How anyone could say this after the atrocities of the October 7th attacks is just mind-boggling.
The College Fix reports:
‘Racist’ to call Hamas a ‘terrorist’ group: Journalism professorIt is “racist” to call Hamas a “terrorist” group, according to City University of New York Professor Peter Beinart.He “teaches national reporting and opinion writing at the Newmark J-School and political science at the CUNY Graduate Center,” according to his faculty bio. Beinart, a CNN commentator, debated Jeffrey Lax, a pro-Israel professor who is active fighting against antisemitism within the city university system.Lax and Beinart (pictured) debated the controversial Hunter College “Palestinian Studies” job opening that explicitly looked for an activist. Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul ordered the posting taken down and it is currently being revised, as The College Fix recently reported.During the debate, posted yesterday on X, Lax asked Beinart if the two could agree that Hamas is a terrorist group.Beinart criticized Hamas for committing war crimes, but said he did not want to use the term “terrorist” because it is only applied to “Palestinians,” when it should also be applied to America and Israel. Furthermore, the term is “racist,” Beinart said.“I think that Hamas committed war crimes,” the professor said. “I think Hamas’ history of targeting civilians is immoral and a violation of international law, and I oppose it with all of my being.”“The reason that I don’t like the word terrorist is it only gets applied to what Palestinians do, and I’ve seen so many Palestinians who’ve experienced terror, right,” he said.