Jew Hating Influencers on the Right Do Not Help the GOP
“Carroll contends Israel was responsible for 9/11.”

Ian Carroll, who recently appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast, is given as an example here.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The rise of Jew-hating right-wing ‘influencers’ threatens the GOP
If you have little talent and few prospects, the quickest way to turn things around these days is to go on social media and accuse the Jews of starting the Vietnam War or blame them for replacing beef tallow with seed oil. Call yourself a “historian” or “researcher,” and wait. You’ll be a guest on Tucker Carlson’s podcast in no time.
Indeed, in the past couple of weeks, two of the most unhinged antisemitic “influencers” have been guests on two of the most popular podcasts in the country.
Joe Rogan has 14.5 million followers on Spotify. About 11 million people reportedly download each episode. To put that into context, Fox News, which dominates cable news, averaged about 2.38 million viewers during prime time in 2024. Rogan, as we witnessed during the 2024 presidential race, is now a media power broker.
How does he normalize antisemites? On March 1, Rogan’s guest was the legendary comic actor Bill Murray. On March 4, he interviewed guitarist and lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins Billy Corgan. Then, on March 5, he slipped in “independent researcher” Ian Carroll, an unhinged antisemitic activist, who went from obscurity to over 1 million followers on X in a short time.
As bigoted cranks go, Carroll is extraordinarily boring. This isn’t Gore Vidal we’re dealing with. Carroll contends Israel was responsible for 9/11. He’s “researching” whether sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was working for Israeli intelligence to blackmail the entire U.S. government. He’s in on the Pizzagate conspiracy, which is too stupid to merit an explanation. In the days before social media Idiocracy, Carroll would be handing out xeroxed flowcharts of Jewish power for Lyndon Larouche at the regional airport.
Rogan gravitates toward unconventional topics and hosts offbeat guests who are passionate about esoteric beliefs, some of them conspiracy theorists. And a free society should make room for people who push back against conventional wisdom. The problem is that no matter what bizarrely insane things his guests propose, Rogan is going to give them a hearing without real pushback — basically personifying Carl Sagan’s warning that you shouldn’t keep your mind so open that your brains fall out. And that’s fine, I guess, unless the person you’re interviewing is a wanna-be Julius Streicher.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Well, nut cases on your side never help you.
But it’s still best to simply state “They don’t speak for us” and leave it at that. Any attempt to do more will be eaten up by your enemies and turn the goober into a much more visible person via the Streisand Effect.
Or just note they sound like a Democrat/Leftist rather than a rational Republican/Right minded sort
My personal favorite antisemitic conspiracy theory is that I’m an invading, shape changing alien lizard from outer space on a mission to destroy the planet— by creating humanity.
Never heard that one before.
There is some kind of unofficial law of nature, or coincidence, that after you hear of something, then you’ll start to see it everywhere.
Make sure to bring that one up at next month‘s elders meeting. Remember, that’s is my month to bring the bagels; you bring the shmear.
It’s a shmear campaign.
Save the lox; nova difference.
“alien lizard”
Do you people even hear yourselves? Totally earth-centric (“lizard”) even though you say “aliens.” SMH
(Yes, that’s being sarcastically silly. In case the humor-impaired drop by,)
Free speech includes everyone. It is assumed, given the fact the population votes for government representatives, that the population has common sense. Not sure that’s true, but if it isn’t, what are we going to do???
Now you know why the founders disliked democracy.
I like the fact that Rogan let’s everyone talk and you get to decide instead of telling you what to think like the legacy media.
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