-Chancellor Angela Merkel, were never published.

The spy agency assessment’s was based on an unspecified intelligence operation code-named “Saaremaa” as well as on publicly-available data.
It had been commissioned by the office of Germany’s chancellor at the time, Angela Merkel, but never published, the report said.
BND declined to comment. When asked about the report in a press conference, outgoing chancellor Olaf Scholz also declined to comment on Wednesday.

The papers reported that the assessment was, however, shared with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in the autumn of 2024.

If I could have figured all of this out with Google and a basic knowledge of biochemistry from my locked-down home in San Diego, then why was it such a struggle to publish the analysis back then?

Hot Air’s David Strom explains:

What do you want to bet that the CIA knew this too, and that the Germans, the CIA, MI6, and all the big intelligence agencies assessed this to be the likeliest explanation around the same time but decided to hide the fact for…reasons?

Hmm. I wonder what those reasons could be…

Surely it had nothing to do with the fact that the United States FUNDED THE RESEARCH THAT CREATED THE VIRUS and that all these governments have deep ties to the US intelligence “community,” which was busily covering up the true origins of the pandemic.

Not to mention that all these governments were using the crisis to implement sweeping changes to their societies, impose draconian restrictions on citizens, and bully any dissenters who just happened to be less inclined to submit to government fiat.

If the information of gain-of-function research were able to be reviewed and debated in 2020, then perhaps such activities would have ended then…and we would not be culling millions of valuable farm animals who are now suffering from another franken-virus that was created in 2021.

It is karma that the collusion between Big Government, Big Media, and Big Pharma that silenced those of us who challenged the narrative has led to covid policy opponents now heading key health agencies and the most important outlet in social media.


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Joe-dallas | March 18, 2025 at 9:04 am


Joe-dallas | March 18, 2025 at 9:07 am

The last week of March 2020 – NPR ran a daily expose running about 1 hour every day that week discussing the impossibility of the covid virus escaping via a lab leak. With heavy emphasis on the impossibility.

Quite a few leftists still believe it.

Halcyon Daze | March 18, 2025 at 9:12 am

To be fair, most sentient beings understood this. Especially the ones that worked so hard to pretend it wasn’t so.

It is not possible to hate our pig infested bloated corrupt government enough. I don’t say this in anarchist tone. I say this in a tone that what we’ve witnessed is Soviet. The starvation deaths and bullets to the head were right down the road. Censorship and control were just the precursors. If you don’t believe that, you have learned nothing.


    CincyJan in reply to Andy. | March 18, 2025 at 11:16 am

    Not sure about the bullets to the head, but it is shocking how easily liberals (women especially) were inured to the big lie. They just followed along, docile little lambs to slaughter.. Suburban liberals I know put up yard signs, Be Kind. And I swear, they admired a government that was “kind.” Those poor illegals just want a better life. They ignored the cartels that controlled access from Mexico or the infiltration of the cartels into the US via the illegals. Our cowardly FBI found it much safer to confront American citizens who protested in DC on J6 than to mess with the cartels. The open border did tremendous damage to our country. But it was “kind.” Americans are no longer the hardened realists who won WWII. Today’s Americans lost to the Taliban! A seasonal, third world army!!!

      Andy in reply to CincyJan. | March 18, 2025 at 1:29 pm

      Re bullets to the head…Well first they have to dis-arm us…

      J6 protestors – if that doesn’t look Soviet, you need to read up on history.

      The “I’m not sure” part and “I’ve done nothing wrong” frame of mind is EXACTLY what they need. Read or listen to Gulag Archipelago. It is the local tin pot dictators who have the most power and I think the governors and state agencies were closest to this power.

      Ferguson is well on his way in Wa to criminalizing speech and political opposition. He’s proposing jail time for any signature gatherers they choose to go after. He’s gone after Tim Eyman in this very vindictive manner.

scooterjay | March 18, 2025 at 9:25 am

I’d much rather be incinerated in a microsecond than to struggle for breath prior to expiring.

Well, honestly, so did most of us.

Yeah, we all knew that. I mean they told us it came from a bat in a cave. Well how does it get from a cave at the other end of the country or, indeed, from another country entirely, to a meat market in Wuhan?

Here’s a quote from a 4 June 2020 article:

Most people in China do not eat bats, but the myth exploded on Fox News and other media outlets. It didn’t help that a Chinese influencer had traveled to Palau, Micronesia, in 2016 to eat exotic food and posted a video of herself eating a fruit bat. For days, Li was forced to repeatedly explain that the virus did not jump to humans because people consumed virus-infected bats—that in fact bats were not known to have been sold in the wildlife market tied to many of the earliest cases.

So.., then it comes out that there’s a Research Lab very close by…. hmmmm.

It was obvious then: some lab worker or cleaner wanted to grab a quick lunch, and was too rushed to go through the ‘mandatory’ scrub down and clothing change just for lunch. When nothing happened the first time, it became routine. Eventually…

    Paula in reply to Hodge. | March 18, 2025 at 10:47 am

    “It was obvious then: some lab worker or cleaner wanted to grab a quick lunch…”

    Not so obvious, but entirely possible: It was not an accident.

      GWB in reply to Paula. | March 18, 2025 at 11:07 am

      I do think it was likely an “accident” originating from a worker(s) there. I just can’t see how the Chinese handled it the way they did if it was deliberate. They seemed to be freaking out.

      So, I tend to agree with the deliberate creation, the willful lack of proper protocols, and that leading to a negligent release theory. “Honey, your mother is coming over for dinner tonight, again. You need to pick up another pangolin on the way home.” And it starts to spread.

      Then the deliberate stuff happened – monkeying with getting Chinese out of China, not letting anyone back in, shutdowns, etc.

      DaveGinOly in reply to Paula. | March 18, 2025 at 11:44 am

      I am not a mad scientist, but if I were to develop a deadly virus and wanted to turn it loose on the world, I would not set it loose at my own doorstep. I would have released it at a major transportation hub, probably one not even in my home country.

      This does not take a lot of thought. I simply can’t believe that a Chinese official said, “Yes, let’s turn loose this virus in the city where the development lab (the WIV) resides. That will fool everyone about the source of the virus.”

      The only possible reason for doing this would be to enable Chinese authorities to claim it was an accidental release. But Chinese authorities continue to deny that the virus was even developed at the WIV. If you’re going to launch an attack and want it to look like an accident, you’d probably ‘fess up to an accident. It would be part of the plan. This was no plan. Asians must save face at all costs. China is incapable of acknowledging it made a mistake. They wouldn’t make a plan that would remotely look like they goofed up anything.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Hodge. | March 18, 2025 at 11:33 am

    I’ve thought from the start that it’s no coincidence that the WIV is in a city with a wet market. The WIV was purposefully situation in Wuhan so that if a virus escaped, the wet market would provide plausible deniability. And it did, for a while. The Chinese’ misfortune was that the escaped virus was so obviously engineered.

Peter Moss | March 18, 2025 at 10:55 am

BREAKING NEWS from the Pete Moss News Service (insert teletype sound effect here):

The COVID pandemic was a manufactured crisis (a la Rahm Emmanuel, brother of Dr. Ezekiel, he of limiting population growth fame) that turned an escaped GOF virus (thank you, Dr. Fauci. *spit*) into an opportunistic political weapon to oust Trump from the White House.

It succeeded in the short term (Biden slept in the White House sometimes for 4 years) but failed catastrophically in the long term (DOGE).

This is why I support what Trump is doing 100% and wish he’d go much further.

destroycommunism | March 18, 2025 at 11:04 am

like the fact that the plohammasblm hate the opposition more than they love their own

its the same in this case

the tds is soooo connected to the 9 11 celebrations of the omar and dnc that there is no cure for them

they hate america more than they love freedom


DaveGinOly | March 18, 2025 at 11:28 am

“It is karma that the collusion between Big Government, Big Media, and Big Pharma that silenced those of us who challenged the narrative has led to covid policy opponents now heading key health agencies and the most important outlet in social media.”

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac was a scientist, but he could have been writing about politics.

ztakddot | March 18, 2025 at 11:33 am


Merkel strikes again

This should be considered a crime against humanity.

Ban gain of function research. I see no reason for it. This won’t stop all scientists but it will stop most.

    GWB in reply to ztakddot. | March 18, 2025 at 12:16 pm

    There are reasons for it. The question is, are they adequate reasons.

    Aside from bioweapons, it could lead to vaccines and treatments for things that aren’t yet a threat. (This only applies if there is some reason to believe that virus would eventually jump to humans, anyway. Or that someone would engineer a bioweapon with it.)

    Then there is the pure research aspect: “What happens if I do this?”

    The question on both is, “Is the reason important enough to justify the inevitable risk?”
    And a great many people think the answer to that is very reasonably “He** NO!”

      ztakddot in reply to GWB. | March 18, 2025 at 1:44 pm

      The operative word is could. Has it?

      So I’m going acclimate a lethal virus to humans in case anyone ever acclimates it to humans for use as a bio weapon. Right…

      If I were ever going to adapt a virus in this manner I would first cripple so it couldn’t survive outside the lab.

      Btw for what it’s worth i studied virology but never complete by doctorate so I’m not completely ignorant (just half ignorant)

destroycommunism | March 18, 2025 at 11:39 am

germany along with others led the way in banning free speech etc

“for our own good” of course

while they opened their borders and made iran the ussr and china stronger while giving the usa the middle finger

Elizabeth Stauffer | March 18, 2025 at 3:03 pm

Dolce Far Niente | March 18, 2025 at 6:50 pm

I have always leaned toward the inadvertent release of the covid virus because it was just not very darn effective as a bioweapon.

Mortality among healthy individuals was extremely low, and even among the frail elderly was only somewhat more lethal than the flu.

It took ridiculous treatment protocols and banning the only effective pharmaceuticals to get the mortality rate as high as it was, and outright dishonesty (prompted by lush cash payments) to classify unrelated deaths as covid deaths.

There are 3 distinct parts to the fake pandemic; first, the virus itself. Undoubtedly engineered and fairly transmissible but just not that awful.

Second, the response to the pandemic. The utterly wrong-headed “official” treatment protocols and the demonization of the effectiveness of ivermection and hydroxychloroquine. Its perfectly clear that Big Pharma needed the medical establishment to pretend that no treatment existed in order to get the EUA for their untested vaccines.

By bribing hospitals to record unrelated deaths as covid deaths, the mortality stats were grossly inflated. The media obliged with made up scare stories about people in China dropping dead on the street, mass graves in New York state and refrigerated trucks waiting for the bodies outside overrun hospitals in order to gin up panic among uniformed citizens.

This in turn led to the promulgation of new and whacky authoritarian regulations like compulsory masking, one way aisles in grocery stores and arresting people for being on the beach, not to mention the later vaxx mandates.

The vaccines themselves are the 3rd component; badly conceived, untested and highly profitable. The propaganda around the vaccines was so effective that a majority of US citizens thought it reasonable to forcibly inject people or else to punish and banish those who wouldn’t acquiesce.

None of this bodes well for the future.

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