Faculty Members at Columbia Pushing Student Protesters to Continue as School Tries to Comply With Trump
“activists used the opportunity to speak about numerous grievances with the school”

If these people persist, they are going to cost Columbia hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding.
FOX News reports:
Columbia faculty hold ’emergency vigil,’ urge students to wear mask, skip class to protest Trump
A group of people continued marching and circling around the main gate of Columbia University on Monday afternoon, banging loud drums and chanting, “Long live the intifada.”
Their actions come shortly after Columbia University professors held what they called an “emergency vigil” in response to the college’s agreement to implement a host of policy changes, including overhauling its rules for protests and conducting an immediate review of its Middle Eastern studies department following demands from the Trump administration.
The group gathered outside the university’s gates on 116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, holding signs that read “defend democracy,” “defend teaching” and “Columbia, fight back.”
Though the arrest of prominent anti-Israel activist and legal permanent resident Mahmoud Khalil by federal immigration officials was mentioned, activists used the opportunity to speak about numerous grievances with the school.

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the anti western/freedom crowd is asking for bigger trouble then they can handle should that ever happen
They won’t stop these idiots until they actually kill someone, so their supposedly “freedom fighting” dreams become a reality. Whether it s a security guard, fellow student, custodian, whoever, everyone is a legitimate target to these self righteous entitled babies. I hope the Trump administration sees this and cuts more funding, as money is all this horrid school cares about it.
Pay for Trump tax cuts by taxing the rich (school’s endowments). They are not paying their fair share.
The problem is, was, and always will be the paid staff. Students come and go but the staff mostly remains.
Get rid of them. Find some reason.
Actually you don’t have to find a reason. They are acting against the best interest of their employer. That’s reason enough to fire them.
I think you’re right that replacing the facility is the key. University administrators have become such cowards since deciding to pursue tuitions guaranteed by the federal government. They had a good thing going – a constant stream of money to increase salaries and benefits. And they cut the faculty in on it, too. Must be something of a shock to realize the faculty is not supporting the administration’s efforts to save those federal dollars in jeopardy. Do you imagine the faculty realizes it’s their raises and benefits being threatened? How expensive is it to live in NYC? But back to your insight – replace the faculty.
Admins are cowards because they have a good thing going. Big big salary. Lots of perks including housing. Wined and dined. Hob knob with the wealthy, Most don’t want to risk it so they try and walk a fine line to not offend anyone.
A number of them screwed up and ended up offending almost everyone. What they should do is cut their losses and sacrifice the students and faculty who don’t pay them,
That is assuming they don’t do the right thing just because it is the right thing.
Remove federal (taxpayer) funding from all institutions of “higher learning”. Make ’em survive on whatever tuitions, endowments, etc. Just not taxpayer funds. I stress the need to defund ALL of them. NO exceptions.
The faculty would leave most of the campuses when the raises and benefits dry up.
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