EPA to Close Environmental Justice Offices, Complying With EO Eliminating DEI
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EPA to Close Environmental Justice Offices, Complying With EO Eliminating DEI

EPA to Close Environmental Justice Offices, Complying With EO Eliminating DEI

EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin: “Our goal at EPA is going to be to remediate these environmental issues directly. We’re not going to discriminate.”

Clearly, President Donald Trump learned a few lessons during his first term.

Trump 2.0 has unleashed hell, and his administration is targeting for destruction anything that is or resembles a redoubt for liberal activism in the federal government.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), its eco-activists, and the agency’s climate cultists are now in the crosshairs. This week, the newly refocused agency announced plans to close all its environmental justice offices, including 10 regional offices and the central office in Washington, D.C.

The Trump administration intends to eliminate Environmental Protection Agency offices responsible for addressing the disproportionately high levels of pollution facing poor communities, according to a memo from Lee Zeldin, the agency administrator.

In the internal memo, viewed by The New York Times, Mr. Zeldin informed agency leaders that he was directing “the reorganization and elimination” of the offices of environmental justice at all 10 E.P.A. regional offices as well as the one in Washington.

These “environmental justice” offices were established initially under President Bill Clinton in 1994. Approximately 170 employees are impacted.

EPA will shutter the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights, the Environmental Justice Division within all EPA regional offices and the Office of Inclusive Excellence within the Office of Mission Support.

Zeldin said those actions would bring EPA into compliance with President Trump’s executive order to eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion—and environmental justice—efforts across government.

That order tasked agencies with initiating [reduction in force] RIFs for employees working in those positions. EPA previously said it was placing 171 employees in those offices on administrative leave.

“With this action, EPA is delivering organizational improvements to the personnel structure that will directly benefit the American people and better advance the agency’s core mission of protecting human health and the environment,” Zeldin said in his Tuesday memo.

The mainstream media is undermining this move, by asserting that Zeldin’s move effectively ends all sorts of “good work” protecting poor communities.

It actually stops racial discrimination in implementing pollution prevention measures. The closures will also mean staffing, materials, and funding will be directed at what is supposed to be the EPA’s primary emission: protecting the environment from air, water, and land pollution.

Zeldin notes that there is a mandate for this move.

“President Trump was elected with a mandate from the American people,” Zeldin said in a statement provided to CBS News. “Part of this mandate includes the elimination of forced discrimination programs.”

“Our goal at EPA is going to be to remediate these environmental issues directly,” Zeldin told CBS News at a press availability. “We’re not going to discriminate. We’re not going to make people give us 1000 questions about their their background in order to qualify for support, we want everyone to qualify for support.”

And while the press might be unhappy, many of us who have followed the EPA’s antics over the years are giddy with joy.

DEI has polluted the fair and effective governance of this nation for the best interest of the American people. I hope the government remediation project continues at this swift and effective pace.


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Concise | March 14, 2025 at 9:11 am

It would seem that some living in and around the Amazon Rainforest area being deforested for the climate grifters are in need of a little justice. But justice isn’t what these grifters do.

Hmmm one would presume that – given a limited budget and limited resources- the EPA would naturally focus its attention on the most dangerous sources of pollution. If (and I am willing to stipulate for the sake of the argument) poor populations have higher exposure to dangerous pollutants it would seem to me that no special programs should be necessary: that’s where the EPA should be focusing their clean-up efforts anyhow.

Whitewall | March 14, 2025 at 9:53 am

If only there was some way to reign in the Federal Judiciary at the same time.

    Concise in reply to Whitewall. | March 14, 2025 at 10:51 am

    There is actually a simple way for the Chief Executive to reign in an out of control federal bench grossly exceeding the bounds of its constitutional authority. The Executive should refuse to comply, respectfully of course. Maybe drastic but these nutcase judges brought this on themselves. They started down the unconstitutional path, they get to enjoy the consequences of the collapse of their “authority.”

We’ve been funding this same nonsense. And now we aren’t.

Ursula von der Leyen
€4.4 billion from the Global Gateway package will go to projects supporting a clean and just energy transition in South Africa.

It’s a significant first pledge in the context of the Scaling up Renewables in Africa campaign.

I hope it will inspire many others to contribute


Dolce Far Niente | March 14, 2025 at 11:22 am

I think its debatable whether “poor” people (I think we’re supposed to read this as black people) are exposed to more pollution than the more well-to-do, but its inevitable that the grifters want to cement their grift under the moral trappings of helping defeat racism.

Although I suppose its true that toxic waste dumps are more likely to be found in rural Alabama than the Hamptons.

destroycommunism | March 14, 2025 at 11:53 am

dei is affrimativeaction renamed

the left is in control of our economy

social security etc is all a left wing “banking” agenda to keep americans on their knees to the government

get rid of it at the federal level and turn it over to the locals

if the vote to have their local government in charge
so be it

destroycommunism | March 14, 2025 at 11:55 am

social justice of course means transferring white peoples money to all others …as we all know

Real American | March 14, 2025 at 12:26 pm

the great thing about Trump 2.0 is that he is not just dealing with the symptoms of leftist groups that use our government as a money laundering operation, but he is actually eliminating so much of the funding that these groups and constituencies rely upon to destroy and bankrupt our country.

It’s nice to see a Republican play the long game for once.

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