Conservative Student at Davidson College Facing Investigation Over Pro-Israel Pamphlets
“Huang said she was not forcing students to read the pamphlet but simply displayed it across campus, leaving students the option to pick it up or not.”

This student also committed the sin of questioning transgenderism. That’s a major no-no in higher ed.
The College Fix reports:
Conservative student under investigation for pro-Israel pamphlets, questioning transgenderism
Davidson College officials are weighing disciplinary measures against a conservative student for distributing a pamphlet supporting Israel and posting about the gender controversy of an Olympic boxer.
The president of Davidson College’s chapter of Young Americans for Freedom — who has received death threats from peers for criticizing abortion — was recently told she likely violated the school’s Code of Responsibility for distributing pro-Israel materials on campus, sparking a debate on First Amendment rights.
President Cynthia Huang received a letter Feb. 28 from the Director of Rights & Responsibilities suggesting the conservative student group she leads harassed peers.
It cites their distribution of a pamphlet last fall titled “Five Myths About Israel Perpetrated by the Pro-Hamas Left.” It states Palestinians are not a distinct people and there has never been a Palestinian state.
Additionally, the college’s letter refers to a YAF Instagram post about Olympic boxer Imane Khelif, whose gender was controversial during the 2024 Olympics.
“The idea of harassment I did not understand,” Huang said in an interview with The College Fix.
“It’s really free speech at the end of the day. Just because you disagree with something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be expressed. Developing critical thinking skills requires seeing different viewpoints across the political spectrum.”
Huang said she was not forcing students to read the pamphlet but simply displayed it across campus, leaving students the option to pick it up or not.
Davidson College did not respond to a request from The College Fix for comment.
Mak Tompkins, Davidson’s director of student rights and responsibilities, wrote in the disciplinary letter that the accusations were examples of misconduct because they allegedly include “misinformation” and could foster Islamophobia and transphobia.
Tompkins, whose online bio states she uses “she/they” pronouns, wrote that some students felt “threatened and unsafe on campus” because of the materials.

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“Tompkins, whose online bio states she uses ‘she/they’ pronouns, wrote that some students felt ‘threatened and unsafe on campus’ because of the materials.”
As with all such “arguments”, turn it around.
If it doesn’t work in the other direction, it’s viewpoint discrimination.
If it does, then the original complainers should be subject to the same sanctions.
Lawsuit. Words aren’t violence especially when no threats are involved.
As for not feeling safe that is an argument used both to shame and shutdown conversation. Anyone uttering it who is not physically threatened should be involuntarily committed for observation and evaluation.
Hamas is identical to Nazis in every significant respect. I am positive that students who publicly embrace the Nazi party wouldn’t be tolerated at the school so why do they tolerate supporters of Hamas?
Hell—Davidson’s administration is identical to nazis.
“examples of misconduct because they allegedly include “misinformation”
Talk is cheap.
PROVE it, b*h.
Note that this is a private college, and so not bound by the first amendment. That’s the only reason there’s even anything to discuss. At a government college there would be nothing to talk about; the college can’t abridge the freedom of speech, end of story.
Au contraire: they take federal funding, so they, in fact, are bound by it. The only two colleges in the US that I know of that explicitly do not accept federal funding are Hillsdale and Grove City colleges. ~They~ can do whatever they jolly well please. Both are strict adherents to the Bill of Rights.
Clearly Davidson’s director of student rights and responsibilities is supportive of misinformation and discrimination, but only so long as it’s Leftist approved. The fact that the one writing a disciplinary letter uses “she/they” pronouns is proof that sheit is transfascistreality denying. For reality adhering students that’s threatening and cause to feel unsafe. Misconduct is not in being -phobic, being -phobic is fine. The ‘crime’ is wrongthink. Hatred of Conservatives and Non-Left thinkers is obviously fine.
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