Florida Republican Lawmaker Introducing Bill to Allow Campus Carry
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Florida Republican Lawmaker Introducing Bill to Allow Campus Carry

Florida Republican Lawmaker Introducing Bill to Allow Campus Carry

“There is no magic force field that keeps criminals from carrying a gun onto campus; this bill will ensure that students have the same rights on campus as they do off”

The College Democrats of Florida are using the memory of the Parkland shooting to oppose this.

The College Fix reports:

Florida lawmaker wants to allow concealed carry on campus, citing recent violent protests

A Florida bill being considered this week in the state Senate would allow college students to carry guns on campus, something the lead sponsor said is important after the violent anti-Israel protests across the country.

State Sen. Randy Fine, R-Melbourne, introduced the bill to “extend concealed carry rights to college and university campuses,” according to a news release.

“The Second Amendment does not take the semester off when you step on a college campus,” he stated in a recent X post.

“Adults should have the right to protect themselves on campus, particularly after so many universities across America chose to protect Muslim terror advocates over their own students,” the Republican lawmaker stated, referring to the sometimes violent anti-Israel protests that have taken place on college campuses over the past two years.

“There is no magic force field that keeps criminals from carrying a gun onto campus; this bill will ensure that students have the same rights on campus as they do off,” he said. Fine’s office said he was not available for comment when contacted by The Fix.

If passed, Senate Bill 814 would allow adults to “carry a firearm on the property of any college or university, including, but not limited to, any dormitory or residence hall owned or operated by a college or university, and in any other location he or she is legally authorized to do so.”

Under the bill, higher education institutions could ask the state for permission to designate specific areas as “a sensitive location in which the possession of a concealed weapon or a concealed firearm is prohibited” during athletic events.

The Senate Criminal Justice Committee is scheduled to consider the bill Tuesday, according to the Florida Senate website.

However, the legislation is facing criticism from some college Democrats.

Contacted about the bill via social media, the University of Florida College Democrats told The Fix the club is “strongly against the bill.”

“[We] feel it is an insult to the memory of the victims of the Parkland shooting to actively make schools more unsafe for students when it comes to guns,” the UF College Democrats stated.


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destroycommunism | March 25, 2025 at 10:59 am

dont the dems want women to protect themselves from wht males!!??

thatssss the angle to take

henrybowman | March 25, 2025 at 11:03 am

“The Second Amendment does not take the semester off when you step on a college campus”
Amen. There is no logic whatsoever under which a school for adults is a natural candidate for becoming a suppressed-rights zone.
It’s not like a prison (at least it’s not supposed to be).
It’s not even like a courthouse.
Or an airport. Hell, when I was young, even AIRPORTS weren’t like airports.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to henrybowman. | March 26, 2025 at 5:05 pm

    I’m of an age where I remember buying my ticket, checking my bag, walking out to the hardstanding or to the boarding tunnel, stepping aboard, sitting down, and going for an airplane ride.

    Heck! I even remember some city pairs where you paid the fare ON the plane if you wanted to do so.

henrybowman | March 25, 2025 at 11:07 am

“[We] feel it is an insult to the memory of the victims of the Parkland shooting to actively make schools more unsafe for students when it comes to guns,” the UF College Democrats stated.”


They mindlessly throw out “trump cards” without even checking which card game is in progress.

Thanks to the current rules, the criminal was the ONLY armed person at Parkland. The righteous defenders of their children were reduced to shielding them with their own bodies, and died because of it, along with the children behind them..

*Redundant, since they have already identified themselves as Democrats.

    GWB in reply to henrybowman. | March 26, 2025 at 8:10 am

    Technically, there was one other person at Parkland who was armed that day.
    That was the SRO, and he didn’t go inside once the shooting started.

    “When seconds count, the police are minutes away standing outside, waiting for more guns to show up.”

      GWB in reply to GWB. | March 26, 2025 at 8:14 am

      BTW, this is one of the main points of an armed militia. Because you can’t count on that guy that you “pay part time to do what a citizen should be capable of full time” (Robert Peele) and the responsible citizenry should be handling their community affairs themselves when that happens. A posse turns up (which is just a militia by another name) and takes care of matters.

      But the State Uber Alles people don’t want you responsible. Because somewhere along the way they might resent what those folks want to do and take matters into their own hands.

        The Gentle Grizzly in reply to GWB. | March 26, 2025 at 5:08 pm

        If we returned to that old system, there’d be far fewer cho-mos getting away with what they do. Same for people stealing from a work truck in middle of the night. Call your armed neighbors and the results end up being the workman still has the truck and the tools.

      henrybowman in reply to GWB. | March 26, 2025 at 1:18 pm

      You’re right. He was such a useless piece of shit that I had completely repressed his existence.

The whole idea of “sensitive places” is idiotic. It 1) presumes that making it illegal means no one will do it, and 2) slanders law-abiding citizens that they are the problem. “But, but, the children…!” is the cry of someone who doesn’t understand the basic laws of the universe. It’s magical thinking.

As a citizen, I should be able to carry – openly or concealed – in ANY public space. PERIOD. That’s what “bearing arms” means.

hrhdhd | March 26, 2025 at 6:18 pm

This bill, or something similar, is introduced every year and every year it fails. It failed again this year.

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