Chris Matthews Blames Dismal Democrat Poll Numbers on Lack of Fact Checks on Trump, Musk
“Remember in 1992? Remember how Bill Clinton won that election because he had a war room? He and George Stephanopoulos were down there in Little Rock, and they were checking every fact.”

Chris Matthews made an appearance on MSNBC this weekend and blamed the absolutely awful recent poll numbers for Democrats on a lack of fact checking. It’s an absurd claim, but you have to give Matthews some points for effort, I suppose.
What Matthews is really admitting here is that the liberal media no longer holds the influence they did just a few years ago.
Meghan Blonder writes at the Washington Free Beacon:
WATCH: Chris Matthews Says Dems Have 29 Percent Favorability Because ‘Nobody Checks the Facts Anymore’
MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews said Monday that the Democratic Party faces record-low favorability “because nobody checks the facts anymore.”
“What do you make of these numbers for the Democrats?” Morning Joe cohost Mika Brzezinski asked Matthews, pointing to a March 16 CNN poll that found Democrats have a 29 percent favorability rating—a record low.
“Well, you could have seen them the night that Trump addressed the Congress. And you watch the Democratic Party, they seemed like they weren’t there. They were sort of vacant. They weren’t saying anything with their manner. They never questioned the facts,” Matthews said Monday. “You have to have a fact checker.”
“There needs to be a war room,” Matthews continued. “Remember in 1992? Remember how Bill Clinton won that election because he had a war room? He and George Stephanopoulos were down there in Little Rock, and they were checking every fact.”
“Nobody checks the facts anymore,” he added. “And the lies are getting through to the American people.”
Here’s the clip:
During the same appearance, Matthews lamented the fact that the Gutfeld! show makes fun of Democrats, which I find endlessly hilarious.
You keep Gutfeld’s name out of your mouth- we will continue to laugh at you! @greggutfeld
— Karli Bonne’
(@KarluskaP) March 17, 2025
Greg Gutfeld offered this response on Twitter/X:
the dems now come out against laughter!
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) March 17, 2025
All of the other late night hosts have been making a living off of mocking Trump and Republicans for years, but now Chris Matthews is concerned?
Cry me a river.
Featured image via YouTube.

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The media still goes through the motion of checking the facts, but it’s so blatantly obvious that what Trump is saying is true, the media’s lies just don’t work the way they used to.
Here, I’ll give you a fact:
Chris Matthews is a washed-up has-been whose opinion means absolutely nothing.
That’s really why Mr. Tingly Leg is upset.
“. . . that the Democratic Party faces record-low favorability “because nobody checks the facts anymore.'”
Chrissy isn’t much good at basic counting in addition to all his other faults.
He’s not much good at anything any more. The thrill is gone.
other way around . You just proved my point. Orange HArvey lies so easily and often normal intelligent people don’t need a fact checker – the lies are assumed. However- inside the booger pick cult, if Orange Harvey said 150 yr olds are receiving SS checks, they would just nod and say ‘ you tell em Messiah!!”
If Orange HArvey said – ” We inherited from the last administration an economic catastrophe.” the booerpics would hoot and holler.
When Orange Harvey said that in November he won “a mandate like has not been seen in many decades.” The clueless redhats clapped like seals
When Orange HArvey said The Biden administration “closed more than 100 power plants.” I could see the look on Paula’s face . ” WOW that’s horrible”
“…inside the booger pick cult…”
The post isn’t talking about Democrat supporters, dumbass.
Good news for you: A federal judge blocked President Trump’s executive order banning transgender morons from military service.
What do you think you’re accomplishing here, troll? Have you convinced one person of *anything*? I know when I read bits like “Orange Harvey” (what?) and “booger pick cult” I know I’m not reading something that’s honest in anything except hatred.
I honestly don’t get you trolls. You, JR, and the rest do nothing but solidify Trump’s support. Every comment you write hardens my heart just a little further against the Democrats, makes me support Trump just a little more. You trolls come in here, spit on the rug, and act like we’re supposed to take you seriously. It’s not happening.
I became increasing aware of media lies at least 20 years ago, started fact checking. Getting to the truth was difficult because most media promoted the same lies. Also that Dems were promoting whoppers.
The bottom line is that today traditional media is no longer credible, I do not pay attention to what they say.
Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic…and, in this case, the captain is someone who was already fired from the job for lack of faith/interest in his performance.
Chris has made it to the Paul Krugman, Dick Morris, Bill Kristol level of nonsense.
What was his BAC%?
Somewhere between petrol and jet fuel is the past is any indicator.
This is the right-wing blogger’s equivalent of a slow news day. Oh there’s news alright; the president of the United States is busy betraying Ukraine on a phone call with his boss. But hey – let’s post about how a guy fills time on his cable show that nobody watches.
How do you betray someone you owe nothing to?
There are rather large numbers of Dems who are owed something.
Early innings for this. We can wait for the final result in the weeks to come…if there is a result at all.
Maybe if you shout “Putin’s Puppet!” into a mirror all day long, the Steele Dossier might come true. Go try it out.
I agree that LI misses some great stories, as in right now most news outlets are talking about Roberts being afraid of the idea of impeaching judges that violate not only case law, but the Constitution as well!
To be fair, Roberts is an idiot. Anybody remember the Obamacare “tax?”
How can you expect LI to cover so much that is happening. Limited resources are the reality.
If there’s no peace deal and the war goes on, this fool will blame Trump. Not because he will really believe that (as he doesn’t believe Putin is Trump’s boss), but because his job is to bash Trump. His complaints don’t have to make sense or be consistent. Rule number 1 is “Trump can do nothing right.” Number 2 is “Criticize everything Trump does, even when the criticism is inconsistent with earlier criticisms.”
I, generally speaking, agree with and support Trump’s policy to eradicate DEI. I, generally speaking, agree with and support Trump’s policy to eliminate waste in the executive branch. But hey – keep swinging at your imaginary adversary. You can brag about it to your imaginary friend.
Oh, and you’re right about one thing. I do believe that Trump thinks of Putin as his boss.
Correction: Oh, and you’re *not* right about another thing: I do believe that Trump thinks of Putin as his boss.
The solution is to stop pussyfooting with with Arabs in Palestine and the rest of the Middle East. Raise the stakes by a factor of 100, Hammer them until they are actually begging for peace, and if that doesn’t work impose a final everlasting peace.
We haven’t betrayed Ukraine. We’ve supported their defense for years and hundreds of billions of dollars with little to show for it and no accountability. The United States isn’t a bottomless money vault, and we’re massively in debt.
This Democrat dogma that Trump is a Putin stooge doesn’t convince anyone outside of your party, and you already hate Trump. I’m long past the point where I take any of you trolls seriously. Make a real point or STFU.
Rahm’s or Soro’s employee is back.
“Just the facts, ma’am” Joe Friday on Dragnet.
He’s right. Democrats are at 29% because people don’t check facts. If they did, democrats would be at 0%.
You got any idea how many people graduating from high school are illiterate or how many never read after leaving high school? Billions and billions. A lot get their news from late night tv or tiktoc
Duh, I dunno.
Actually yes. That’s why we home school.
Those are the Facts of Life.
Oh hell that was to Paula above.
As prosecutions proceed, Dems will keep dropping.
He didn’t feel the joy of Kamala’s campaign and the tingle up his leg? That was someone pissing on him and blaming Jim Cantore for screwing up the forecast.
He’s still around?!?
We need to make Hot Pockets harder to open.
The only checking Matthews’ ilk do on facts is shoulder-checking them.
From a guy that would know a fact if it were in his mouth.
Chris Matthew’s – I didn’t know this guy was still alive!
Remember when they fact check that whopper that Covid came from a lab.
Or that Hunter’s la[top came from Russia.
Or that diversity is strength.
Or that nothing can be done about the border without new legislation.
Or that men can become women.
“I had an approval rating today of 71 and another one of 69,” Trump bragged at the Republican governors dinner in Washington on Thursday. “I have not heard of those numbers before.”
None of the pollsters tracked by either RealClearPolitics or 538 show him with anything close to that. And while his poll numbers were largely positive when he first took office last month, they’ve largely fallen since, with six of the last 10 on both websites showing him now underwater.
Gallup this week found him with a 45% approval rating, compared to 51% who disapprove. CNN has him at 47-52, The Washington Post/Ipsos at 45-53 and Reuters at 44-51.
Oh, you’ve convinced me. I won’t vote for Trump in 2028 based on a CNN poll! Oh wait… He’s your President until then and all the posts you make won’t do anything except make the rest of us laugh at you.
he’s even got his MAGAbimbo press secretary in on the lying act,..
“Tariffs are a tax cut for the American people,” LAFFRIOT
“CNN.” “Washington Post/Ipsos.” “Reuters.”
Guess you glossed over this…”None of the pollsters tracked by either RealClearPolitics or 538 show him with anything close to that”
I see Chrissy is still as biased and delusional as always.
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